Military Technology

Invincible Chapter 1103

"Military Technology ()"

In fact, this police equipment exhibition is the first day of the exhibition, which is quite lively, with various leaders, experts and customer representatives gathered. On the second and third days, it was obvious that there were not many people in the exhibition.

Of course, all kinds of media reporters and some military big Vs are more active at this time, and various so-called weapons and equipment exploration programs follow one after another.

For all exhibitors and company representatives, the second and third days are mainly for some business negotiation activities to see if they can win some orders and the like.

Of course, for most exhibitors and companies, it is still difficult to obtain orders. This kind of exhibition is just to join in the excitement, make a show, and gather the number of people.

However, this is commonplace for these companies. There is also a popular saying in the defense equipment circle that if you don’t open for three years, you can wait for three years after opening.

Anyway, come to participate in any exhibition, try your luck, as long as one order is successful, you will not lose money.

But this is another company. For Wu Hao and the others, these days are still very busy. The stunning and advanced weapons and equipment have naturally won the attention of many customers.

So in the past few days, basically their business representatives have been sent out. As a last resort, Wu Hao specially dispatched some personnel from the company to come over overnight for support. There are even times when he himself goes into battle.

As for other activities in the exhibition, Wu Hao pushed all the things he could push, and threw all the things he couldn't push to Zhou Yonghui.

As the person in charge of the Aviation Technology and UAV Research Institute, Zhou Yonghui is also eye-catching, and is now a celebrity on various forums.

Of course, Lin Wei is equally beautiful. She has also frequently appeared in various news these days. Especially in terms of tourism in Jinmen and some scenic spots, Lin Wei has been put on the hot search list.

The beautiful and elegant Lin Wei seems to be about to become the image spokesperson and publicity volunteer of Jinmen's tourist attractions.

"Mr. Franco, happy cooperation!" Wu Hao handed the signed contract to the black representative in front of him, then shook hands and smiled.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Wu." The black man showed his white teeth and shook his hand vigorously.

"Come on, let's take a photo together." Wu Hao took the contract and faced the front camera with the black brother.

Kaka, under the sound of shutters and flashing lights, the two who had finished taking pictures shook hands again to celebrate.

This has almost formed a complete set of procedures. The following business representatives will conduct specific negotiations and consultations, and Wu Hao just waits to sign and take photos with the negotiated customer representatives.

After sending off the group of customer representatives, the leader of the exhibition organizer who witnessed the signing ceremony and smiled at Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, this is the first order today, and it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Hahaha, Director Zheng, it's not as exaggerated as you said, it's a little bit, a little bit." Wu Hao hurriedly smiled at the middle-aged man in his fifties, who was a bit fat and bald.

"Humility, I've done the math for you. The cost of this equipment alone is almost hundreds of millions of dollars, and that's not counting the related training costs and later related service costs." Said enthusiastically.

"Hehe, the price is too low, and we can't make much money. Compared with others, we are far behind. I heard that the northern company has reached a big deal today, several hundred million dollars." Wu Hao smiled modestly, then changed the subject.

Director Zheng laughed immediately after hearing his words: "They are them, you are you, there is no comparison. What they sell is a police helicopter, and that one is worth tens of millions. There is no inverse comparison.

You are the ones who have signed the most orders among all the private enterprises participating in the exhibition this time, but you deserve congratulations on this point. "

"Look at what you said, isn't this the platform of our exhibition?" Wu Hao praised with a smile.

Hahahaha, Director Zheng, who was scratched to the itch, laughed: "The purpose of our exhibition is to build a bridge for communication between you and the majority of users.

Serving both of you.

Your achievements are naturally our achievements, and we are also sincerely happy. "

"Haha, Director, we have a reception tonight, and you must attend it." Wu Hao invited with a smile.

"Of course, I will definitely not refuse your invitation from Mr. Wu." The smile on Director Zheng's face became brighter.

Wu Hao's achievements are naturally also the results of this exhibition, so he hopes that Wu Hao's orders will be as many as possible.

And for a giant in the technology circle like Haoyu Technology, and a young man who has attracted much attention like Wu Hao, he naturally made friends on purpose. So for Wu Hao's request, he readily agreed, even impatiently.

Compared with the military defense exhibition, where the atmosphere is more serious, exhibitors and customers compete with each other, the atmosphere of the police equipment exhibition is relatively harmonious.

At least the two sides did not confront each other. The customers who came here were basically from the police system, and they could be regarded as peers or half peers. The targets are also criminals, and there are often some transnational cooperations in daily work, so it is relatively easy and cheerful for everyone to get along and communicate.

This also allowed the reception to proceed smoothly. If it were a military defense exhibition, it would definitely not be possible.

As the hosts of the banquet, Wu Hao and Lin Wei naturally became the center of attention in the reception. Wu Hao's youthful handsomeness and Lin Wei's charming beauty can be said to amaze the entire reception.

Compared to Wu Hao, who is calm and calm, Lin Wei, who is very eloquent, has become the eye-catching focus of the audience, and even the object of envy and envy of all the female companions present.

In the reception, the status of the female companions, or the degree of popularity and attention usually depends on the strength of the female companions themselves, and also depends on the strength of the other half who accompanied the female companions.

The stronger the strength of the male guest, the more attention and pursuit the female companion will naturally receive.

Especially in this kind of business reception, it is very realistic and very snobbish. No matter how beautiful and handsome you are, if your own strength is not enough, or if your companions are not strong enough, then you are nothing more than a more eye-catching flowerpot in this reception

Everyone may look at you, but they will never spend such precious time on useless people. On such a rare occasion, everyone is busy making contact with each other.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others have gained a lot, and even indirectly contributed to two cooperations and orders. And I also met a lot of people, and got closer to a lot of people.

This also achieved their purpose of holding a reception. In fact, this is what they originally came for. Otherwise, who would be bored to spend time and effort inviting such a person to hold a reception.

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