Military Technology

Chapter 1260 Return Capsule Airdrop Experiment

Latest URL: With the end of the long holiday, everyone immediately threw themselves into the heavy work.

The same is true for Wu Hao. His work after taking leave is more arduous than others.

After dealing with some matters on the company's side, Wu Hao immediately took Yang Fan to the Northwest Research Base. There is still a very important experiment waiting for their arrival.

In the depths of the northwest desert in the middle of October, the temperature has begun to drop. They were still used to wearing short sleeves in Anxi, but they have already started wearing long sleeves here.

The person who came to greet him was Zhou Xiangming, the vice president of Haoyu Aerospace and the deputy chief engineer of the Aerospace Technology Research Institute, and Yang Xiaoyun, the deputy general manager of Haoyu Aerospace.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Yang, you have worked hard along the way. Stepping on high heels, Yang Xiaoyun quickly walked up to Wu Hao and the others, stretching out his hand to them and saying enthusiastically.

Haha, if you want to talk about hard work, you are the ones, why are we working hard. Wu Hao held Yang Xiaoyun's hand and said with a smile. Although Yang Xiaoyun cleaned up very well, but the wheat-colored complexion also showed the problem. The northwest is dry and sunny, so Yang Xiaoyun, who has not been here for a long time, has changed from a white beauty to a black swan now.

After Wu Hao shook hands with several other people who came to greet him, he asked with a smile, "Where is Yu Chengwu, why is there no sign of him?"

Mr. Yu is going to the Rocket Engine Test Center, and he won't be back until tomorrow. Yang Xiaoyun replied immediately.

Wu Hao waved his hands and said, "Let him work with peace of mind and don't care about me.

I'm here this time, mainly to participate in the high-altitude throwing experiment of our manned spaceship's reentry capsule. There's nothing else, so he doesn't have to worry. "

Yes. Zhou Xiangming responded, and then smiled at Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, let me introduce you. This is the person in charge of our manned spacecraft project, Mr. Guo Yulong and Mr. Guo."

Hello Mr. Guo, thank you for your hard work, long time no see. Wu Hao held Guo Yulong's hand and said enthusiastically.

In fact, it was Wu Hao who personally made the decision to let Guo Yulong be the person in charge of the entire manned emergency project. So he was very impressed with this Guo Yulong.

It's just that this project is relatively low-key, and the projects are all on the Northwest Research Base, so Wu Hao has relatively little contact with them.

Guo Yulong is 40 years old this year. After graduating with a master's degree in aerospace, he joined the manned spacecraft research department of the Aerospace Industry Corporation to participate in the research of related manned spacecraft.

He once participated in the development of a certain type of manned spacecraft and cargo spacecraft in the country. Later, because of his work relationship, he chose to continue his studies and study for a doctorate.

After graduating with a Ph.D., he finally chose to resign due to job transfers and other relations, and entered a civilian satellite technology company as the chief engineer.

Later, because the capital chain of this civil satellite technology company was broken, he had to go bankrupt. On the recommendation of his friend, he came to Haoyu Technology to apply for a job.

At the beginning, he was mainly responsible for the design and development of spacecraft, such as the inflatable inflatable space experiment module they launched in August this year. He participated in it. Later, after the manned spaceflight project was established, he came to the manned spaceship technology research project team as chief engineer and project leader.

Guo Yulong shook his head, and then reported to Wu Hao impatiently. After all, so many funds and resources have been invested, and now that the big boss has finally come to inspect the work, he has no choice but to perform well.

If he is not satisfied and cuts off the source of funds, then he probably wants to die. You must know that he has put all his heart and soul into this project. If it really stopped, it might kill him.

"Mr. Wu, our manned spacecraft development project is progressing smoothly, and we have conducted several ground and scale model airdrop experiments before.

And this time, we will start an intensive physical airdrop experiment. That is to say, what we are throwing this time will be the return capsule of the real manned spacecraft, which has the same structure and technology as the return capsule of the manned spacecraft we will launch next spring. "

Wu Hao nodded upon hearing this, and then asked, "When will the experiment start?"

Guo Yulong nodded and replied: "Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock on time, the air force's transport plane will land at the base airport tomorrow morning, and then we will load the return capsule we prepared into the transport plane's cabin.

After waiting for the experiment to start, the transport aircraft carrying the return capsule will fly to an altitude of 5,000 meters and then throw it.

After the return capsule is ejected from the transport aircraft cabin, it will immediately open the guide parachute and throw out a parachute group composed of three main parachutes to decelerate the return capsule.

Waiting for the moment when the return capsule is about to land, the recoil engine on the return capsule will ignite and continue to decelerate until the return capsule lands smoothly. "

It's the same as the real landing process. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Yes, the whole process is to simulate the whole process after our return capsule returns from space, in preparation for our unmanned spacecraft launch and return landing next spring. Guo Yulong replied.

Hmm, not bad. Wu Hao showed a satisfied look, and then said to everyone: "Let's go, let's get in the car and talk while walking.

Immediately, everyone boarded Coster, which was docked on the side, and after sitting down, Wu Hao then asked, is there any risk in the whole experiment process, and how are the relevant countermeasures prepared? "

Any experiment has certain risks, and this experiment is the same. Guo Yulong nodded and said: "But don't worry, we have made very good preparations in this regard to control the related risks to a minimum.

The landing field we will use for airdrops tomorrow is located deep in the desert next door, and there is no human habitation. We have started scouting the entire area a few days in advance to make sure everything is safe.

Before the experiment starts tomorrow, we will conduct an inspection of the entire landing site, and the experiment will not start until it is confirmed that it is safe.

I can't guarantee 100% success of the whole experiment, but the chance of success is still very high. Even if it fails, that is, the fall of the return capsule, the damage caused by this is very limited. We are confident in this regard.

Moreover, we have prepared three such return capsules to ensure that the entire experiment can be carried out normally, and the overall project process will not be delayed due to individual accidents. "

Before the experiment starts tomorrow, we will conduct an inspection of the entire landing site, and the experiment will not start until it is confirmed that it is safe.

I can't guarantee 100% success of the whole experiment, but the chance of success is still very high. Even if it fails, that is, the fall of the return capsule, the damage caused by this is very limited. We are confident in this regard.

Moreover, we have prepared three such return capsules to ensure that the entire experiment can be carried out normally, and the overall project process will not be delayed due to individual accidents. "

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