Military Technology

Chapter 1166 The Dawn of the Blind


Regarding the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, Mr. Wu and Shanshan have already talked enough, so I won't repeat it.

From a professional point of view, this should be the safest and most effective treatment for lower limb paralysis.

Ordinary paralyzed patients, after being exposed to medical intelligent mechanical exoskeletons, only need a period of adaptation and training to master this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, stand up again, and walk very easily.

Even this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton has a certain healing function. First of all, this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton can help our paralyzed patients recover the famously atrophied lower limbs, and it can also promote the repair of nerves.

In my opinion, there is still a lot of potential to be tapped for the treatment of paralysis with this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. For example, some treatment and recovery of minor hemiplegia, treatment and rehabilitation of some fractures and other operations, etc.

In the future, we will continue to work with the research and development team of the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton project to continue scientific research in related fields and strive to benefit us all with more results.

clap clap clap...

After a burst of applause, Wu Hao returned to the stage. Sun Qiyang's introduction was relatively simple, but he also affirmed this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton from a professional perspective.

Thank you, Director Sun, for your wonderful talk. I have always been very optimistic about the application prospects of this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, and I look forward to sharing more results with you in the future.

Wu Hao spread his hands and said with a smile: "As Director Sun introduced, the research and development cost of this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton is very high.

As we all know, technology determines cost, and sales volume determines price. The sales of medical supplies like this are very limited, so it is naturally difficult to reduce the price when it is apportioned.

While we'd love to help everyone, we're sorry we're limited and we're a business, not a public charity.

So we can only give what we think is a conscience price as much as possible, although this price may seem ridiculously high to many people.

But I would say it's really the lowest price we can afford. For this pricing, the differences and disputes within the company have not subsided yet.

Fortunately, not everyone needs this medical smart mechanical exoskeleton, nor is it the only necessity.

From a certain point of view, our medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton may not be as comfortable as a wheelchair.

So it depends on how everyone chooses. In this regard, we will not publicize which is good and which is not. "

In fact, they don't need to guide them. For paralyzed patients, as long as they can stand up and walk, who would like to sit down?

Therefore, as long as possible, individuals will choose medical intelligent mechanical exoskeletons. He doesn't need to worry about this at all. The only thing he may be worried about is that the price is still relatively high, not everyone can afford it, and the sales volume may be somewhat unsatisfactory, but this is something that can't be helped.

Better than nothing, this is also a subsidiary product of the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, so he doesn't have much expectations for how much he earns.

On the contrary, what he is more interested in is that this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton can indeed help many people stand up again. At least they give these people a chance to stand up, walk normally, run, and even jump.

At least there is choice, which is precious to these people.

Waiting for the applause to end, Wu Hao adjusted his tone and continued: "In fact, in addition to the medical model of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, we have also developed a civilian version of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

It can be used by ordinary people and workers in some industries. For example, it has a strong load-bearing capacity, which can be used in some construction industries, food delivery industries, and even some special operations industries.

Such as extreme sports, long-distance long-distance hiking, mountaineering and other sports, you can use this intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

It can help our athletes carry more outdoor equipment and items, so as to support and protect the health and safety of athletes.

Secondly, our intelligent mechanical exoskeleton can reduce the burden on the lower limbs of the human body, so that it will not feel over-equipped during long-term exercise, and can even provide athletes with a certain amount of additional auxiliary force, thereby saving energy and even helping The athlete performs movements and movements that he himself cannot perform.

Due to time constraints, I will not introduce too much about this civilian-grade intelligent mechanical exoskeleton product. Interested friends can go to our official website, which has a detailed introduction. Of course, you can also go to our product experience area for a personal experience test after our press conference.

In the future, we will conduct a special demonstration event for related products, and you are welcome to pay attention at that time. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao adjusted his breath, and then continued to say to everyone: "Next, I will release our second medical product tonight, which is also a huge breakthrough in the field of consciousness control and consciousness input. success.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, nearly 2.2 billion people in the world are blind and visually impaired, and more than 30 million people are blind. As for our country, it accounts for 18% of the total blindness in the world. There are about 5 million people, and there are about 400,000 blind children.

This is a very scary number, which means that more than 30 million people in the world have been plunged into darkness. What makes us even more sympathetic is the 400,000 blind children in our country. 【Note 1】

We all know that there are many causes of blindness, and some of them can be recovered through treatment. For example, what we call corneal disease can restore light only by replacing the cornea.

However, corneas need suitable volunteer donations, which can be said to be rare, and resources are very tight. Many people may spend their entire lives waiting for such an opportunity.

As for some diseases, once you get it, it means permanent blindness. Glasses are a very complicated organ on our human body. Although we have done a lot of research on it, we still can't completely conquer it so far.

At present, there is no good treatment technology for this completely blind patient.

Many doctors and scientists hope that an artificial eye can be implanted to help our patients regain their light, just like how we treat deaf patients and implant a cochlear implant. "

[Note 1: The data in this article are all from the Internet. 】

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