Military Technology

Chapter 1297 The little money they have is not enough to stuff the gap between their teeth

When the plane landed in Anxi and returned home, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Originally thought that Lin Wei had already rested, but she did not expect that she was sitting in the living room, watching a movie while waiting for Wu Hao.

Seeing him coming back, Lin Wei rushed to get up on the sofa, then quickly walked to him to take the luggage from his hand and said, "I'm back, are you hungry? I'll make it for you."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "I ate a little on the plane, so I'm not hungry. It's almost ten o'clock, why don't you go up to rest?"

I know you're coming back today, so I can't sleep, I plan to wait until you come back to sleep. Lin Wei looked at him with a smile and said.

Hearing this, Wu Hao took Lin Wei into his arms and asked softly, "Why, miss me."

Go, who is to you. Lin Wei pushed Wu Hao away and said, "Your body smells like sweat, hurry up and take a shower."

Hearing the news, Wu Hao pecked Lin Wei in a sneak attack, then walked into the elevator with his luggage.

As for Lin Wei, she rubbed her hand on the cheek pecked by Wu Hao just now, smiled slightly, and then walked towards the kitchen.

When Wu Hao took a hot bath, changed into his home clothes and came downstairs, he found Lin Wei coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of steaming noodles.

Seeing this, Wu Hao couldn't help laughing and said, "Didn't I say, I ate on the plane, so I'm not hungry."

Lin Wei put the noodles on the table and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't think you can get enough of the food on the plane, so eat more.

I also followed to eat some more, a little hungry. "

Seeing this, Wu Hao nodded, then walked to the dining table and sat down, then picked up the chopsticks and began to mix the noodles. The noodles are fresh noodles that have just been pressed with a noodle press. Although hand-rolled noodles are more delicious, it takes too much time. Not only do you need to knead the noodles, but you also need to wake up and roll the noodles, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

So they will only roll their own noodles when they have enough time, and they usually use this kind of noodle making machine most of the time.

Although it is machine-pressed noodles, it is more hygienic and safer than buying ready-made fresh noodles in supermarkets. The taste is also much better than dried noodles.

The noodle saozi is sauce-flavored pork shreds, which is actually similar to green pepper shredded pork, except that bean paste, dried yellow sauce and sweet noodle sauce are added in it. Therefore, the juice is more, thicker, easier to hang on the surface, and it tastes better and tastes better.

After taking a long sip of the noodles, Wu Hao said with a smile, "The noodles made at home are still delicious."

Seeing this, Lin Wei couldn't help laughing and said: "You don't come here, isn't the noodles in Xijiang delicious? What are you talking about, big plate chicken noodles, fried noodles, you are delicious."

"Why are you still jealous? I, who just arrived in Xijiang yesterday afternoon, came back tonight and just ate two casual meals. This dinner was settled on the plane. How can I have time to taste it carefully.

Okay, next time I go, I will definitely put you on, let's go and have fun, there are still quite a lot of places to play. "Wu Hao said with a smile.

cut. This is what you said, don't deny it when the time comes. Lin Wei glared at him angrily.

Wu Hao immediately quit after hearing the words: "Whoever refuses to admit it, didn't I fulfill all the promises I made to you.

Eleven said we were going on vacation, and we also went. We said we were going to watch a rocket launch earlier, so we also went. Why do you refuse to admit it?

Said I was like a rogue. "

You are a scoundrel yourself. Lin Wei rolled his eyes at him, then continued to eat.

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled, then lowered his head and started to eat the noodles.

The two finished the noodles quickly, and Wu Hao rushed to collect the bowls and chopsticks, took them to the kitchen and cleaned them up.

As for Lin Wei, she couldn't grab it, so she let Wu Hao get busy, and she leaned on the side with her arms folded and looked at the busy Wu Hao's back.

"How about the trip to the west this time?" Lin Wei asked casually.

"It's not bad, although there are a few twists and turns, but the overall itinerary is quite smooth, and the results are relatively fruitful.

The airdrop and landing experiment of the return capsule has been a complete success. According to the current progress, there should be no problem with the launch of the first unmanned experimental spacecraft next spring as scheduled. "Wu Hao said with a smile while cleaning the kitchen.

Lin Wei nodded and said: "I have read the relevant news about this, and the reaction from the outside world is quite strong now. Many people are very much looking forward to the launch mission next spring, thinking that it is our country's aerospace technology field and the civil aerospace technology field. A great achievement that deserves to be recorded in the annals of history.

Some of my friends are also very interested in this, and specially called me to ask about the situation. They don’t know where they got the news that Haoyu Aerospace is preparing to go public, and now they are trying to find some internal information from me. They are even asking if you have any financing plans. They are very concerned about this project. Very interested. "


Wu Hao turned his head and glanced at Lin Wei, then continued to get busy and said, "These people are well-informed.

This experiment will definitely attract some attention from the society, but there is no need to pay too much attention to it, or even tout it too much. This does not help our project at all, and even affects the normal progress of this project.

Moreover, if the social concern is too high, it will bring enormous pressure to all the staff of this project, which is not conducive to their work.

So in this regard, the publicity and distribution department still needs to deal with it and guide it well, so as not to make any fools.

As for those friends of yours, it's up to you to get rid of them, and let them forget about this project. At present, there are many giants interested in Haoyu Aerospace, including many large enterprises and large capital institutions.

So even if we finally start the financing plan, they will not have the opportunity to share the meat. Besides, the little money they have is not enough for our teeth.

Besides, we don't have any financing plans at the moment. Haoyu Aerospace is going to be listed in the future, but not now, it is not the time yet. "

After Lin Wei heard what he said, she nodded immediately and said: "I told them the same, don't hold out hope for this project, they won't be able to use the little money in their hands.

But you also know that this group of people will not die until they reach the Yellow River, and they will not look back until they hit the south wall. So I just ask, give them an accurate answer, and let them give up. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wei immediately asked: "It stands to reason that you are now a recyclable rocket, a manned spacecraft, and the space inflatable test site, and even the lunar exploration project.

Are so many achievements not enough for listing? "

Hearing this, Wu Hao wiped his hands with a towel with a smile, then untied his apron and said, "There are so many wolves staring at us now, if we rashly go public, we will easily become fat in the mouths of so many wolves.

So ah, we have to wait for an opportunity and then go public.

What we need is to raise funds through the stock market, not to bring in a pack of wolves, which is not conducive to the future development of this project. "

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