Military Technology

Chapter 1105 The development conference can't just rely on PPT, let alone just rely on one mout

On the last day of the public opening day of the exhibition, Wu Hao and the others did not participate. In fact, as early as the first day after Lin Wei participated in the exhibition and the new game was released, they had already returned to Anxi by special plane.

If it wasn't for Lin Wei's work arrangements, he might have gone back long ago. Because staying here doesn't make much sense, it's even a waste of time.

Their harvest in this exhibition is generally not bad, and the order of more than 100 million US dollars can be regarded as a worthwhile trip for him.

Of course, compared with several major industry giants, they still have a lot of distance. However, in the field of private enterprises, they are definitely the champions.

In fact, Wu Hao is not very satisfied with this result. These orders are mainly from abroad, while domestic orders are only a handful.

Although many leaders are very interested in this, the treatment of the police in various parts of the country is getting better and better, so the requirements for equipment are naturally stricter.

This exhibition is just a stepping stone, and they still need to work hard to get orders from the police in these places.

After returning to Anxi, Wu Hao didn't just relax, instead, various things became more and more complicated.

First of all, it must be the most important event of the company this year, and that is the company's relocation plan. With the gradual relocation of personnel to the new headquarters park on the other side of Linghu, the company is now working in two places.

This will naturally cause some inconvenience, but the intelligent remote office system can handle this aspect very well.

In fact, most of the relocated areas are research institutes and laboratories, as well as some administrative departments. The real main body of the company is still in the development zone, so the current impact is not great.

It's just that all kinds of troublesome things continue, especially many unexpected things will appear during this period, and some of them are very troublesome to deal with.

Then, it is another major event of the company this year, and that is the summer new product launch conference. This is the most important thing in the company's business this year, and it must be done well.

However, the preparatory working group for the summer new product launch conference had a big disagreement on the form of the launch event.

Some members believe that the method of the last related new product launch should be followed, and an online virtual launch can not only save money, but also have a good effect, and can attract the attention of the whole world at the same time.

And another part of the members think that this time it is necessary to return to the traditional press conference,

This is not just a new product launch conference, but also a summary and feedback conference for their achievements in the past year or even years.

In addition to releasing new products, some industry chain leaders? suppliers? and some fan representatives should also be invited to hold a large-scale release event. Not only can we witness the release of new products together, but we can also celebrate together to boost the confidence and morale of these people.

The two groups of people are at a stalemate with each other on which method to choose. As for Wu Hao, he didn't immediately show his attitude? Or he didn't support the team. When they come up with a safe plan, he is expressing his opinion.

If he had to decide what to choose? Then why would the following people do it? He didn't do everything by himself.

In addition, there are actually some controversies about the products released this time. Some people believe that the company should iteratively upgrade the original products, continue to tap the potential of these products, and strive to squeeze out their maximum value.

And another part of the staff thinks that new products should be released while it is hot to maintain Haoyu Technology's excellent reputation in the technology and digital circles, and to maintain the company's current rapid development and growth momentum. In particular, the company's current market dominance in smart AR and VR devices should continue to be strengthened to prevent other competitors from encroaching on their market.

These two views have their own certain truths, and they cannot be completely denied. So how to choose, this is also a question for everyone and even Wu Hao to think about.

In addition, because of the company's relocation work this year? The company's related research institute laboratories and various project teams need to be relocated to the new headquarters in Linghu first.

This will naturally have some impact on the related research work carried out by these research institute laboratories and various project teams, and will inevitably affect the progress of related projects.

Among them are the products that have been successfully developed? Intensive testing work is underway, and products that may be released at this summer chip conference.

This is also the reason why everyone is hesitant? Afraid that such a hasty release will cause some problems? It will damage the image and reputation.

It's like many technology companies like to draw big cakes now? What kind of PPT conference to play. These companies have nothing? They rely entirely on a PPT to develop a press conference.

However, like some companies that are a little more particular, they may also come up with one or two engineering prototypes, or plastic models. For those who don't pay attention, it depends entirely on one mouth.

Of course, some of these bragging rights have all come true in the end. And what some people said, they are forgotten in an instant, turning consumers and the public around.

Wu Hao, in other words, we don't want consumers and the general public to feel that they are gradually degenerating like them.

In fact, all of Wu Hao's previous products were basically sold immediately after the press conference. Some of them may be delayed by a week or a month due to problems in the supply chain of the production line, but they are very few.

This is also the reason why their conferences are so popular, because more new technologies and products can be seen in their conferences. And these products and technologies are not out of reach. Like some companies, they are always placed in glass windows and showcases as exhibits.

But after it is actually released, it can be experienced in offline experience stores or agency retail stores all over the country, even in countries around the world, and can even be bought directly.

Therefore, their new product launch conferences have basically become the most anticipated event of the year in the industry.

Since the beginning of this year, Wu Hao and the others have not announced the time of the new product launch, and they have not even disclosed the news to the outside world.

And there are some rumors and even Wu Hao's previous remarks that Haoyu Technology may not hold a new product launch conference this year, and it may be held next year.

This made many fans of their products disappointed and anxious. Many people even left messages or sent emails to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun every day, asking about this year's new product launch.

It is not only these fans who are also concerned, but also some colleagues in the industry and the media.

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