Military Technology

Chapter 1133 They are all 0-year-old foxes, why are you playing Liaozhai with me?

The family members came over, which made Wu Hao very happy. Although he has grown up and become independent, no matter what age group he is in, how can the family relationship be separated by breaking it up?

Counting it, he and his family have not seen each other for more than half a year. Because of school and work, there are only a handful of time to go back to spend time with the family.

We always say that we are busy, busy, busy, but are we really busy? This is certainly a reality, but it is also an excuse and self-comfort.

Especially this time when Wu Hao met Wu Jianhua, he found that he had some gray hair on his temples, which also made him realize that his strong father was getting old.

The mood at that moment is really hard to express. In short, he really wanted to pull out these white hairs. He hoped that this was not true, and that his father was still young.

But this is just his wishful thinking, time will never stop.

Since their parents lived in the house over Linghu Lake, Wu Hao and Lin Wei would definitely return there as long as they were not busy that day.

Although they tried their best to persuade Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman to stay here for the elderly, they still did not agree.

In their words, they have stayed in their hometown for a lifetime, and now they are approaching old age, how can they leave. The local feelings of the older generation are too deep, so they can only persuade them to take it for a while. During this time, spend as much time with them as possible.

When Lin Wei's parents heard that they were coming, they naturally wanted to see them too.

He and Lin Wei have been dating for so long, and their parents haven't officially met yet. In fact, it was not a formal meeting, but a meal together.

How can I put it this way, his parents have come to Anxi, how could Lin Wei's parents, who are locals, not show it.

For Lin Wei's parents' invitation, Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman naturally happily agreed. Obviously, this time they came to Anxi, they had related plans.

Lin Honghan and his wife set the banquet at a leisure resort not far from Linghu Lake, which can also be called a private club or restaurant.

This was originally a private restaurant. Because of its good development, it has gradually developed into a private club and a leisure resort.

In fact, it is a leisure resort, which is a resort hotel with a large area. It's just that the first half of this leisure resort, that is, the main part of the resort hotel, is open to the public, while the second half is a private club, which requires a membership card to enter.

This clubhouse is also one of the important places where many Anxi celebrities and business people gather to entertain distinguished guests.

Lin Honghan and his wife are naturally not the owners of this resort, but it has a lot to do with them.

To put it simply, the private restaurant could be developed into a leisure resort and a high-end private club, which is indispensable for the support of Lin Honghan and his wife, as well as a group of Anxi business circles and upper-class celebrities.

Lin Honghan and his wife are also one of the investors and shareholders of this resort.

So for them, this is also their home field, which is more sincere.

In order to entertain Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman, Lin Honghan and his wife took great pains and directly emptied the entire back club.

On the one hand, this is to show sincerity, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent some other images or interference from appearing.

Especially now that Wu Hao has a huge influence, so once some people know that Wu Hao is here, they will probably get together and talk, which will easily affect the atmosphere of the banquet.

In addition, this is a private family banquet tonight, and they don't want to be disturbed by too many people. I don't even want their party or even photos to appear in the media reports the next day.

In order to go to the banquet, Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman deliberately packed up and dressed up. Although Wu Hao and Lin Wei persuaded him not to use it, they still cleaned it up seriously. In their words, this is the first time the parents of the two sides have met, so it should be taken seriously.

A convoy of two off-road vehicles, a champagne golden Costa, drove into the backyard of the leisure resort in a low-key manner, which also attracted the attention of many passengers in the front hotel.

Anyone who has been to this leisure resort hotel knows that the second half of the hotel is a private club, which is not open to the public. Anyone who enters this clubhouse is either rich or noble.

So there are many people living in this hotel, hoping to have the opportunity to enter it, make friends with dignitaries, and gain opportunities.

Similarly, there are some beautiful girls living in the hotel all year round. These girls are basically staring at the clubhouse. Their occupations are self-evident.

This car seems very strange, I have never seen it before, is it the leader's car? A beautiful girl in cool clothes looked at the convoy driving in and asked curiously.

That leader has this treatment, and the entire clubhouse is completely emptied. Another beautiful girl replied.

The pretty and mature girl next to her looked at the vehicle and said, "It's not the leader's car, it looks like the boss of the company is here."

The boss of the company, who has such treatment, can't he be a big horse? Another white-legged girl joked with a smile.

The more mature and beautiful girl shook her head: "It can't be a big horse, they come to Anxi and there won't be any rumors.

Anxi has not heard of any important meetings or activities recently, so it is impossible for him to come from other places. "

Who said no, it's not Haoyu Technology's annual new product launch conference soon, maybe some business executives come to participate in Haoyu Technology's new product launch conference. A sweet girl gestured to the transparent tablet in her hand and said.

Probably not, there are still more than ten days before the Haoyu Technology conference, even if there are big businessmen attending, it is impossible to be so many days in advance. A handsome girl with short hair sat there and said lazily.

It was found out that it was Haoyu Technology's car. The more mature and beautiful girl over there pointed to the transparent tablet in her hand and said to everyone.

Haoyu Technology's car, let me just say, should be here to attend the press conference. The sweet-looking girl immediately smiled triumphantly.

Why didn't Wu Hao himself come? The more mature and beautiful girl smiled.

Um? Hearing this answer, a kind of beautiful girl in the room suddenly became restless.

Wu Hao is here, are you sure? Everyone couldn't help but get excited.

Wu Hao, that is the absolute boss of Anxi, and also a well-known boss in the business and technology circles, a young entrepreneur, and the fifth king of diamonds.

If they can get in touch with him, or if something happens, it will be enough for them to flourish.

That girl has no dreams, that girl doesn't want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix. How could they not be excited that the business tycoons who were far away from everyone in the past are now very close to them.

Ouch, I suddenly have a stomachache, I'm going back to my room first. A pretty girl with a bit of a vixen in the crowd suddenly covered her stomach, and then ouched loudly.

As she spoke, she clutched her belly and walked out quickly.

I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I left first.

Me too, me too.

Well, I'll go out and make a phone call.


The room, which was still lively for a while, suddenly became deserted.

Seeing this, the mature and beautiful girl turned her back and said with a sneer: "They are all foxes of a thousand years, what kind of chat room are you playing with me, what do you think, my old lady doesn't know.

However, people like Wu Hao are the ones you, no, vulgar fans like us can get in touch with. "

Speaking of this, the mature and beautiful girl couldn't help showing a bitter smile.

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