Military Technology

Invincible Chapter 1131

elder brother! A champagne golden Costa stopped, the door opened, and a pretty figure jumped out of the car, rushing towards Wu Hao who was standing there.

Slow down, girl every family, what does she look like crazy all day long. Zhang Xiaoman, who was standing by the car door, couldn't help reprimanding him.

Know it!

Even though he said so, Wu Tong still threw himself into Wu Hao's arms: "Brother, why don't you come back for my college entrance examination? Didn't we promise, your words don't count."

Hearing this, Wu Hao rubbed the back of the girl's head apologetically and comforted him: "My fault, my fault, brother is busy.

I saw the result, it can't be my sister, she did well in the exam! "

Of course, who am I! Wu Tong left Wu Hao's embrace, showing a hint of pride and affection, then rolled his eyes, then took out a large express envelope from his arms and handed it to Wu Hao to show off: "Brother, what are you looking at?"

Yo, it's still down. Wu Hao was a little amused, then took the express envelope and looked at the words on it: "Jiaotong University, a good school.

But didn't I hear that someone wants to apply for my alma mater? How did he change his mind? "

snort! Wu Tong pursed his lips, then glanced at Zhang Xiaoman and Wu Jianhua who got out of the car over there, and then complained with an aggrieved expression: "I wanted to fill in the report, but my parents didn't let me, I hate it to death."

Hehehehe... Wu Hao touched her head and smiled comfortingly: "SJTU is also very good, it's fine, you can be anywhere, the point is to learn something."

On the other side, Lin Wei looked at the brothers and sisters for a long time, feeling a little apprehensive, but she still smiled to greet Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman.

Uncle Aunt Zhang, the journey has been hard.

Fortunately, this car is quite comfortable to sit in. Wu Jianhua looked at his prospective daughter-in-law in front of him, and smiled rarely.

Zhang Xiaoman on the side even came over to grab Lin Wei's hand and couldn't help but become concerned: "Wei Wei, it's been a long time since I saw you, why have you lost weight again?"

I lost weight, and I gained two catties. Lin Wei took Zhang Xiaoman's hand and said with a smile: "You, uncle and Xiaotong are here this time, we must stay for a while longer, and when the time comes, we will send Xiaotong to school together."

Who asked you to send it, I am too old, can't I go by myself? Wu Tong expressed his dissatisfaction loudly.

No matter how old you are, you are still a child in our eyes.

Zhang Xiaoman scolded, then looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "This girl has been clamoring to come, if she hadn't been waiting for the admission letter, she would have come already."

My brother promised me that he would let me come over for the summer vacation. Staying at home is boring to death. Wu Tong retorted instantly.

Ha ha ha ha, everyone laughed when they heard this girl's voice. Wu Hao said to Wu Jianhua: "Dad, you and Aunt Zhang Xiaotong will live here these days. The environment here is good, the house is big, and it is comfortable to live in."

Wu Jianhua looked at the house in front of him when he heard the words, and asked him: "The house you mentioned is too big."

Hehe, it's not that big, I'm already very low-key. Wu Hao said to everyone with a smile: "Let's go, let's go into the house, it's too hot outside."

Okay, Wu Jianhua nodded, and then followed Wu Hao into the courtyard of the villa, looking around while walking. Wu Tong even ran forward first.

Walking into the house, it instantly cools down. Wu Jianhe and Zhang Xiaoman couldn't help being surprised. Everything in this house far exceeded their imagination or expectations.

Wu Jianhua glanced around and nodded, "The layout is good, but it feels a bit too deserted and doesn't feel like home."

Hehe, it's not that we haven't officially moved here yet, we just come here occasionally on weekends, so we haven't cleaned up much. Wu Hao explained with a smile.

Uncles, aunts, and Xiaotong, let me take you to the room first. Lin Wei invited several people.

Okay, sorry to trouble you, Wei Wei. Zhang Xiaoman then said with a smile.

Don't bother, don't bother, I'm too happy if you can come. This house does need more people to live in, so it will be lively. While speaking, Lin Wei led Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman upstairs.

As for Wu Tong, he ran over excitedly from behind: "Brother, there is a swimming pool here."

What's so strange about this, if you like it, you can swim here every day from now on. Wu Hao said with a smile.

That's great. Wu Tong instantly became excited.

As for Wu Hao, looking at the slim girl in front of him, he couldn't help doting and said: "Of course it's true, but can you swim?"

Humph, underestimating people, I got an A+ in swimming class. Wu Tong said proudly.

OK, I'm relieved. Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to her, "Come on, let's go upstairs, your sister-in-law is arranging rooms for you."

I want a room with a view of the lake. As he said that, Wu Tong jumped and ran upstairs.

And Wu Hao smiled, and then said to Li Wenming who came in with his luggage on the other side: "The time they are in Anxi, I will trouble you."

Li Wenming smiled and shook his head: "No trouble, we have already arranged the relevant personnel."

Well, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "You've worked hard all the way, go back and rest quickly, don't be on duty today."

OK, thank you Mr. Wu. Li Wenming replied with a smile.

Wu Hao waved his hand, then took the elevator to the second floor, and heard Wu Tong's voice as soon as he got out of the elevator.

Hearing the sound, Wu Hao came to Wu Tong's room, and Wu Tong flung himself on the bed without a trace, Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Wei stood beside the bed.

It's so beautiful, I like it, thank you sister-in-law. Speaking of which, Wu Tong got up and hugged Lin Wei.

Haha, as long as you like it, I'm afraid you don't like it. Lin Wei showed a proud look at Wu Hao, and said with a smile.

Whether it's Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman's room, or Wu Tong's room, Lin Wei personally arranged the layout. Of course, there were some differences with Wu Hao during this period, but in the end it was Lin Wei's persistence that dominated.

Let's just talk about Wu Tong's room, the interior decorations are all made by Lin Wei herself.

For example, the four-piece suit on the bed is Lin Wei's choice of pink with a cartoon image, and there is also a big doll.

As soon as Wu Tong saw it, he held it in his arms and refused to let go.

Zhang Xiaoman, who was standing on the side, said helplessly: "You guys, don't spoil her, this girl is going crazy now, if you don't discipline her well, what will happen in the future.

With him like this, how can your dad and I rest assured that he will go to the university to study and live alone. So, during this period of time, you, the elder brother, and you, the sister-in-law, must be disciplined well, not to mention that she is a lady of the family, at least she should look like a girl.

This age is not too young, just like her, how to find a partner in the future, how to meet her in-laws. "

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