Military Technology

Chapter 1338 Laser Long-range Interception Weapon

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Li Suo. Wu Hao stood up and greeted with a smile.

Sit down, everyone sit down, why are you so polite. Li Weiguo came forward and greeted with a smile.

After everyone sat down, Cheng Haifeng said with a smile: "Drink something, I treat you."

Heh, when did you become so generous with your penny-pinching iron cock. Li Weiguo joked with the other party with a smile, and then said to the waiter who came over: "Have a glass of Blue Mountain."

After it was over, he looked at Cheng Haifeng and said with a smile: "When did you, old Cheng, come to the air show in leisure time? It's rare."

Haha, aren't you here too? Cheng Haifeng replied, and then explained with a smile to everyone: "I, come here to talk about cooperation, and by the way, go around the air show.

Didn't I hear that Xiao Wu and the others were demonstrating at Gao Shi, so I rushed over, it was really an eye-opener. "

Hearing Cheng Haifeng's words, Li Weiguo also smiled and turned his head to Wu Hao and said, "I've also heard that your brat has made a big battle this time, with everything in the sea, land, air and sky, it can be said to be exhausted limelight."

You, stop teasing me. Wu Hao explained with a wry smile when he heard the words: "I only showed a few new products, as for the exaggeration you said.

Besides, all these equipments have been approved and reported, and I didn't intend to show off the limelight. Isn't this catching up. "

Wang Lianggong smiled and shook his head to appease him: "No one blames you, we just lament that you grow up too fast. It's only been a few years, and your growth has far exceeded our expectations."

Li Weiguo nodded, then pointed to Wu Hao and said with emotion: "When I first saw this kid, he hadn't graduated yet, so he was very immature. I didn't expect that it has only been a few years, and he has developed so much that people start to look up to him."

See what you said, no matter how I grow up, I will still be the Xiao Wu you know. Besides, without your care, we would not be where we are today. To say thank you, I have to really thank you all. Speaking of which, Wu Hao raised his coffee and smiled, "Then I'll replace the wine with coffee. Thank you for your care over the years. I will continue to trouble you in the future. Take care of me, a junior."

Haha, this kid is totally trying to get cheap and act good. Li Weiguo cursed with a smile, but still held up the coffee.


After a burst of laughter, Li Weiguo said to Wu Hao: "I saw the weapons and equipment and related technologies you exhibited this time, and they are very rich.

As a veteran of the Air Force, and a veteran military engineer who has studied Air Force equipment for most of his life, I still set my sights on the field of aviation technology.

Still in terms of drones, this time you showed the second-generation battlefield sweeper miniature unmanned attack aircraft, what smart grenades, smart bullets. And the light field area air defense system and the light field short-range air defense laser interception system that you have come up with are very good, refreshing. "

Haha, I was still talking about this just now. We are also very interested in this light field short-range air defense laser interception system. Cheng Haifeng said something with a smile, and then joked to Li Weiguo: "I said, Lao Li, this thing seems to have nothing to do with your air force, why are you so interested.

People's smart grenades and smart bullets are for infantry, and this field air defense system and laser interception system are also used to target aerial drones. To put it bluntly, they are designed to deal with you. "

Hearing Cheng Haifeng's joke, Li Weiguo glared and said, "Because it's aimed at us, we need to understand better. Otherwise, we won't be able to find an opponent if we're beaten down in the future."

Speaking of this, Li Weiguo glared at Wu Hao and said: "You said you kid, it's not good to make something, you have to make these."

Hey, you are being unreasonable. Cheng Haifeng replied.

As for Wu Hao, he also explained with a smile: "Currently, the field air defense system and laser interception system we export for export,

It is also only aimed at some small and micro targets, and its operating range is also short-range and low-altitude. You can rest assured that there is no threat to large air targets and manned fighters. "

People who have no foresight must have near-term worries. We can't just stare at the present, but also focus on future threats. Speaking of this, Li Weiguo glared at Wu Hao again, and then said in an uneasy way: "Don't think I don't know, the laser long-range interception technology you developed, and this UAV intelligent air defense system, are already quite impressive. progress."

Laser long-range interception technology, and UAV intelligent air defense system?

Cheng Haifeng and Wang Lianggong looked at each other, and the eyes could not help but flash with light.

Look, this finally reveals something. Let me just say, it will definitely be a worthwhile trip. Cheng Haifeng smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, please introduce these two technologies to us. Of course, you can say what you can."

Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said, "There's nothing we can't say, it's just the two technologies we're researching.

At present, all major military powers in the world are studying these two fields, and we are just newcomers entering it.

First of all, let me introduce this laser long-range interception technology to you. This technology was born out of our laser defense interception project.

To put it bluntly, we want to use laser weapons to build a self-defense interception system, so that relevant targets that will strike in the future can be intercepted in a timely, efficient and reliable manner. Prevent them from penetrating our defenses in depth, launching attacks, and destroying our objectives.

The laser long-range interception technology mentioned by Li just now is a kind of laser interception weapon, or high-power laser cannon, aimed at intercepting long-range large and medium-sized targets. "

After glancing at a few people, Wu Hao spread his hands and smiled, "Everyone understands what I said. In fact, this technology is nothing new. We have already had similar laser interception weapons, and some other military powers also have them." Similar laser weapons have even been put into practical use in some countries.

So for us, this is nothing more than playing with concepts and making cold rice. "

"You don't come here, you are fooling the devil, let's talk about something practical." Li Weiguo said dissatisfied.

"Uh, ha ha." Wu Hao smiled awkwardly, then nodded, and continued to introduce: "Our laser long-range interception weapon, its biggest advantage is its size. Compared with the previous huge laser cannon , We can reduce the size of this weapon a lot, and even equip it on a vehicle. In this way, its maneuverability and field performance can be greatly improved.

Achieve rapid excitement, rapid deployment, rapid response, rapid strike and other operational characteristics. In this way, we can clear the obstacles for the large-scale equipment of this laser long-range interception weapon, so that it can be installed and cooperate with some air defense missile units for air defense. "

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