Military Technology

Chapter 1308 I don't want to be its ration


"Mr. Wu, how much is this second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system?" Suha, who was wearing a neat black suit, couldn't help asking.

Hearing Su Ha's question, everyone present couldn't help but quiet down, waiting for Wu Hao's answer.

Wu Hao naturally felt the eyes of everyone, but it was impossible for him to tell the price in front of so many people, and this is not how business is done.

"The price varies depending on what kind of package you choose and how to match it. We have many types of drones and their uses are also different. Everyone can flexibly match them according to their own needs. In this regard, we He is very considerate of customers." Wu Hao said with a sincere smile.

Hearing his words, everyone present reacted differently. The leaders of those domestic exhibitors who were also like them couldn't help cursing inwardly.

It's strange to believe you, you are the most cunning kid. Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why are you playing chat with us, do you really think everyone is a fool?

However, while these leaders complained, the first three big dogs all showed a satisfied look.

General Abu said happily to Wu Hao: "Wu, my dearest friend, this system is tailor-made for us.

We need this system so badly, so timely. Wu, you have won our Saudi friendship. "

"You are too proud, your satisfaction is our greatest pursuit."

Wu Hao showed a bright smile: "Don't worry, we will do our best to provide you with the best service. If you have any problems, you can tell us, and we will try our best to solve them, so that you can feel at home."

Hearing his words, Prince Maiha on the side laughed and said, "Our country also needs such weapons and equipment very much.

My friend, I would like to have a deep talk with you right now. "

Hearing this, Wu Hao spread his hands with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I can't walk away now. However, regarding cooperation matters, I suggest that we let the subordinate team come to contact first. When the discussion is almost done, we will attend the discussion and make a decision. .

In this way, a lot of time can be saved, and other things will not be delayed. "

"My friend, you are quite right. Let them talk first,

Finally we sign it. The scenery of Zhushi is very wonderful, my friend, I invite you to enjoy life with me. "Prince Maiha stopped Wu Hao and said enthusiastically.

Wu Hao smiled at this and said: "There will be a chance, but not now. Prince Meha, I am very yearning for your country.

When I have a chance, I will definitely be a guest, and I will trouble you when the time comes. "

"Oh, I welcome you on behalf of my country and people. You will be a friend of our entire country and will receive the warmest and warmest reception."

Speaking of this, Prince Maha whispered to him: "I just raised two white lions, which are very good. When you come, I will give you one."

"Uh, no need." Wu Hao shook his head again and again. I have long heard that the local tyrants over there have the habit of raising beasts of prey, such as lions, tigers, leopards, eagles and eagles, etc. Now I have finally met it, and it really lives up to its reputation.

But this thing, he can't enjoy it. I really don't understand, can lions be raised well? Don't let yourself be a ration for adults.

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Seeing that Prince Maiha wanted to say more, Wu Hao quickly explained: "You know, our country does not allow these to be kept, so it's a pity."

"Oh, that's a pity, then I'll give you something else." Prince Meha showed a regretful expression, it seemed that he couldn't share his happiness.

After dealing with Prince Maiha, Wu Hao pressed his hand, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then continued to preach.

"In addition to the aerial patrol and alert UAV, this second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system also retains other patrol alert terminals, including our ground patrol alert unmanned vehicle, water patrol alert unmanned boat, and underwater patrol alert Unmanned submersibles and more.

These inspection and security equipment can cover our air, ground, water, and diving in the entire four-dimensional space, and can achieve all-round seamless coverage. These devices are actually not much different from the first generation devices, but the performance has been improved. And like our aerial patrol and security drones, we have also developed different levels of patrol and security equipment for different environments.

In this regard, I will not introduce them to you one by one. "

"Here I would like to focus on this fixed sentinel system for monitoring and alerting, and some sensors we use for alerting tasks.

This fixed sentry system is actually a fixed monitoring probe, but compared to ordinary probes, it has the ability to monitor and alert. After finding a suspicious target, it can identify and lock it at the first time, and transmit the information to the intelligent unmanned patrol security system in real time.

The intelligent unmanned patrol security system will conduct analysis and judgment, and will also command and control nearby patrolling drones or unmanned vehicles, unmanned boats and other related equipment to identify and detect at close range.

This fixed sentinel system is more suitable for installation in some sensitive and critical areas, and can carry out 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance and alert on relevant target areas.

It is equipped with a new generation of new lithium batteries and solar and wind power generation systems, which can maintain autonomous operation and do not require personnel to maintain for a long time.

In this way, this sentinel system can be deployed, installed and deployed very conveniently, and can also greatly reduce its operating costs. "

"In addition to the Sentinel system, we have also specially developed and equipped with feature-rich sensors for this second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system.

These sensors are very cheap, small in size, and very convenient to deploy. They can even be launched in the air using our patrol drones.

It is equipped with a new type of lithium battery, which has a very long battery life, and a sensor can work normally for more than three months.

These sensors can record nearby ground vibrations, nearby temperatures, and even some nearby sounds.

In this way, even if the enemy is camouflaged and successfully escapes the surveillance of aerial drones, ground unmanned vehicles and sentinel systems, it cannot escape these sensors.

Once a signal is found, these sensors will quickly alarm, and nearby drones, unmanned vehicles, or unmanned boats, as well as underwater unmanned submersibles, will receive the news as soon as possible. .

While feeding back to the intelligent unmanned patrol security system, it will also actively approach the relevant area for further patrol and investigation, so as to find suspicious targets in time. "

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