Military Technology

Chapter 1325 The Chosen One Among the Billions

Chapter 1325 The Chosen One Among the Billions


After introducing these, Wu Hao then pointed to the picture on the big screen, and smiled at everyone: "This is the internal situation of our inflatable expandable space experiment cabin. After nearly three months of growth, the inside The space farm is already full of greenery.

You can take a look, this is wheat, this is rice, this is corn, and this is potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Take a look, the potatoes and sweet potatoes here are growing very well. "

Seeing the round potatoes and sweet potatoes growing under the potatoes and sweet potato seedlings, everyone present couldn't help being surprised.

"Why are these potatoes and sweet potatoes different from what we have seen? Are they new varieties?" One of the female customers couldn't help but wonder.

Hehe, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "No, it's just ordinary potatoes and sweet potatoes. It's just that, because in space, these potatoes and sweet potatoes grow in a gravity-free or microgravity environment. influence, so its fruit is naturally more mellow."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took the controller to switch the screen and said: "Look, everyone, this is the tomato we cultivated, it is still very round, and these tomatoes are ready to be harvested.

This one here is a cucumber, which has lost the influence of gravity, so its growth is very different from what we see on the ground. "

"Wu, my dear friend, can these melons and fruits be brought back by then? I wonder how the melons and fruits grown in space taste like? You can sell me some, money is not a problem." Prince Maha couldn't help swallowing He swallowed his saliva, and then said with a smile.

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing Prince Maha's words, everyone present burst into laughter.

Everyone has such an idea, but Prince Maiha first said it.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid it won't work for the time being, after all, if you want to make a special trip to bring these melons, fruits and food back, the cost will be too high.

However, soon our second inflatable expandable space capsule will be launched, where it will conduct experimental docking with our unmanned experimental spacecraft.

At that time, we will transfer some of the melon and fruit products cultivated in the space farm in the inflatable expandable space experiment cabin to the spacecraft and bring them back.

Of course, the quantity is limited, we can't sell it externally, we can only use it for some scientific research experiments.

As for the melons, fruits and grains in this inflatable expandable space experiment cabin, they may eventually burn down as the space experiment cabin finally falls into the atmosphere. "

"Oh, that's such a pity." Not only Prince Maiha, but everyone else present showed a look of pity.

Seeing this, Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said, "Don't be sorry, everyone, although we won't be able to taste it, some people may.

We are actively promoting the experimental docking of this inflatable expandable space experiment module with our space station. If the docking is successful, the astronauts in the space station may be able to enjoy these delicacies.

Moreover, we will also ask astronauts to help us collect a batch of seeds from these grains, and then bring them back to Earth with the rotation of astronauts. "

Of course, this is only possible, and Wu Hao is still not sure whether their application will be approved or not. From the firm attitude of the aerospace department at the beginning, to the later loosening, and then to the ambiguity now, they can't guarantee it.

Judging from what Wu Hao knew, the opinions of the relevant leaders and the expert group were not unified. There are those who support it and those who oppose it.

Opponents think that this is a private self-developed experimental spacecraft after all, and it is also an inflatable inflatable space experiment cabin, the danger and reliability of which are unknown.

Once there is danger in the process of docking with the space station, the safety of the space station will be endangered. So to be on the safe side, docking is not allowed yet.

Those who agree with it believe that this inflatable expandable space experiment module has been in orbit for several months, and its performance is stable, and its reliability and safety have been verified. That being the case, why can't it be docked.

If it is connected, on the one hand, it will be able to positively promote the domestic civil aerospace industry and encourage the development of the civil aerospace industry.

On the other hand, Wu Hao's inflatable expandable space experiment cabin is equipped with a lot of equipment this time. There are also these experimental projects, if they can be obtained through docking, they will also bring huge economic and scientific benefits.

So up to now, the above opinions have not been unified yet.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present couldn't help but nodded slightly. That's okay, after all, someone has tasted it for them.

"Wu, my friend, have you started recruiting astronauts yet?" General Abu asked.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "No, we don't have an astronaut training plan in this area yet.

The cost of training a qualified astronaut is too high. As a commercial company, we must consider issues from a commercial and market perspective. "

It is really too expensive to train an astronaut. If an excellent pilot is made of gold, then a qualified astronaut should add a lot of diamond jewelry on the basis of equal weight of gold.

There are six billion to seven billion people in the world, but how many astronauts from all countries add up, and how many actually go into space.

This can be said to be one of the 100 million chosen ones, their value cannot even be measured by money.

"So how do we get our own astronauts to board your manned spacecraft and enter space?" General Abou asked again.

In the past two years, Saudi Arabia has proposed a series of ambitious development plans in the field of space, including the idea and ambition of sending its own astronauts into space.

But, if you want to send your own astronauts into space, you not only need money, but also involve many things other than money.

So it has not been realized. Hearing Wu Hao's introduction this time, General Abu's fiery heart beat again.

Wu Hao was not surprised that General Ah Bu could ask such a question. And it can be said that he is waiting for General Abu, a group of big dogs, to speak.

So seeing the other party speak, Wu Hao said with a smile: "At present, there are two ways, one is official contacts, and the other is commercial space tourism projects carried out as private ordinary tourists."

"Is there a difference between these two methods?" Old Suha suddenly interjected. It can be seen that he is also very interested in this matter.

Wu Hao glanced at old Suha, nodded with a smile: "Of course there is a difference, and the difference is very big."

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