Military Technology

Chapter 1139 Stingy is also a kind of knowledge

If it's a small restaurant, it's definitely not a problem to run it by yourself, but for a large restaurant like this, if you run it yourself, some problems will easily arise. There may even be that kind of continuous loss, which eventually violated Wu Hao's original intention.

So in the end, Wu Hao and the others came up with this method to open up to the outside world with conditions and limits, attracting excellent catering and chef teams from outside.

In this way, on the one hand, they can also reduce the cost in this area. On the other hand, this self-financing and free competition method is also motivating these restaurants to improve service quality.

It is not enough just to improve the quality of service, it must be able to provide high-quality meals, otherwise, it will be difficult to attract diners.

In order to ensure the safety and quality of food raw materials, as well as control related costs and avoid waste. All the raw materials of the restaurants are uniformly supplied by the restaurants. In this way, these restaurants are prevented from using adulterated and inferior raw materials in order to reduce costs, so as to ensure that the food is safe enough and the quality is guaranteed.

Of course, the restaurant management department will also organize personnel to conduct inspections from time to time. Penalties will be imposed on shops and restaurants that violate the regulations or fail to meet the standards. If they fail to meet the standards three times in a row, they will be cleared immediately.

In addition, the restaurant also accepts complaints and reports. If verified, the reporter will be rewarded, and at the same time, visits to the store will be punished.

It is under this stringent system that the service of the restaurant has reached a higher level, which has been recognized and praised by the employees.

However, there have also been some problems. For example, some employees cooperate with store visits to collect subsidies. This kind of thing happened more than once. For this kind of incident, once discovered, we will never tolerate it and deal with it strictly.

In fact, such incidents are still rare, because the salaries of the employees are not bad, and there is no need to ruin their jobs for such a small profit.

Afterwards, Wu Hao and his family had a light meal in the restaurant. Because the weather is relatively hot, and the parents and mother-in-law are getting older, they don’t actually eat much.

On the contrary, it was Wu Tong, as if he had come to a paradise, his stomach was so full that he could hardly walk.

This naturally caused Zhang Xiaoman to reprimand him for a while, if it was a meal, of course it would be fine, Wu Tong only ate some snacks and desserts.

These things have a lot of calories and are not good for the body. Besides, Wu Tong is also a big girl now, Zhang Xiaoman is naturally angry because she doesn't care about her image in this kind of public occasion.

After eating and resting for a while, everyone walked and browsed along the walking path beside the artificial lake in the core area under the leadership of Wu Hao.

The water in this lake is so clear, why is there not even a single fish? Zhang Xiaoman leaned on the railing and looked at the clear lake water and asked involuntarily.

Indeed, everyone who sees the artificial lake will sigh why the water in the artificial lake is so clear.

That kind of clarity, you can see the bottom of the lake for several meters or even tens of meters. It seems to give people an impulse, wanting to taste it in person.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled and introduced: "This artificial lake has many functions, in addition to the basic functions of general artificial lakes, sightseeing, regulating the temperature and humidity in the park, and emergency backup water sources.

In our case, there are some other functions. And the biggest function is to cool down the server clusters and supercomputers in our flutter building, which is different from the other buildings.

The intelligent system of the Yaoguang building will pump cold water from the depths of the lake to the roof of the whole building, and then the cold water will flow down along the capillary cooling water pipes inside the building, relying on the water's own gravity.

The cold water, along these capillary cooling water pipes, flows through these machinery and equipment, takes away the heat emitted by the machinery and equipment, and then flows into the lake again. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said with a smile: "In fact, the hot water heated by the heat of machinery and equipment has another function.

That is to provide heating for the seven buildings and ancillary buildings in our entire core area, as well as some other buildings in the park in winter.

This not only allows for the reuse of resources, it can even be said to be waste utilization, but also saves us a lot of heating costs every winter.

Of course, the same is true in summer, except that the hot water is replaced by cold water, which has the effect of cooling down, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also saves us a lot of electricity bills. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone couldn't help but nodded, and Mother Lin couldn't help but sighed: "I didn't expect that this lake has so many functions.

I didn't even think that you would actually use your brains to bring this stingy technique to the extreme. "

Hahahaha... Everyone laughed when they heard Mother Lin's words.

As for Wu Hao, he said with a smile: "This stinginess is indeed a knowledge, but also a skill, and it is also a very difficult skill to master.

The so-called not being in charge of a family does not know how expensive it is. Such a huge park and tens of thousands of employees need money in all aspects. I have to be stingy, otherwise how can I afford it. "

Hahahaha... Everyone laughed again.

Wu Hao followed the laughter of the crowd and continued to introduce: "Because of this, we have very high requirements for the water quality of this artificial lake.

If left unattended, or like other artificial lakes, the water quality in this artificial lake will deteriorate rapidly.

A large number of plankton and green algae multiply, and some fish and shrimp in the water will rapidly deteriorate the entire water quality.

And these plankton, green algae and some impurities in water will flow into these capillary pipes along our cooling system and water heating system. Under the action of high temperature of machinery and equipment, it will even accelerate the growth of these algae and plankton, thus blocking the whole cooling system. system, especially some tiny capillaries.

At that time, it will not only be easy to repair, but also consume a lot of manpower and material resources, which is very uneconomical.

Therefore, we must ensure that the water quality in this lake must be good, so we have adopted various technologies to protect the water quality in this lake. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a breath and said: "Of course, it is very troublesome to control and maintain the water quality of such a large artificial lake.

The easiest way, which is also the most labor-saving and cost-effective way, is to put chemicals in the water, so that the water quality can be controlled to meet the needs of use.

But this is another kind of pollution to water quality.

In such a large artificial lake, it is inevitable that some waterfowls will inhabit it. If chemical substances are put in, it will have an impact on these bookbirds and even the surrounding ecology. This is something we are very unwilling to see. "

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