Military Technology

Chapter 1158 Let the paralyzed patient stand up, run, and jump

"These major support parts are all designed in strict accordance with ergonomics, so that they can better fit the physiological bending structure of each of us. Moreover, they can also be adjusted according to each person's height, shortness, fatness, and thinness, so as to adapt to each person. A patient. It is precisely because of this design that this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton is very light and will not make the wearer feel cumbersome, nor will it affect our normal activities while wearing it.

Even if you wear it next to your body, put on your clothes, and you won’t notice it if you don’t observe more. It can greatly maintain the dignity of each of our patients and wearers, so that they can avoid being discriminated against or treated differently. "

clap clap clap...

As soon as he finished speaking, the applause broke out immediately. Everyone appreciates this very much. Our medical assistance should not only save the disease, but also save and maintain the dignity of the patients, and heal their hearts.

After the applause fell, Wu Hao continued to speak: "For different patients, we have also carried out relevant targeted designs, so that they can get a very good experience, and even help them stand up again and return to normal life.

For example, for some patients with limb fractures, difficulty walking, or some traumas that make them difficult to move, our medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton action system stores relevant corrective exercise data. Our patients wear the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton After the bone is removed, it can be corrected by a medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

Such long-term unconscious correction can allow our patients to return to normal walking and running, and even normal sports postures.

For some patients whose spine and hand cause complete paralysis of the lower limbs, we have also applied the bioelectric signal motion control technology on the intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis to this set of medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

By collecting the electrical signals transmitted from the motor nerves of the human brain to the motor nerves of the spine, the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton is controlled to move.

In this way, our patients only need to use their brains to control the movement of our medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

After wearing our medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, you only need to do some rehabilitation star training. It will not take long for these patients with lower limb paraplegia to return to normal walking, and even run and jump in a small range. "

Hearing his introduction, the media reporters and guests at the scene suddenly became excited. At the same time, there are netizens and audiences all over the world who are watching the live broadcast of this press conference.

On the edge of the imperial city of Beijing, inside a very ordinary courtyard house. An old man sat on a special chair and watched Haoyu Technology's summer new product launch.

After hearing Wu Hao's words,

This old man in his seventies actually supported the armrests of the chair with both hands and sat up straight.

Grandpa, what's the matter, what's the matter? The girl who was brushing the web with a transparent tablet at the side immediately threw away the transparent tablet, and ran to the old man anxiously to support him and asked hurriedly.

This thing, whether this thing is real or not, can really make people stand up. The old man asked excitedly, pointing at the trembling voice on the TV screen.

This... the girl glanced at the screen, and didn't know what her grandfather was talking about.

The nanny on the side also quickly comforted the old man she took care of so carefully.

The girl looked at her grandfather who was still panting, then put on her smart AR glasses to make a call while crying.


Hearing his daughter's crying voice, a man's anxious voice came from the phone: "Niu Niu, what's the matter, what's the matter, what's the matter, tell Dad, are you being bullied?"

No, no, I'm talking about grandpa, grandpa... The girl was obviously frightened by her grandpa's actions just now, and her speech was a little incoherent.

What happened to your grandpa, what happened? As soon as he heard his father, a man's anxious voice came from the phone.

Speak up, what happened to your grandpa.

"Grandpa, grandpa suddenly became agitated, no matter how much I try to persuade him, it's useless." The girl finally adjusted her emotions, and then expressed the scene just now clearly.

"Niuniu, in this way, please appease your grandpa first, I will call Dr. Chen to go first, and your mother and I will leave immediately. Don't be afraid, don't be in a hurry to know, take care of your grandpa, wait for us to come, be good !” After speaking, the man hung up the phone, picked up his clothes, and rushed outside.

My old man has been paralyzed for many years and has gone to bed again. He also has high blood pressure and heart disease, so he can't be excited. Last time, because of a trivial incident, he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital. If it is later, there is danger to life. In the end, five stents were placed in the heart, and it got better.

So the man is very anxious. If there is another problem this time, I am afraid that this level will be very difficult.

At the same time, such things are happening all over the world.

When a person who has been paralyzed in bed for many years hears that there is something that can make them stand up again, and even walk, run, and jump normally again, the excitement is naturally indescribable.

It's like a fish that has been out of water for too long, and suddenly has the opportunity to return to the ocean, how can it not be crazy.

Similarly, the Internet is also crazy. Netizens who are watching the live broadcast of the press conference are also arguing about it.

It's a lie, how is it possible.

That is, how can there be such a technology that can directly allow paralyzed people to return to normal walking, even running and jumping with the help of this kind of thing.

I also expressed my doubts, whether what Wu Hao said was a bit too exaggerated. You said to help these paralyzed people stand up again, walk slowly, and restore a little walking ability, I believe this. But as soon as you came, you said that you directly returned to normal walking, or even running and jumping. I don't believe it.

There is something not to believe, why not. Haven't the previous smart bionic electronic prosthetics been proven? And in previous exhibitions, hasn't this kind of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton been exhibited?

This kind of mechanical exoskeleton can at most assist the movement ability, and it is not as powerful as Wu Hao boasted. I believe that staying on a normal person can play some supporting role. But he blows it too hard, and he directly said that it can be applied to paralyzed people, allowing paralyzed patients to stand up and return to normal walking, which is completely nonsense.

That's right, I think it's just a collection of IQ tax, whoever believes is stupid, Wu Hao will start to become like this when.

They are all capitalists, what kind of benevolent person do you expect him to be? Well, now I can see clearly the true face of hypocrisy hidden under his mask.


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