Military Technology

Chapter 1316 It's Not About Money

Having said that, Wu Hao stopped, then looked at the crowd and said, "I know that everyone will have a lot of questions about this light field short-range air defense laser interception system, and I can't dispel your doubts no matter how much I say.

That being the case, then I won't talk about it, let's base everything on the actual combat test. Originally, we prepared an actual combat demonstration video for you, so please stop watching this actual combat video.

In the afternoon, we will demonstrate the actual target shooting test of this lightweight field short-range air defense laser interception system in the outdoor ground equipment demonstration area.

Here, I invite everyone to go and watch it on the spot to verify the reliability and superior performance of our equipment. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, all the people present could not help but praise while showing surprise. Therefore, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, being able to display the existing equipment and carry out live ammunition shooting is enough to show their affirmation and confidence in the performance of their weapons and equipment.

To everyone's surprise, it seems that there are not many weapons and equipment, so let's rush to the air show to conduct this kind of live ammunition shooting test.

Of course, this kind of Wu Hao and his team is not a live ammunition target test. If it is a light field area air defense system, it will definitely not work, because the interceptor drone it uses is a hard kill and has a certain degree of danger.

Although this light field short-range air defense laser interception system also adopts hard kill, the attack method is different. Burns the target by irradiating it with a pulsed laser beam. This process is relatively safe, so it was approved by the organizer.

Of course, there is another reason for being approved. That is, such a display of the actual combat performance of weapons and equipment can also increase the attention and influence of the exhibition, thereby enhancing the international reputation of the exhibition, which can be regarded as an advertisement for the air show.

Therefore, based on these reasons, the organizers will agree.

That being the case, there is no need to continue introducing this equipment, so Wu Hao is ready to lead everyone to the next exhibit area.

At this moment, General Ah Bu who was walking beside Wu Hao suddenly asked: "Wu, my friend, I heard that you have a very advanced large-scale combat drone, why didn't you show it in this exhibition.

You know, for this kind of advanced large-scale combat UAV, we also need it very much. In this field, we have a very large space for cooperation. "

Wu Hao was a little surprised when he heard this at first, but he was relieved immediately. That's right, who can hide this kind of news, I'm afraid you already know everything you need to know, it just depends on how much you know.

Apparently, this General Abou was asking him for information about the Fulong intelligent attack drone.

In this regard, Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders with a smile, showing a helpless expression and said: "I have to say, your intelligence work is very good.

But you should be clear that the technical disclosure and export of our related products need to be approved by relevant departments.

At present, this combat drone is still being kept secret, and it may be difficult to export it to foreign countries in the short term. "

Hearing Wu Hao's explanation, General Abu showed a regretful face: "That's a pity. We are very interested in this large combat drone. If we can cooperate, money is not a problem."

It's not about the money.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said: "Unfortunately, we cannot cooperate with you without the approval of the relevant departments.

However, please rest assured that we are also actively fighting for it, and I believe that the day of unblocking will not be too far away. "

"I hope." General Abou nodded and said, "I will also actively fight for it from your leaders and the military. I hope we can reach a cooperation."

"Of course, I'm happy to see it succeed." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

But in his heart, he is not optimistic about this cooperation at all. Because it is impossible for this smart attack drone to be sold in a short period of time, unless the technology of this drone can be greatly upgraded and optimized, and a new generation of products is launched. At this time, the first generation of products will be available. Hope to get an export.

You must know that many military trade weapons and equipment in the world are put on the military trade market after the country's bidding fails.

When everyone came to the new exhibition area, they couldn't help but attracted their attention to the several individual mechanical exoskeletons in front of them.

In front of everyone, I visited a total of four individual mechanical exoskeleton equipment. These equipment have their own characteristics and are very cool.

Facing the surprised gazes of the crowd, Wu Hao walked up to these exhibits with a smile and introduced them to everyone: "Next, I will introduce to you a brand-new individual equipment that our company launched for you. This is the intelligent individual mechanical exoskeleton system.

Regarding the individual exoskeleton system, I believe everyone knows something about it. At present, various exoskeleton products emerge in an endless stream, dazzling, but the performance seems to have not been greatly improved. There are very few exoskeleton products that can really be put into practical use and equipped with troops.

And today, we will show you our intelligent individual mechanical exoskeleton technology. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at everyone with a sigh of relief and said: "Actually, the news about our company's intelligent mechanical exoskeleton technology is not new. It has been spread before, and we have also displayed it in many exhibitions. up.

And today, we will demonstrate our military individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products for the first time.

I won’t go into details about the development of exoskeleton technology and related advantages here, anyway, everyone knows something about it. So, let me introduce our products directly.

First of all, I will introduce to you the second one here, this desert-colored individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment.

It belongs to the basic type among the four products, and it mainly consists of four parts: lower limb support system, carrying system, intelligent control system, and power supply system.

Its main function is to slow down the exhaustion of soldiers' physical strength caused by long-term and long-distance marching on foot, and relieve the fatigue of soldiers' lower limbs after long-term and large-scale exercise.

In addition, it can also enhance the strength of the wearer's lower body, allowing them to run faster and jump higher and farther.

Finally, this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment also has a strong carrying capacity, which can carry a load of 100 kilograms for a long march without causing pressure on the wearer.

For the wearer, this one hundred kilograms load is like carrying a dozen catties, which is very easy.

Wearing this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment, the wearer can still walk on the ground with a load of 100 kilograms, and can also perform some tactical actions such as jumping and running, which is very flexible. "

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