Military Technology

Chapter 1363 Intelligent Bionic Skeleton Technology

Chapter 1364 Intelligent Bionic Skeleton Technology


Wu Hao only knew one sentence, and then switched to Mandarin. As for Princess Anani, she immediately changed to fluent English. And they all wear intelligent voice assistants on their ears, so simultaneous interpretation can be realized, so there is no problem in communicating.

"Princess Anani, welcome to Anxi. I have a deep friendship with Prince Maiha. He called me yesterday. Please take good care of you." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Princess Anani smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Thank you, Your Excellency Wu Hao, Maiha told me about you, and he respects you very much. Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. is very famous in West Asia, and many of my brothers and sisters And friends are your loyal customers. I am also, I have bought every one of your products."

"Thank you for your support." After Wu Hao thanked, he introduced Zhang Jun and Tong Juan to Princess Anani respectively, and then made a gesture of invitation: "Princess Anani, this way Please!"

Immediately, Wu Hao led the Princess Anani and her entourage, and began to walk upstairs to the living room.

While walking, Wu Hao smiled and introduced to Princess Anani: "This is the core area of ​​our headquarters of Haoyu Technology Company. The building we are in is Tianquan Building. It has a total of 36 floors and is 110 meters away. , high, is the tallest building in the entire park, and also the administrative building of our company headquarters.

Surrounding these are various functional buildings, a total of seven buildings, which together constitute the Big Dipper in our country's traditional culture. And around this core area, there are 28 low-rise building groups scattered. These twenty-eight low-rise building groups represent the twenty-eight constellations in our traditional culture.

Each building and each office area has its own purpose. After a while, we will take you to the intelligent sports medicine technology research laboratory under our newly independent intelligent medical bionic technology research center.

This intelligent medical bionic technology research center is a new research center integrated and independent from the original laboratories of our company. The bones, as well as the intelligent bionic prosthetic eye technology we are researching, all come from the intelligent medical bionic technology research center.

And what you are going to this time is the intelligent sports medicine technology research laboratory, which is mainly dedicated to the research of human sports medicine, such as intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics, intelligent medical mechanical exoskeleton products, all come from it. "

Speaking of this, the elevator door opened, and everyone in the elevator rushed out, and then walked to the living room not far away.

"Actually, if you wait a few more years, princess, after our other sports medicine technology comes out, it will be able to let you really stand up without external auxiliary equipment."

"Oh?" Upon hearing Wu Hao's words, Princess Anani couldn't help showing a surprised look.

His eyes were full of light.

"What kind of technology?"

Wu Hao introduced with a smile: "Intelligent bionic bone technology, use this technology to customize relevant intelligent bionic bones to replace the original damaged human bones. After this intelligent bionic bone is implanted in the human body, it will According to the condition of the human body, tiny bioelectric currents and microwaves are continuously released to specifically stimulate the atrophied muscles on the limbs and help these paralyzed patients stand up again.

This intelligent bionic bone technology can not only replace the bones of the limbs, but also replace the bones in the spine to repair some patients with damaged or diseased spines.

Even, we can use this intelligent bionic spine skeleton to rebuild the spinal neural network. This restores motor nerves to the involved limbs and helps these patients regain function. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, this princess Anani was very excited, and even a middle-aged man in a suit who followed was also very excited.

"Mr. Wu, when will this intelligent bionic bone technology be developed and put into use?"

"Your Excellency Wu Hao, this is my personal doctor, Dr. Adil." Princess Anani introduced to him.

Hearing this, Wu Hao smiled and nodded at Dr. Adil who suddenly interrupted, and then replied: "It will take a long time. At present, the theory of this technology has been completed, and research on related technologies is underway. If it goes well , Three to five years should be able to put into clinical trials."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Princess Anani was slightly disappointed and said, "It's been too long, and I can't wait to stand up again.

Your Excellency Wu Hao, do you know how it feels to be stuck in this wheelchair for more than ten years? If I hadn't insisted on my own beliefs, I'm afraid I would have ended this crippled life long ago. "

"Your Highness, you are the pride of the entire country, XX will bless you." Dr. Adil respectfully directed at Princess Anani, with a gleam of warmth and admiration in his eyes.

Sure enough, this Dr. Adil should be one of the fanatical ones among the many suitors of Princess Anani. Otherwise, he would not have chosen the field of orthopedic sports medicine and stayed with Princess Anani.

"Princess Anani, don't worry, our medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton has saved many paralyzed patients like you to stand up again, and some patients are even more seriously ill than you."

"As long as you are confident and persevere, we are sure to get you back on your feet." Wu Hao comforted Princess Anani.

"In fact, you only need to endure for a few more years until our intelligent bionic bone technology is successfully developed. At that time, you can really get rid of these external assists and stand, walk, jump, and even engage in some sports like normal people. sports."

"Your Excellency Wu Hao, can I contribute to sponsor this technology research?" Princess Anani asked Wu Hao suddenly.

Wu Hao was ecstatic in his heart, waiting for your words. But on the surface, he smiled and replied calmly: "At present, this technology is the key sports medicine research project of our company in the next stage, and we do not accept relevant cooperation from the outside world for the time being. Of course, if there are institutions and individuals willing to sponsor, we will It is also very welcome.”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Princess Anani smiled and said, "I am willing to personally donate 20 million US dollars to support the research of this technology."

"Thank you for your generosity, I believe you will definitely stand up again." Wu Hao said with a better smile. Wu Hao got twenty million dollars for nothing, which naturally made Wu Hao very happy. It doesn't bother him to make a trip in vain, which is a bit of a gain.

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