Military Technology

Chapter 1332 Shocking the audience

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"Okay, this is the end of the interception test of this light field short-range air defense laser interception system. Next, we will conduct a field demonstration of our individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to everyone: "I have already shown you the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system in the morning. Because the space is limited, we will focus on showing you our individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system this time. Mobility performance of exoskeleton system.

I think this is also a point that everyone is more concerned about. After all, we expect that the mobility and flexibility of most exoskeleton products currently on the market do not seem to be very good.

The mobility and flexibility are also an important reason that restricts the actual use of individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems.

If superior mobility and flexibility are not achieved, then this exoskeleton product will not only enhance the combat effectiveness of the soldiers wearing it, but may even affect the flexibility and mobility of the soldiers, affect combat effectiveness, and even affect the combat effectiveness of soldiers. battlefield survivability.

So today we will focus on showing you the performance in this area. "

Seeing everyone nodded, Wu Hao immediately signaled. I saw four testers wearing individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems walking over the field.

Like normal people walking, they lined up and easily walked to the rostrum, and then stood at attention. After saluting to the rostrum, he straddled and waited for the order.

Wu Hao smiled and introduced to those who took pictures with mobile phones, cameras, and smart AR glasses: "These four testers are actually veterans we recruited.

On the one hand, it is because these veterans have very good physical fitness and are proficient in various military tactical actions, so they can give full play to the full performance of this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system.

On the other hand, because it is used by veterans, it is more representative, so you can also understand the real situation of soldiers using this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system through their actual demonstrations.

The individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems worn by these four testers are the four models we showed in the exhibition hall in the morning, and we will show you one at a time today.

First of all, what we will show you is this basic model, which belongs to the half-body type individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, so in addition to strengthening the wearer's lower body strength, it also has a certain load-bearing capacity.

In order to restore the real combat situation on the battlefield, we will carry an 80-kilogram backpack for our testers, which is already twice the load of a normal soldier.

In addition to this, the wearer also carried a full set of individual combat equipment, which weighed more than twenty kilograms. In other words, the tester carried a load of 100 kilograms, not counting the weight of the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system he was wearing. "

While Wu Hao was introducing it, the tester was also showing everyone the equipment on it. Through actual weighing on site, these items add up to more than 100 kilograms.

As a normal person, it is generally impossible to bear it. Even if it is carried, I am afraid it is not as easy as the tester on the spot.

"What he will demonstrate next is a process of simulating the rapid movement of the battlefield. We set up many obstacles on the demonstration field and asked the tester to perform rapid maneuvers.

Everyone can see these obstacles. It is not easy for ordinary soldiers to cross these obstacles without carrying weight, let alone this tester who carries a weight of 100 kilograms.

So next, let's take a look at his performance. "

After speaking, Wu Hao signaled for the demonstration to begin.

The tester wearing the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system responded to Wu Hao, and then stepped out and took a ready posture.

With a whistle, the tester of the basic model of the wearer's individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system actually ran forward at a sprint-like speed.

This speed is almost as fast as that of a sprinter. It can be said that in an instant, the tester has already run thirty or fifty meters away.


Everyone at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed, and the speed was really shocking.

You must know that this is carrying a load of 100 kilograms, even for a normal person who doesn't carry anything, it is not easy to run at such a speed.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "We have done a test, and the tester wearing the basic model of this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system can run at the fastest speed of 100 meters without any load. Can break through five seconds.

This is still tested without professional sprint training. If professional sprinters are used to test, I think this result will be better. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help showing surprise and affectionately looking at the fast running on the field, and constantly testing various military tactics.

Seeing the four-meter-high barrier wall, he actually collapsed in one step. As for the eight or nine-meter-wide pool on the field for testing ground armored vehicles, the tester also stepped over it.

As for the barbed wire fences, they are completely useless, just one step across. Not only that, but the tester was also constantly performing various military tactical actions, sometimes running, sometimes lying down and crawling, and sometimes bending forward.

The whole process was very smooth, without any muddling. You must know that these actions are all performed under a load of 100 kilograms, which shows the superior performance of this basic type of individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system.

Not only the customers sitting on the rostrum, but also the onlookers around the demonstration site cheered. The observers and the reporters, fiddling with all kinds of long guns and short cannon equipment in their hands, shot the tester who was running in the field like chicken blood, and snapped shots, not wanting to miss any wonderful shots.

After completing the relevant cross-country tactics, the tester slowed down and stopped, and then slowly ran towards the rostrum.

Although this series of actions made the tester a little panting and sweating profusely, he was still in good condition and did not show signs of excessive exercise.

This made the customers on the rostrum excited one by one, and took pictures of the tester holding the device in his hand.

Regarding this, Wu Hao did not stop it. In fact, they have been prepared for this from the beginning. Since it is going to be shown and demonstrated on the spot, it is natural that people can't stop people from shooting it.

So instead of hiding it, it's better to let these people do the shooting.

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