Military Technology

Chapter 1361 Pursuit from the capital market

[Unmodified version] If you master this new type of super phage that targets a single type of bacteria or multiple types of bacteria, then you can actively and calmly deal with the possible outbreak of biological warfare.

This has great strategic value in military operations. So this technological achievement quickly attracted the attention of the military. Moreover, the military responded very quickly, and will organize a special inspection and evaluation team of military experts to conduct inspections to verify the authenticity of this technology and evaluate the relevant value and application prospects of this technical achievement.

This was expected by Wu Hao, so it was not a big surprise. But for the Biological and Life Science Research Center and some other people in the company, they don't quite understand it. How come this good latest biomedical scientific research achievement has something to do with the military again.

Everyone is worried that if this technological achievement is really valued by the military. Then it will have a very adverse impact on the future commercial application of their technological achievements, especially the international application.

Although unwilling, they must accept and cooperate actively according to relevant laws and regulations. And with regard to national defense and security, they, as enterprises and citizens, have the responsibility and obligation to actively cooperate.

In addition to these three technologies, the related news and speeches announced by Wu Hao later also caused a great sensation.

Especially Wu Hao announced that they will launch their own unmanned experimental spacecraft next year, and the time is very close, not a few months away. And Wu Hao and the others will launch their own intelligent lunar exploration patrol vehicle to carry out related lunar exploration projects.

And Wu Hao, they will launch two brand new rockets next year, Jianmu-5 and Jianmu-7, which will undoubtedly make more people interested.

The rapid and smooth development of Haoyu Aerospace is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. They did not expect that Haoyu Aerospace had developed to such a scale in just a few years. Not only has its own commercial launch vehicle, but also the world's leading retractable launch vehicle, and will even have its own medium and heavy launch vehicle soon.

So now many media experts and ordinary people are used to comparing them with Musk and SPX in the United States.

Similar to Musk and spx, Wu Hao and the others are also developing their own manned spacecraft. Although it is slow, it is still catching up, and the progress is very rapid. How much time has passed since it was reported that Haoyu Aerospace will develop its own manned spaceship, to the announcement of the first unmanned experimental spacecraft.

And in comparison, Wu Hao's Haoyu Aerospace is developing more rapidly, and the projects are rich and operable. In addition, the market has huge commercial value.

For example, the inflatable expandable experimental space capsule launched by Wu Hao and the others in the summer has huge commercial value. This has also made many people, institutions and aerospace technology companies see the huge potential in this field, and have started research work in this area.

For another example, Wu Hao and the others are about to launch the first commercial lunar intelligent lunar exploration patrol vehicle, which seems to be more operational than the unreachable Mars exploration project.

Moreover, Wu Hao also proposed a more attractive goal, which is to establish a scientific research station on the moon, as well as related plans and goals for permanent human settlements.

So for a long time, many capital and commercial institutions have found them, hoping to invest. As for Wu Hao, he never let go, which disappointed these people, but he didn't give up.

But this time, the official announcement of such news at the press conference attracted a group of investment companies and capital representatives.

In fact, after Wu Hao integrated and established Haoyu Aerospace, these people have already received definite news that Haoyu Aerospace will seek to go public. This undoubtedly made these capital and investment companies excited like sharks smelling fishy.

Such a potential and powerful aerospace company will definitely be favored by the market. If you can invest, you will get a quick return,

And this benefit will be doubled.

But Wu Hao was not in a hurry, which made these people look helpless while they were anxious. The current Haoyu Technology is no longer something they can deal with if they want to deal with it, not to mention that they have the military to endorse them.

Moreover, Haoyu Technology is not a listed company, so it is difficult to target these capital forces.

As for Wu Hao's final speech, although it attracted a lot of attention, it was not abrupt or unusual. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the aerospace industry is the industry of the future and has a huge development frontier.

Wu Hao is right. Human beings are now before the great voyages hundreds of years ago. In the past, whoever controlled the ocean controlled the world. In the future, whoever controls space will control the universe.

Therefore, companies in various countries are now committed to the development of the aerospace technology industry, and various private aerospace technology companies have sprung up like mushrooms. Although it is very popular, there are still too few aerospace companies that have really formed and developed.

After all, the aerospace industry is still a technology-intensive, capital-intensive and talent-intensive high-tech industry. No money, no technology, no talent, nothing to do.

It is impossible to succeed with a little passion and speculation, and one must settle down to do technical research in a down-to-earth manner. But now how can these capital investment companies give these entrepreneurial companies such a long time. For these capitals, time is money, and they will not put all their money in such long-term projects. Generally speaking, there must be achievements and benefits within two or three years, otherwise, withdrawal of capital will be considered.

This is also one of the reasons why Wu Hao and the others were unwilling to accept capital investment at the beginning, because once these capital forces enter, they will lose control of the company, making it difficult to concentrate on long-term investment in some large projects.

Whether you like it or not, the financial report must be published. Therefore, in order to make the numbers on the financial report look better and reassure shareholders, they have to give up and focus on something, which is actually not conducive to the development of the company.

Even so, who makes people rich? This is what many entrepreneurial and growing companies lack most. In the face of money, they can only submit.

So in this respect, capital is not only promoting the development and growth of these enterprises, but also stifling the growth and potential of these enterprises.

This thing is a double-edged sword, it depends on how the person in charge of the company chooses.

For Wu Hao, there is a lack of funds for the development of so many projects, but he is more interested in how to stimulate the development potential of the company itself than the lack of money.

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