Military Technology

Chapter 1202 Humanity Will Conquer This Vast Sea of ​​Stars


I saw that the second-stage rocket of the Jianmu-2 modified carrier rocket, like a meteor, directly plunged into the sand dunes in the landing field, splashing dust everywhere.

Immediately, the entire landing site was covered by sand and dust, and the situation in the sand and dust could not be seen at all.

However, these are not important anymore. For Wu Hao and the others, this test has been a complete success. The second-stage rocket fell to the predetermined area very smoothly, which has achieved all their goals.

Next, it is only necessary for the landing site search personnel to rush to the crash site of the secondary rocket, find the rocket wreckage, and then collect it and load it into the car, waiting for further research after returning.

In the command and control hall of the Northwest Launch Center, applause and cheers filled the entire hall.

Wei Hongyu immediately stood up and congratulated Wu Hao, "Xiao Wu, congratulations. This second-stage rocket's re-entry order landing test has been a complete success. I think it won't be long before we see you guys." News of the successful recovery of the second stage rocket body."

"Hahaha, you're flattering me. This is just the success of the primary and secondary experiments, and it's still too early to be put into use." Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "Let's not talk about anything else, but how to make the second-level rocket body Landing smoothly on the ground and being able to be reused is very difficult.

Now we are experimenting with fixed-point fall. To make it land smoothly, first of all, I have to continue to decelerate the rocket so that it can reach a speed that can land.

Secondly, what method to use to land has also become a very headache for us. It adopts the same main engine as the first-stage rocket body to decelerate and land vertically. Or use similar to the space shuttle, gliding and landing on the runway.

Or use a large parachute group, decelerate and slow down the landing, etc. There is still no unified feasible solution, and it is still being explored. "

Hearing his words, Wei Hongyu nodded involuntarily.

"Indeed, this final stage is the most complicated and important part of the entire recycling task. If there is a problem in this part, then all previous efforts will be in vain.

The three recycling methods you listed are indeed the most common and the most reliable third method. But how to realize this still needs to be explored and researched further.

From the current point of view, I think the gliding landing method similar to the space shuttle is more reliable.

After all, this is the method used by the Mi space shuttle, and our "Shenlong" spacecraft also landed in this way, and achieved very good results.

However, this technology also has its disadvantages, that is, this kind of gliding landing requires a long return and landing runway.

Secondly, there are also certain requirements for the structure of the spacecraft itself for gliding and landing. If the structural strength is not enough, it will be difficult to withstand the impact of the moment the rocket lands on the ground.

If you want to strengthen the strength of the rocket, it means that the weight will increase, which will undoubtedly reduce the carrying capacity.

It is also very difficult to continue to adopt a method similar to the way your first-stage rocket body ignites and recoils to decelerate the main engine before landing.

First of all, after approaching the ground, adjust the posture of the rocket body, and then decelerate. Finally, before landing, quickly adjust the posture of the rocket, so that the rocket changes from the original gliding posture to a vertical vertical posture, and then lands smoothly. on the landing field.

This series of attitude adjustments will have high requirements for both the structure of the rocket itself and its own control system.

As for the deceleration and landing method of the large parachute set you mentioned in the end, I am not optimistic. First of all, the weight of the large parachute set is too heavy, which is directly occupied by the payload and will reduce the direct carrying capacity of the rocket.

Secondly, large parachute groups are easily affected by the wind direction in the air, so the landing point is uncertain and recovery is difficult.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and it depends on you to choose the specific method. "

Where, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "You are very good. These recycling methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Which method to choose is currently the most troublesome issue for us.

We have to choose a method that is both reliable and efficient, and can greatly reduce costs, which is the most economical method. "

Just as he was talking, the command and control center suddenly became lively. Wu Hao and Wei Hongyu immediately ended their conversation and looked over.

It was discovered that Gao Jinguang, the commander-in-chief of the launch mission, had already walked to the front podium amid applause and cheers from the crowd.

Walking to the back of the podium, Gao Jinguang set up the microphone, put the manuscript on the podium, then glanced at the audience, and said seriously.

"I announce that based on the summary and calculation results of the telemetry data from the Launch Center and the Joint Anxi Satellite Ground Measurement and Control Center. This time, the modified rocket of 'Jianmu-2' successfully sent the 'Oasis-1 Inflatable Space Experiment Module' to the perigee at 320 kilometers. The near-Earth elliptical predetermined orbit with an apogee of 410 kilometers.

At present, the "Oasis-1 Inflatable Inflatable Space Experiment Module" is in good condition, and the next step of testing is being carried out as planned. After the relevant test and regulation work is completed, we will officially hand over to Haoyu Aerospace. "

Papa, papa... The hall erupted into warm applause and cheers, and the most classic and romantic words appeared on the big screen behind it.

[Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! 】

It was originally a normal official congratulatory slogan, but this time it is a public launch mission, so naturally there must be a louder and more eye-catching celebration word.

Of course, this is also the goal and dream of all astronauts. Our journey is the sea of ​​stars, and we will surely conquer this vast sea of ​​stars.

Just like human beings finally conquered the ocean, one day, human beings will also conquer this vast space universe.

That day is not too far away!

Looking at these big characters on the big screen, Wu Hao muttered silently in his heart.

At this time, at the invitation of Gao Jinguang, Yu Chengwu, who was in charge of the entire recycling work, also walked up to the stage, took Gao Jinguang over, and announced to everyone with a smile.

"According to the news from the landing field and the rocket recovery mission center, the first-stage rocket of the Jianmu-2 rocket we launched this time has landed smoothly on the landing field. The mission was a complete success.

In addition, the two halves of the fairing on the Jianmu-2 modified rocket have been successfully recovered by helicopters in the air, and have been safely transported to relevant areas. After some inspection, cleaning and maintenance, the two halves of the fairing will be reapplied to the new launch vehicle for launch.

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