Military Technology

Chapter 1206 Come on a wonderful space trip


"Mr. Wu, we are worthy of your dedication to the development of civil aerospace technology. From commercial launch vehicles to this new type of experimental spacecraft. Now many of us are more concerned. When will you be able to send us ordinary tourists to China?" Go to space and conduct space tourism. Many people also ask whether the price of this space tourism can be lowered, and it should not only become an exclusive project for the top rich.”

Su Qian asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao put down the coffee in his hand and said with a smile: "This is also the goal we have been working hard for all the time, that is, we hope to send more tourists into the sky to experience a wonderful space journey.

But it is not easy to achieve this goal. Apart from other things, we must first have a manned spacecraft that can successfully send people into space.

We all know that a manned spaceship is a very grand and complex systematic project, not to mention enterprises, even the vast majority of enterprises have difficulty supporting such a huge project.

Therefore, there are only a handful of countries in the world that can play manned spacecraft, and they are the ones that everyone knows.

Although there are already related successful cases, some companies and more than one company have developed manned spacecraft.

But these companies, without exception, have invested huge funds, resources, manpower, material resources, and time to achieve such results.

Therefore, if we want to build a manned spacecraft, we must invest a lot of manpower, material resources and time. This will be a huge number, which is very difficult for us to bear.

Therefore, if we really want to develop a manned spaceship, we will not be able to rely on ourselves alone. We need to invite more companies to join in. We all work together so that this can be realized.

In fact, it is technical, which can be put together with cost.

First of all, manned spacecraft technology can be said to be a combination of cutting-edge technologies gathered by the current comprehensive human technology. There are only a handful of countries that can develop manned spacecraft, and there are only a few of them, and the technology is highly monopolized.

If we want to do it, we will face a project that most countries in the world cannot do. You can imagine how difficult it is.

Of course, this is not only reflected in technology, but also in research and development costs. To put it bluntly, most countries on the planet cannot support such a huge money-burning project. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Su Xi, and then continued: "The space of traditional manned spaceships is very small, and it can only carry three to four astronauts at a time. As for the space shuttle, there is also a new generation of astronauts. As for the manned capacity, the number has been expanded to seven to eight people, which is almost doubled.

But despite this, the current carrying efficiency of these people is too low, and the price converted to one passenger is very high. Except for the kind of people with a lot of money who can bear it, ordinary people, even those with a solid family, can hardly bear it.

So if we want more people to travel to space at a reasonable price, then we have to reduce the price of each spaceship ticket.

If you want to lower prices, then you have to reduce the cost of transportation per passenger. If you want to reduce costs, you must first reduce the cost of rocket launch and transportation.

For this, we can use recyclable and reusable launch vehicles, which can greatly reduce the cost of rocket transportation.

Then the next step is to be on the manned spacecraft. The current manned vehicle carrying capacity is too poor. If you want to commercialize and reduce costs, you need to expand the manned vehicle's carrying capacity.

It will at least double the current maximum manned capacity of seven people, or even more. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to control the number of passengers in the range of 14 to 21 people.

In this way, we can evenly distribute the cost originally allocated to seven passengers to twenty-one passengers, so that the transportation cost for a single person will be greatly reduced.

Secondly, it is to reduce the cost of manufacturing and using the spacecraft. There are two paths in this regard, as with our commercial launch vehicles.

Either use ultra-low-cost disposable spacecraft, which will reduce the cost a lot. The ultra-low cost I am talking about here does not mean sacrificing the safety and reliability of the spacecraft. Instead, it is based on this basis to reduce unnecessary things on the spacecraft, thereby further reducing costs.

As for the second method, like our Jianmu-2 retractable launch vehicle, it can be recycled and reused, which can also reduce costs.

If all these can be realized smoothly, we are sure to control the cost of each passenger within two million yuan, so that more tourists with space dreams can realize their dreams and come to a space dream trip. "

"Two million yuan, the price is still too high, I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people to bear. If nothing else, let's just talk about me. Although I also have a strong space dream, I don't have two million yuan to go on a space trip. "Susie smiled wryly and shook her head.

Hehehe, Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders with a smile: "Unless we have a huge leap in aerospace technology, otherwise, the cost of our going to space cannot be reduced to a level that everyone can accept.

Just like the current intercontinental flight, aircraft technology has been developed for nearly a hundred years, and not everyone on our planet can afford an intercontinental flight ticket.

The same is true for space travel. What we can do is to reduce this dream from being unreachable to most people and untouchable in a lifetime, to a reality that many people work hard in this lifetime.

This is the limit that can be achieved according to our current social technology level. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Susie nodded. Indeed, what Wu Hao said is not wrong, the price of two million can be said to be very conscientious. You must know that the world's first space tourist spent 20 million U.S. dollars in order to be able to go to space.

And Wu Hao's offer is only two million, less than one-tenth of that offer, and it's still in RMB, not US dollars. It can be said that it is already very cheap, and I really can't ask for too much.

Hearing his answer, Susie nodded, and then said to him: "In what you said just now, you mentioned that unless we make a huge breakthrough in the field of aerospace technology, the cost of our going to space cannot be reduced to everyone are acceptable.

What do you mean by technological breakthrough here? Is it similar to the space elevator in the science fiction novel "Three-Body Problem"? "

Hearing Su Qian's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head again and again.

"The book "The Three-Body Problem" is very good, and I am also a loyal fan of it. However, we want to realize the sky elevator in the Three-Body Problem. It is conservatively estimated that it may not be possible within a hundred years."

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