Military Technology

A Will Eternal Chapter 1273

The next morning, Wu Hao and the others woke up. After washing up and changing into clean clothes, Wu Hao, Yang Fan and the others came to the restaurant and had a simple breakfast.

When they had finished their breakfast and were walking in the base, they heard the report that the Air Force's transport plane had arrived.

Upon hearing this, Wu Hao and the others got on the shuttle bus at the base and rushed to the airport.

When they came, an Air Force Y-8 transport plane with a new low-visibility painting had already parked on the tarmac. The cabin door has been opened, and many technicians are already busy.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others coming, Zhou Xiangming, who had already arrived at the scene, walked over with several soldiers wearing desert camouflage uniforms and running thunder hats.

When they came to the front, Zhou Xiangming warmly introduced to him: "Mr. Wu, these two are the people in charge of the Air Force, Vice Captain Zeng and Director Tian."

"Hi, thank you for your hard work." Wu Hao stretched out his hand with a smile on hearing this.

As for the two officers, they immediately gave Wu Hao a military salute, and then shook hands.

Among them, director Tian, ​​who was twenty-three cents, said enthusiastically to Wu Hao: "This is what we should do. When we came, the chief specifically ordered us to complete this task seriously."

"Haha, I've made up my mind, thank you chief for your concern." Wu Haochang laughed and asked, "How is it? Is there any difficulty?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Director Tian looked at Vice Captain Zeng who was wearing the Air Force Flight Talisman. Deputy Captain Zeng shook his head and smiled confidently: "There is no problem at present. We have invested in armored vehicles of 20 to 30 tons. What is the difficulty of this five to six ton thing?"

"Hahahaha, well, then I will wait for your good news. When the airdrop test is over, I will toast you." Wu Hao showed a satisfied smile.

On the other hand, Director Tian shook his head again and again and said, "Mr. Wu, you don't need to care about this trivial matter. Compared with your support for our air force, this matter is not worth mentioning at all.

Whatever you ask, we will do our best. "

"Okay, thank you." Wu Hao nodded in thanks.

While everyone was talking, the return capsule mounted on the flatbed truck in the distance had slowly driven over.

At this moment, the return capsule is protected by a layer of orange protective clothing, and the real face cannot be seen, but the general shape has appeared in front of everyone.

Like most of the return capsules of new manned spacecraft, their new manned spacecraft return capsule also presents a deconical structure. However, compared to the normal conical shape, there are four more raised parts around the return capsule, which are a bit like a quadrangular cone.

These four relatively raised ribs are not just for decoration. On the one hand, they are designed in an aerodynamic way, allowing them to maintain stability during high-speed landing.

On the other hand, under each raised edge, the two recoil engines are hidden. For emergency situations during launch, the engine ignites to propel the return capsule to quickly escape from the faulty rocket, and then escapes to a safe distance, thereby opening the parachute for landing escape.

Of course, these recoil engines also functioned as an ignition deceleration function for the return capsule before it finally landed.

"That's the big guy,

very impressive. Director Tian looked at the return capsule transported on the truck in front of him, and couldn't help but marvel.

Vice Captain Zeng, who was on the side, also began to look at him very seriously. After all, it is the first time for them to launch such a return capsule experiment, so they must be extra cautious.

It looked nothing from a distance, but when everyone saw the return capsule on the scooter at close range, they couldn't help being amazed. Director Tian smiled and sighed at everyone: "This thing is much bigger than expected."

Hehe, after all, it can carry seven or eight astronauts, so it’s not enough if it’s too small. Yang Fan said with a smile.

Despite the protective clothing, everyone can still feel the unique aura emanating from the cutting-edge technology products of human beings.

"Mr. Wu, everything is ready now, and the experiment can start at any time." After Guo Yulong nodded to Zhou Xiangming, Zhou Xiangming solemnly replied to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao waved his hands immediately after hearing the words: "Then let's start."

With the sound of subzero, everyone immediately started to get busy. To be honest, it is quite troublesome to stuff the return capsule of five or six tons into the belly of this transport plane.

Fortunately, the crew members of the transport plane have rich experience, and they began to direct everyone bit by bit to stuff this big guy into the cabin.

"Come on, come on, slow down, slow down, this is the reentry module of the spacecraft, it is precision equipment, not some iron bumps. Be careful, everyone, don't bump into each other." Guo Yulong shouted at the scene.

Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming, who was in a hurry, and said, "You don't have to accompany us, go and do your own business. Let everyone pay attention to safety, safety is the first priority."

Zhou Xiangming nodded when he heard the words: "Then Mr. Wu, I will go to work first."

After all, Zhou Xiangming was naturally very concerned about such an important experimental project, so Wu Hao didn't let him stand here with them, and let him do the work.

Sure enough, Zhou Xiangming quickly walked over there and joined the busy crowd.

In fact, the real operators are professional technicians and crew members. Others are watching and directing. This may be a domestic characteristic.

After about half an hour of busy work, the airport of the transport plane was slowly closed, which also meant that the loading work of the entire airport had been completed.

At this time, Deputy Captain Zeng said to Wu Hao, "Mr. Wu, I have to go to the control tower. First, I wish our airdrop experiment a complete success."

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work." Wu Hao shook hands with Vice Captain Zeng, and then watched them leave.

Immediately Wu Hao said to everyone present: "Let's go, let's not stay at the scene, go directly to the experimental field."

Immediately, everyone boarded the summoned vehicle, and then set off for the test site of the airdrop.

After walking for about ten minutes, after receiving the command from the control tower, the transport plane began to slide slowly towards the runway.

"Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest, Phoenix reports, I'm ready to take off at any time."

"Phoenix, this is the Eagle's Nest. The current wind direction on the ground is 3 meters per second, the temperature is 13, the airspace is clean, and you can take off."

"Phoenix received, ready to take off."

"Phoenix, I wish you a complete success in this mission, and we look forward to your triumphant return."

Immediately, the four turbofan engines of the transport plane began to increase their power, and the transport plane also began to slide slowly on the runway. The speed gradually became faster and faster, and then the nose of the plane was raised, and the huge transport plane left the ground and flew towards Far empty.

At this moment, Wu Hao and the others in the car couldn't help laughing when they saw the transport plane in the air: "Tell the driver to drive faster, the plane has already taken off."


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