Military Technology

Chapter 1267 Intelligent Lunar Rover

Latest URL: Sky Crane?

If I remember correctly, this seems to be a black technology developed by NASA. So far, using this black technology, NASA has landed many Mars rovers on Mars smoothly and safely.

I heard that this technology is very difficult, can we do it?

Obviously, there are not a few people who have had such thoughts and worries at the scene. In addition to some non-technical personnel, there are even some scientific research and technical personnel who are also skeptical about this.

Zhou Xiangming saw everyone's reaction like this, then turned his head to look at Wu Hao, and then explained to everyone with a smile: "Yes, this technology was indeed a cutting-edge technology mastered by Lao Mi NASA.

However, this does not mean that this technology is only available to them. In fact, many countries and aerospace technology companies are also conducting research on this technology or similar technologies.

And we are one of them, and thanks to our outstanding achievements in the field of rocket technology, we can say that we have many advantages over others in the research and development of this technology.

At present, we have completed our own sky crane technology research and development demonstration work, and the formal research and development work has begun, and it is going very smoothly.

We are confident that our company's first smart lunar rover will launch on schedule next fall. "

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's introduction, although everyone still had a lot of questions, they all nodded their heads one by one. That's right, since Zhou Xiangming has already guaranteed it, then what are they worried about.

And Wu Hao didn't talk about it, but smiled and motioned Zhou Xiangming to continue.

After receiving Wu Hao's signal, Zhou Xiangming nodded immediately, and then continued to introduce to everyone.

"In addition to the problem of landing on the moon using the technology of the sky crane, our biggest problem should still be on this intelligent lunar exploration vehicle.

First of all, this lunar exploration vehicle, or it can also be called a lunar patrol vehicle, or a lunar rover, has the biggest difference from other past lunar vehicles and lunar ground patrols, that is, it has an intelligent brain, that is, an artificial intelligence system, Possess a set of intelligent brains that think independently and make decisions.

That is to say, these two lunar rovers can not only be operated remotely by humans, but also can be given instructions by humans, and then the intelligent lunar rovers will execute them autonomously.

And this time, compared with previous lunar projects, we launched a separate intelligent lunar rover. It can be unrestricted and unrestrained, freely exercise on the moon, and go to any place it can go.

In terms of theoretical design, this intelligent lunar rover has the ability to travel at high speed on the moon, with a top speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

Such a speed is definitely not worth mentioning compared to earth vehicles. But compared to all the extraterrestrial planets in the past or the future that may be seen, such as lunar rovers, Mars rovers are faster, and much faster.

At such a speed, the safety of the intelligent lunar rover rover has naturally become our top priority.

As we often say, you must be able to survive first, so that you can do more things.

And at such a speed, it is obviously far from enough to rely on our remote command on the earth alone, and it cannot be achieved.

So we have to develop an automatic driving system for this intelligent lunar rover, so that this intelligent lunar rover can roam on the moon autonomously. "

"When it comes to autonomous driving technology, driverless driving is something we are all very familiar with. Because now all slightly higher-end cars are equipped with autonomous driving technology. Although most of them are not mature enough, there are still some of them. Some do very well.

Of course, we have also engaged in the research and development of autonomous driving technology, and have made good progress.

And this time, some of our intelligent self-driving technology on this intelligent lunar rover rover comes from the car self-driving technology we developed.

However, lunar vehicles are very different from our cars, and the lunar environment is also very different from the earth's environment.

On the moon, our automatic driving system does not have to consider what road maintenance, vehicle and pedestrian avoidance, vehicle distance control, etc. are essential technologies in the automotive automatic driving system. "

"Intelligent lunar rovers do not need these, there are no roads on the moon, let alone vehicles and pedestrians.

Therefore, the focus of this intelligent lunar rover is the obstacle avoidance technology. The terrain on the moon is very rich. There are not only some rocks of different sizes, but also some craters of different sizes. And some mountains, cliffs, and endless plains that are common on our earth.

Therefore, this requires our intelligent lunar rovers to avoid rocks and potholes that these intelligent lunar rovers may encounter while driving at a high speed of 30 kilometers per hour. And quickly plan out a safe, flat, passable route.

It seems that this technology is not that difficult, at least not as advanced as the obstacle avoidance technology such as avoiding moving vehicles and pedestrians in vehicle automatic driving technology.

But in fact, this technology is not simple at all, and it will be more difficult than everyone imagined when it is carried out on the moon.

Especially in such a complex terrain, it is necessary to drive at high speed, and be able to plan and select a safe, flat, and intelligent route that the lunar rover can pass through in a timely and rapid manner.

To be honest, this is not easy for some of our off-road vehicle masters or old drivers. Even experienced drivers of off-road vehicles will have a series of problems and failures in such terrain.

It's okay on Earth, because our drivers can get out of the car at any time for maintenance, and even call for rescue.

But on the moon, which is 380,000 kilometers away from us, once our intelligent lunar rover has problems, such as damage to the vehicle, rebellion, or some other failures.

So what should we do, is it really like Yutu-1, just stop and set on the moon, and finally give up.

So for us, the safety of the intelligent lunar rover rover comes first.

This requires that this automatic driving technology must be reliable enough, otherwise, we can only reduce the speed of the vehicle, and then move forward by a few centimeters like those previous lunar surface patrols.

In that case, the scientific research value and commercial value of our intelligent lunar rover will be greatly reduced. "

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