Military Technology

Chapter 1150 The Application Prospect of MR Technology

The latest website: Hearing his words, the guests at the scene, including netizens, began to discuss. In their view, this is not a disadvantage at all.

It still takes a while to load files when playing games and changing maps normally, not to mention such a huge virtual world. So many people started to complain about Wu Hao's fault-finding, and even one of them started to complain that they were pretending to be 13.

However, Wu Hao changed the subject and said with a smile: "Although it affects the experience somewhat, it is barely acceptable.

Of course, we do not intend to put this technology into the market right now. "

Although he expected that after he told the news, there would be some reaction from below, he didn't expect the reaction to be so big.

Some fans in the audience, and even some media reporters began to moan and protest.

On the Internet, there was even more moaning, dissatisfaction, protests and scolding.

Playing monkeys, after talking so much, you don't publish it anymore.

That is, half of the pants are taken off, and you say the bride is unwilling. Is this a human thing?

It's so wicked, it arouses everyone's curiosity and interest, and it won't be sold anymore.



Facing the excited audience, Wu Hao explained in a slow tone as much as possible: "I know, everyone will be disappointed.

But there is no way. Although it is difficult to make this decision, in order to show you an excellent product, we still hope to polish this technology carefully.

Doing so is also to prevent immature technologies and products from entering the market and bring you a bad experience, and to be responsible for each of our consumers and users.

In addition, we are also actively exploring the application of this technology.

Frankly speaking, it is not clear that this technology can or can be applied to those fields.

This is also one of the reasons or purposes why we chose to release this technology in advance this time. We also want to listen to your opinions and suggestions, and seek ideas in this field.

Creative businesses collaborate with teams and individuals.

Of course, we have also explored several application areas of this technology ourselves.

For example, the first thing we think of is the field of popular science demonstrations. When we conduct some popular science education, we often need to display and explain with pictures and texts. Even so, it is still not intuitive enough.

So can we use this MR technology to carry out some popular science introductions and demonstrations, such as popular science museums, planetariums, museums and other institutions.

These are important places for us to introduce and educate popular science. If we can apply this technology to popular science education in these fields, every visitor and every child will be deeply impressed.

For example, in the Science Museum, we will use it to demonstrate some technologies and equipment. In the planetarium, you can simulate the image of space, so that children can see our space station, our lunar probe, Mars probe and so on.

Or in the museum, we can restore the excavation situation at that time, or the historical allusions related to this cultural relic, etc.

Secondly, can we use this MA technology to apply it to the film field, so as to give everyone a full-perception viewing experience.

It truly integrates people into the movie and brings us movie viewers an immersive viewing experience.

Not only movies, but also some stage plays, operas, and even concerts can also use this technology to bring you a dreamlike full-sensing experience.

Of course, this technology can also be applied to some product launches or product demonstrations.

For example, if we want to build a landmark building, how to let everyone see its design and display effect immersively, this technology can realize it.

Not only can it be realized, but it can also restore the overall picture of the building through multiple angles. "

When he listed the examples, the pictures in everyone's field of vision were also changing, and every virtual scene made the scene scream.

In the end, the screen disappeared, the virtual world disappeared, and everyone saw Wu Hao standing in the middle of the venue under the spotlight again.

Many people were obviously dissatisfied with the sudden end, and even complained.

As for Wu Hao, he said with a smile on the stage: "The development and exploration of this technology is still going on, we hope to attract more developers to join it, let's explore together and work hard together.

In the future, we will also open this technology to all interested companies in a reasonable way. We are willing to work with you to jointly develop the grand vision of this piece of MR technology. "

clap clap clap...

There was warm applause at the scene. Although the result was a bit unsatisfactory, everyone has also seen the shock of this MR technology, so it was a worthwhile trip.

As for the Internet, although the complaints are still going on, it can't stop everyone's appreciation for this technology. Many people have even begun to offer advice and discuss it now.

The applause gradually subsided, Wu Hao took a deep breath, and then continued to introduce.

"Next, I will introduce a new product to you. Of course, it is not new, because it has appeared before, but this time, we have upgraded it on the basis of it, making it more advanced. Advanced and wider application scenarios.

This is our transparent screen, also known as transparent display glass.

As you know, our transparent screen has been applied to our smart AR glasses and our transparent tablet.

These two products have been released, and it can be said that they have won the unanimous appreciation of consumers and become one of the best-selling digital products of the year.

Here, I am very grateful to the vast number of consumers for their continuous support and love for us, and we also promise to repay you with better products and better services, thank you! "

After speaking, Wu Hao bowed to everyone, and there was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

Indeed, Haoyu Technology has always adhered to this concept and has been recognized and appreciated by everyone.

After bowing, Wu Hao put on a smile again, and then introduced to everyone.

But this time, we have upgraded and optimized the original transparent screen technology. First of all, of course, we have improved its overall performance.

For example, in terms of resolution, refresh rate, and wide color gamut, we have greatly improved. This also makes the picture displayed on the transparent screen more delicate, the color is fuller, and the playback is smoother.

In addition, we have also improved and upgraded the light transmittance of the transparent screen, so that the light transmittance of the transparent screen is higher.

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