Military Technology

Chapter 1065 The most lacking thing is time

"Military Technology ()"

Ever since the military expert inspection team arrived and saw Wu Hao's 'Tao' super photonic computer. These experts seem to be obsessed, staying in the park almost every day, either continuing to dig and test the performance of this supercomputer in the intelligent control management center, or going deep into the computer room to study the relevant equipment structure.

Or just recruit some expert technicians and hold related technical seminars, completely treating him as his own research institute.

And Wu Hao is not tired of being angry, but is very enthusiastic and thoughtful to do a good job in related services. Even he himself, as far as possible, accompanied these experts and professors to conduct relevant technical research and discussion.

Although it was only a few days, these experts and professors not only gave them good advice, but also solved many problems for them. More importantly, with their help, they are expected to make the current "Tao" super photon A ten to fifteen percent increase in the floating-point computing power of a computer can be described as very impressive.

However, time is limited, and it is impossible for these experts and professors to stay here all the time. They still have their own work and scientific research projects to be busy.

So on the last day of the military expert inspection team here, Wu Hao took time to see him off.

The relevant experts of the military expert inspection team are obviously still immersed in relevant research topics, and they obviously regret that they are about to leave soon.

Li Weiguo pulled Wu Hao who had rushed to the side and said excitedly at him: "I have to say, you gave us a big surprise this time. Experts believe that this 'Tao' The relevant technologies of the super photonic computer are real and reliable, the performance is original, and there is a very broad space for development.

After we go back this time, we will submit a relevant report to the headquarters, and strive to promote the follow-up research and development of this technology as soon as possible.

You can rest assured that your relevant interests will not be lost. Once the project starts, the relevant supporting funds will be in place as soon as possible, and your commercial interests will not be affected. "

"Hehe, I really don't doubt that." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Haha, Li Weiguo patted him on the shoulder and praised him: "That's right, I've improved my consciousness a lot."

"Your photon computing module, we will bring one back to the capital. On the one hand, it will be used for related research work, and on the other hand, it can be better displayed to the leaders of the headquarters.

Hearing is delusion, seeing is believing. Only by seeing it with your own eyes will it be more comprehensive and three-dimensional. "

Wu Hao nodded and said: "No problem, we have prepared a piece for the expert group, and it is all in the plan."

"That's good." Li Weiguo nodded with a smile, looked at the experts not far away, and then said: "Although the photonic chip research and development project has been approved, I think the progress is still a bit slow and must be accelerated.

We must grab this technological highland first before others. This has a very powerful role in promoting our country's national defense, economy, society, science and technology, and Mingsheng, and it can also enhance our country's international reputation and voice in the field of high-tech.

Therefore, you must increase investment in this area, and don't be afraid to spend money. As long as things can be produced, why not worry about having no money.

And now the country is vigorously supporting the semiconductor and high-tech industries, and your project is a key docking project of our military, so all kinds of support funds and policies will be given to you. Don’t be afraid, be bold to do it. "

Wu Hao nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "The first 120 million special support funds have already been put in place. In this regard, whether it is our military, related departments, or local governments, they have given us great support and convenience.

It's just that this kind of high-tech project research doesn't necessarily work with more investment. The main thing is time, and what we lack now is also time. "

"Yes, time. What we lack most now is time. If you give us a little more time to develop,

We will never be controlled by others everywhere like we are now. " Li Weiguo sighed.

As for Wu Hao, he shook his head: "It is precisely because they saw our huge development potential that they tried their best to prevent us from having time and space to continue to develop."

"Therefore, time does not wait for us, we should all work hard." Li Weiguo encouraged Wu Hao.

Wu Hao responded, and then showed firm eyes: "Don't worry, our growth has never stopped, and my belief and belief have never wavered."

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved." Li Weiguo looked at Wu Hao and nodded heavily, "Just tell us if you have any difficulties. The motherland and the military will always be your strong backing."

"Hehe, I really have a problem and I want to trouble you." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"It's because you're waiting for me. Say it and listen." Li Weiguo laughed.

Wu Hao heard the words and said: "It's actually nothing, it just involves some materials and technology. We are a little bit stuck for a while and need the help of the military industry system."

"Huh?" Li Weiguo looked at Wu Hao in surprise, then thought for a while and said, "Well, you can give me a copy of the detailed information later, and I will ask you for you, but I am not sure. You should know that there are some The key technologies and materials are very difficult to apply externally, which is very difficult."

"I understand, as long as you have your words." Wu Hao showed a satisfied smile.

After hearing this, Li Weiguo stopped him and said in a low voice: "I have heard about the situation. You are all in danger now. Technology is the second priority. You must pay attention to personal safety.

You remember, talent is the most important thing.

Especially you, you are far more important than technology. "

"Hehe, don't worry, I am still very afraid of death." Wu Hao said with a smile to himself.

"Hahaha, who is not afraid of death." Li Weiguo said with a smile: "The so-called ants steal their lives, let alone people, this is human nature.

But sometimes you have to make some choices. You are not a soldier, let alone a cadre leader, so you don’t need to worry about this. The most important thing is to preserve your strength and ensure your own safety. You understand what I said mean. "

"Understood, but what you said is too exaggerated, it's not as serious as you think." Wu Hao comforted with a smile, then looked around, this time he whispered to Li Weiguo: "In fact, this We have known about this matter for a long time, and the security department has also made relevant arrangements, so there will be no major mistakes.

As for us, we have also done relevant and thorough security work. In terms of personal safety, you can rest assured that we are still confident. "

"That's good, then I can feel more relieved." Li Weiguo felt relieved.

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