Military Technology

Chapter 1148 Shocking appearance of MR technology

Latest website: As more and more people are seated, the press conference has reached the final stage before it starts. Everyone started looking around with their glasses on, as if they were very interested in everything here. In the VIP area in the front row, Lin Wei was leading a group of people in through the VIP passage, and then came to sit in the front row of the VIP area very low-key. Because the lights were rather dim, everyone only saw Lin Wei, but they didn't particularly underestimate the group of people next to Lin Wei.

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And these very low-key guests, who wore their baseball caps down, were officially Wu Hao and Lin Wei's parents. As the most important new product launch event of the year, how could Wu Hao not invite them to witness it together.

"Distinguished guests, friends from the media, Haoyu Technology's 2024 summer new product launch conference is about to begin. Please wear smart glasses and maintain order in the venue."

Following this broadcast, the entire venue suddenly went dark. Just when the crowd was commotioning, a number suddenly appeared in the sky directly in front of everyone.

10, 9, 8, ... 3, 2, 1!

These numbers glowing with white light, as if floating in front of everyone, are very real and three-dimensional. Many people even tried to touch them with their hands, but they couldn't touch anything.

Soon, I saw the rainbow bridge appearing in front of everyone. The rainbow bridge was full of lights, very much like the rainbow bridge in Asgard, Thor's hometown in the Marvel world.

A gate of time and space appeared at the end of the rainbow bridge, and a figure appeared from the gate of time and space, and then walked on the rainbow bridge.

This person is wearing a pair of white canvas shoes, a pair of whitish jeans, a dark gray T-shirt, short hair, very sunny and handsome.

His appearance immediately aroused the cheers of the guests and reporters present in the audience.

This person was Wu Hao, and he was walking, waving to everyone in the audience.

Soon, he came to the small round platform in the middle. Two beams of light came on, allowing everyone to see him clearly.

After a short pause, Wu Hao smiled at everyone in the audience and said, "I am very glad that everyone can travel a short distance to our Haoyu Technology Linghu headquarters in this hot summer to participate in our new product launch this year. meeting.

It's a press conference, but it's actually a face-to-face meeting.

The main thing is that I want to chat with you about some of the achievements and achievements we have made in the field of scientific research and technology in the past year.

Therefore, this conference is not only a new product conference, but also a new technology conference.

Well, having said so much, I believe everyone can't wait, so let us enter today's theme together. "

As he spoke, Wu Hao raised his right hand and snapped his fingers in a very iconic way.

Just when everyone was different, in an instant, the vision in everyone's glasses changed. With a burst of dazzling white light, everyone's field of vision is no longer the venue here, but a mountain platform, surrounded by strange mountains and rocks, green trees and green bamboos, the sea of ​​clouds, waterfalls in the distance, faintly visible There are pavilions, towers and pavilions, and cranes soaring and playing in the air. It seems that everyone is in a fairyland in fairyland in a fairy tale, or it is like being in an ink painting.

At this time, everyone suddenly felt a cool breeze on their faces, as if it was the breeze blowing from the mountain, which made everyone intoxicated.

Many people blinked their glasses, took off their glasses impatiently, and found that they were still in the venue, and Wu Hao was still standing there.

Putting on smart glasses, it's like being in a fairyland.

This is too realistic, too real, are these scenes real? While everyone sighed, they couldn't help asking questions.

After giving everyone some time to adapt, Wu Hao then said with a smile: "The beautiful scenery in front of you is a virtual world image created by us using computer technology.

I am very glad that you can be the first batch of experiencers to experience the achievements of our new technology. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone suddenly realized that this is also a demonstration of a new technology achievement, which is really shocking and amazing.

Clap, clap... Unknowingly, there was a burst of warm applause in the entire venue.

The corner of Wu Hao's mouth turned up to me, and he smiled slightly: "Yes, this is still the virtual world image in our smart VR glasses. Only this time, we moved it into reality, through virtual reality technology and only AR glasses , to let everyone experience the magical world in the computer personally.

This is the MR technology we are showing you today, or pan-MR technology.

So what is MR technology? It is actually a mixed reality technology.

It is a further development of virtual reality technology, which presents virtual scene information in real scenes.

An information loop of interactive feedback is set up between the real world, the virtual world and the user to enhance the realism of the user experience.

However, we are not really MR technology. We can only say that we are an attempt and breakthrough in the field of MR technology, which can be regarded as touching a little boundary.

So today I can't wait to show you our research results in this field and share them with you.

Previously, we released smart AR glasses and virtual reality technology, which can realize virtual reality in the real world.

But this time, we have expanded on the basis of this technology, allowing everyone to be immersed in the virtual world.

This is not only a visual feast, but also a collective display of hearing, smell, and even touch.

Now you can look back at the chairs you are sitting on, and you will find that the chairs you made have also changed into very classical wooden carved chairs.

If you ask carefully, there is also the scent of exotic flowers and herbs in the surrounding virtual world, as well as the gentle breeze on the top of the mountain. "

Under Wu Hao's introduction, everyone couldn't help feeling it. Sure enough, a faint fragrance of flowers and plants came from the nose, not pungent, very light, but very pleasant.

As the treetops swayed around in the virtual world, a gust of breeze hit, making everyone feel refreshed instantly.

This this……

While everyone was surprised, they couldn't help but have an illusion, which is true and which is not. It is clear that this is fake, but everyone looks very real, unusually real, and even longs for him to be real.

At this time, Wu Hao's voice sounded again: "Although we have just touched the threshold of this technology, today, we will also present this technology to everyone in the form of a press conference.

We also hope that through this press conference, we can show you the advantages and disadvantages of this technology. "

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