Military Technology

A Will Eternal Chapter 1085

"Military Technology ()"

More and more people rushed over and suppressed him, making him unable to struggle anymore, which made him feel extremely desperate. Perhaps the only thing that reassures him now is that the two police dogs that are still barking ferociously have been pulled away by the trainer, and the pain on the two wrists has lessened a little.

Open his mouth, he has poison in his mouth!

The person who spoke, or the person who pinched Chen Mingcheng's mouth with his hands was Xu Hui. At this moment, the tiger's mouth in his hand had been smashed by Chen Mingcheng's teeth, and the blood stained Chen Mingcheng's mouth and face everywhere, making him very embarrassed.

At this time, an old detective in his fifties, wearing a white coat and carrying a medicine box, came to the side. Looking at Chen Mingcheng who was still struggling, the old detective smiled and said, "Come on, do me a favor and open his mouth."

Seeing this, Xu Hui and another detective opened Chen Mingcheng's mouth together.

As for Chen Mingcheng, he wanted to bite hard, but he couldn't use any strength.

The old detective took a flashlight and began to shine a light on Chen Mingcheng's mouth: "Most people hide poison in the left molar or right molar. There is no problem with normal chewing, but if you use force, this artificial groove will The tooth will crumble and the poison inside will be released quickly.

People will die quickly within ten seconds without any rescue measures.

So where is the poison in your mouth, is it on the left or the right? "

The old detective looked at Chen Mingcheng, whose eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, and then continued, "Why bother, you'll be fine after a little while."

As he spoke, the old detective put the surgical forceps into his mouth, and then pressed hard.

Following Chen Mingcheng's hoarse grunt, a bloodshot molar was pulled out. The old detective took a closer look, then shook his head.

It seems that I guessed wrong, it should be the one next to it. Speaking of which, the old detective smiled and put the surgical forceps into his mouth again, and began to search carefully.

However, in Chen Mingcheng's view, the old detective's smile did not make him feel warm, but rather terrified.

Um, ah!

With a hoarse grunt, another molar was pulled out. The old detective watched carefully for a while, then carefully put it into a bottle, and finally smiled.

OK, you can let go.

Hearing this, Xu Hui let go of his hand, and then couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Captain Xu, your hand is broken, let me bandage it for you. The old detective said with a smile.

Xu Hui looked at the cut in his hand, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's a small cut, just turn around and bandage it up."

You are not a small wound, I think you should go to debride the wound as soon as possible, bandage it, and get a tetanus vaccine by the way. The old detective turned his head and glanced at Chen Mingcheng, and then said with a smile: "As for the rabies vaccine, I don't think he needs to be vaccinated, he is quite normal."

Hahahaha... The people around laughed lightly upon hearing this.

Xu Hui directly chose to ignore it, then got up and looked at the surrounding people, and said involuntarily: "Take people away, clean up the scene, and do a good job of cleaning up!"


Immediately, the policemen who maintained order on the side also began to persuade the crowd to evacuate.

"Come on, come on, let's go. What's interesting is that a fugitive has been caught."

it is good!

clap clap clap...

I don't know who started it, the people at the scene applauded and applauded. Many people even took pictures.

Seeing this, Xu Hui and others quickly got into the car and handed over the scene to the police.

In a white urban SUV not far from the scene, blue birds and white sharks in disguise were watching this scene with pale faces.

It's over, the vulture is caught! At this moment, the two of them became extremely desperate and frightened.

What should we do now. The white shark who was driving asked in a low voice.

Qingniao looked at the police car leaving in the distance, and then said in a deep voice: "Report to the higher authorities,

Before the vulture could speak, we left Anxi immediately. "

If the higher authorities pursue it... White Shark becomes a little worried.

Blue Bird waved his hand to interrupt White Shark's words: "Leave Anxi alone."

it is good! Then White Shark started the car and drove out.

On the other side of the car, an agent was debridement and disinfection of Xu Hui's hands with iodophor, while Xu Hui leaned back on the chair slightly relaxed.

From the day before yesterday until now, he has never closed his eyes at all, and now that he has finally caught someone, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking back on the entire search and arrest process, it was really ups and downs, and this Chen Mingcheng almost escaped. To be able to catch this Chen Mingcheng today is really thanks to the intelligent unmanned patrol security system and aerial patrol and warning drone from Wu Hao and the others.

If it weren't for the intelligent unmanned patrol security system and the aerial patrol security drone and the drone that found Chen Mingcheng in the chaotic crowd, I'm afraid he would really have to escape today.

Thinking of this, Xu Hui immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number he was familiar with.

Hey. Wu Hao's familiar voice appeared on the phone.

What, Captain Xu, is this to thank me?

The corners of Xu Hui's mouth twitched when he heard this, and then he said with a straight face: "Thank you, shouldn't it be you who should thank us. If he doesn't catch it, you will suffer in the end."

Wu Hao heard that his head was full of black lines, what's the matter, he wanted to write about him when he came to help himself.

Well, let's not argue with him. Thinking of this, Wu Hao replied with a smile: "Then I really have to thank you and my comrades. To be honest, I haven't had a good night's sleep these days.

Come on, this time I can finally sleep well. "

Don't thank me with your mouth, I think your set of equipment is good, let us use it for a few days. Xu Hui took the opportunity to say.

What are you doing, taking advantage of the fire and robbing you. I said Team Xu, don't bring such a thing. We have all helped you so much, so let’s not say thank you, and want to take this opportunity to deduct equipment, is there anyone like you? Wu Hao was afraid when he heard the words.

Hearing that Wu Hao was in a hurry, Xu Hui also smiled slightly, and then turned serious on the phone: "Although Chen Mingcheng has been caught behind the scenes, it doesn't mean that the whole case is over.

There are still many fish that have slipped through the net that have not been caught, and it is difficult to guarantee whether Chen Mingcheng is the person behind the scenes. Also, is Chen Mingcheng the only one who came to Anxi this time, or is there someone else.

So we can't guarantee whether this is the bait released by the other party, the purpose is to paralyze us, and then start the real action.

Therefore, your security forces still need to be strengthened, and your vigilance cannot be relaxed. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, but he still didn't dare to say angrily: "Well, you are being honest and not letting me sleep peacefully.

I said, don't take you like this. "

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