Military Technology

Chapter 1290 Fully automated agricultural production



"Actually, these crushed corn stalk powders can also be collected, processed and fermented, and they are also very high-quality livestock feed.

Collecting and processing so many cornstalks into feed is also a considerable income.

It's just that, in the long run, we think that these corn stalk powders are more valuable than being collected and processed into feed. "

Speaking of this, Du Xiuming bent down and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, and then said to Wu Hao: "The sandy soil here is very barren, with very low organic matter content, and even less nutrient content.

Therefore, nothing can grow on this kind of land, unless it is transformed to gradually increase the content of organic matter in the soil and increase soil fertility.

And these corn stalk powders are natural organic fertilizers after being buried in the ground for fermentation. After several years of repetition, the soil nutrients here can be well restored, so that we can use it to grow some other crops and economic crops.

So at this stage, what we are implementing is the strategy of raising land. Only when these lands are cultivated well can they grow better. "

"How long will this process last?" Xu Xiaoya couldn't help asking.

Du Xiuming shook his head, then sprinkled the soil back into the ground, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "There is no time limit for this, the longer the time, the better.

So this must be a long-term project, so if you want to pursue the benefits of porting, it will definitely not work. "

Hearing Du Xiuming's words, Wu Hao smiled. As for Xu Xiaoya, she turned her head and glared at him, then looked at the large combine harvester in the distance and said, "What about these corns, did they all end up in the farm?"

Zhong Xiaoling, who was on the side, replied after hearing the words: "Not all of them, but 90% of them have entered the farms. Among them, our pastures currently consume about 30%, and the rest are shipped to the mainland and sold to Inside some farms.

And the remaining 10% will be used as high-quality coarse grains, and then placed in some supermarkets that cooperate with us. "

Du Xiuming on one side added: "In fact, compared to dry corn, the pasture prefers this kind of fresh corn that has just been harvested and has not dried out. Livestock prefer these fresh corn, and it is more nutritious and ripens better .”

While everyone was talking, the truck that was working with the harvester over there left immediately after being filled with corn, and then automatically drove away from the corn field, onto the road, and then drove towards the field.

Soon, another truck drove over, took over the position, and continued to accompany the work.

"How long will it take for this field to be harvested?" Wu Hao looked at the endless corn field and asked involuntarily.

Du Xiuming thought for a while after hearing this, and then replied: "It will take about four hours to finish harvesting."

Wu Hao nodded, and then smiled at everyone: "Let's go, let's go elsewhere, it's still early here. Our time is limited, so don't waste it here."

Immediately, everyone pedaled to the next target. After driving for about ten minutes, a golden rice field appeared in front of everyone.

The difference is that several harvesters are already working in the rice fields.

"This is our rice field. At present, the entire farm has a total of more than 20,000 hectares of rice planting area, most of which have been harvested. This is the last part, which covers about 2,000 hectares.

These rice is a kind of upland rice variety suitable for growing in the desert arid environment selected and bred in cooperation with Yuan Lao's scientific research team.

This upland rice variety is not only drought-tolerant, but also saline-alkali-resistant and resistant to diseases and insect pests. In addition, its rice ears are relatively long, the rice grains are relatively long, and the taste is good. The rice in everyone's lunch is made of freshly harvested rice. "

Hearing Du Xiuming's words, Wu Hao smiled and said, "I mean, why does this rice have a delicate fragrance, that's why.

When I leave, you give me two bags of rice, and I will take them back for everyone to try. "

"Hehe, no problem, I've already prepared it for you." Du Xiuming said happily.

No matter how expensive the two bags of rice are, the most important thing is to be recognized and liked by Wu Hao, which is enough for them. And Wu Hao thought he wanted rice, which meant that Wu Hao didn't treat him as an outsider, which was a great encouragement to them.

And Xu Xiaoya at the side, looking at the golden rice fields and the harvesters at work, asked, "How about the yield per mu of these rice fields?"

Hearing Xu Xiaoya's question, Du Xiuming replied with a smile: "Our place is no different from the intensive farming in the south of the inland area. It belongs to extensive agriculture. In addition to the natural environment here, the yield per mu is about 400 kilograms, which is worse than that in the inland area. far away.

Fortunately, our land is vast and sparsely populated, so the planting area is relatively large. 20,000 hectares of rice can produce more than 120,000 tons of rice. "

More than 120,000 tons.

Xu Xiaoya nodded, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "It's still too little, the gap in the market is too big, we must expand the scale, at least ten times."

"ten times?"

Wu Hao showed his speechless affection: "You are so bold. Expanding the scale by ten times is equivalent to 200,000 hectares of paddy fields and 1.2 million tons of rice. Do you know what this concept is?"

Xu Xiaoya ignored Wu Hao's doubts and said, "Let's not say 1.2 million tons, even if it is several times more, we can swallow it.

At present, there is a strong demand for high-quality rice in the market, and there is a large gap. Every year, our country imports a large amount of rice from Southeast Asian countries, about three to four million tons. If we can fill this gap, it will also be a good guarantee for national food security, and I think this is what the relevant state departments are happy to see. "

"I have no objection to expanding the scale, but we have to take it step by step. The steps are too big, but it is easy to drag the stalls." Wu Hao put away his smile and said to Xu Xiaoya: "In this regard, we must cooperate with relevant departments, including local governments. Call a joint meeting and then make a decision."

Hearing what he said, Xu Xiaoya was not surprised, but nodded, and then looked away.

She also knows that such a large scale is not what they say.

The issue of agriculture and food is the foundation of the country, so the consent of the relevant departments must be obtained.

Moreover, such a large land project is difficult to make a decision even at the local level, and must be reported to the Corps for research and decision.

In addition, in terms of related investment, according to Wu Hao's previous tone, it may be difficult to persuade him to continue investing. So this point requires in-depth communication and negotiation with Wu Hao and the others, otherwise it will be difficult to convince them.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but get a headache.

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