Military Technology

Chapter 1389 It's been a long time, my beauty!

Chapter 1390 It's been a long time, my beauty!


Looking at the seven tall buildings standing beside the artificial lake, Zhang Xiaolei, who was wearing a haute couture female professional attire, felt very complicated.

It has been a few years since she left Anxi, and although she came back during this period, she is not in the same mood as she is at the moment. Thinking of the person she was about to meet soon, Zhang Xiaolei's mood became more complicated. On the one hand, she naturally hopes to see him as soon as possible, because she has missed this person for a long time. On the other hand, she was also afraid to see. Because her performance in Shang Hai was not very good, and she made mistakes before, and was severely reprimanded by Wu Hao.

After worrying for a while, Zhang Xiaolei got on the shuttle bus and went directly to the downstairs of Tianquan Building.

Taking a deep breath, she walked in. The beautiful female executive at the front desk saw her, and immediately showed a professional and warm smile.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!" Zhang Xiaolei greeted, and then went straight to the gate, nodded to the security guards before standing guard, and went straight in.

Although both the front desk administration and the security guards on guard can be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots. But in Wu Hao's view, no matter how anthropomorphic, realistic, and humanized artificial intelligence programs and robots, they are not as comfortable and warm as real people.

The intelligent security system had already identified and verified her identity after she entered the park, so she was able to enter the building unimpeded along the way.

Walking into the elevator, Zhang Xiaolei pressed the top floor directly.

The elevator went up rapidly, and Zhang Xiaolei's heart jumped violently. She quickly adjusted her breathing, hoping to calm herself down.


With a crisp sound, the elevator door opened, and there was a reception desk diagonally opposite the elevator. The staff on duty saw Zhang Xiaolei walking out, and immediately smiled.

"Miss Xiaolei!"

"Hongmei, you are on duty today!" Zhang Xiaolei also showed a look of surprise, Hongmei, this is her subordinate when she was a secretary. It's great to be able to see my former subordinates when I come back.

"Miss Xiaolei, when did you come back to see Mr. Wu?" Hongmei said happily.

Zhang Xiaolei nodded and said with a smile: "I came back yesterday and came to report to Mr. Wu today. Is he there?"

"Here, Mr. Wu is in the office. There is no other schedule in the morning." Hongmei smiled and fell down.

"Okay, then I'll report first, and we'll talk later." Zhang Xiaolei nodded, then walked to Wu Hao's office, only to find that there was a person standing at the door, and that was Shen Ning.

"Miss Xiaolei!" Shen Ning looked at her and greeted her softly with a smile.

Zhang Xiaolei looked at Shen Ning, who was wearing a professional uniform and smiling on her face, and suddenly felt sour. Her position was originally hers.

As the apprentices brought out by myself, the two of them have a close relationship, so they didn't exchange pleasantries for a long time, but then softly signaled to the closed office door over there and asked, "Boss, how is he feeling today?"

Shen Ning turned his head and took a look, then shook his head at her: "I'm not sure, but I didn't come out all morning, so be careful when you go in."

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaolei nodded, and then took a deep breath.

"Come on!" Shen Ning softly encouraged, then turned around and walked over to knock on the door lightly, then opened the door, and the two found Wu Hao buried in the documents there.

"Mr. Wu, Miss Xiaolei is here." Shen Ning shouted softly at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao, who was processing the documents, didn't say a word, but continued to work hard.

Seeing this, Shen Ning gave Zhang Xiaolei an encouraging smile, then walked out and closed the door.

As for Zhang Xiaolei, looking at the person in front of him who was immersed in his work and thinking day and night, he couldn't help but have a sore nose. She looked at the water glass next to Wu Hao, which was almost bottomed out, and then calmed down, then walked over to pick up the water glass, and went to the water dispenser to pour water.

After glancing at Zhang Xiaolei's actions, Wu Hao didn't say anything, but buried himself in the document in his hand.

Zhang Xiaolei then walked over with water and gently placed it on his desk.

Seeing this, Wu Hao took a sip from the water glass, and then continued to get busy.

As for Zhang Xiaolei, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she walked lightly to the rest area and sat down quietly.

Wu Hao glanced at it, quickly processed his documents, then tidied up the documents on his desk and said, "Take these documents out and hand them over to the secretariat, and let them send them out as soon as possible."

"Okay." Zhang Xiaolei, who was sitting in the rest area, heard the words, got up quickly, then walked to the side of the desk, sorted out the documents, picked them up, and walked outside.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Xiaolei's back, took a sip from the water glass, then got up and sat down in the rest area.

When Zhang Xiaolei came back in, she found that Wu Hao was already sitting in the rest area. Seeing this, she mustered up the courage to walk up to Wu Hao and said, "Boss Wu!"

"Sit down!" Wu Hao nodded and signaled.

"There's water over there, pour it yourself, or take whatever you like to drink."

"No need, I'm not thirsty now." Zhang Xiaolei shook her head immediately.

Seeing this, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Xiaolei in front of him, then got up and poured her a glass of water, then walked over and sat down again, and sighed: "I didn't want you to come back so soon, I planned to let you stay in Shanghai for more Stay a few years and hone in on it.

But Ms. Tong is in urgent need of manpower. She appreciates you very much and asked me several times, but I had no choice but to agree and transfer you back to help her.

Of course, don't even think about getting promoted or raising your salary. Your current position has only just been promoted, and you won't be able to change it in a short time.

And this time, although it's not your reason, it doesn't have much to do with you. But as the person in charge of the branch, you are also responsible for the leadership if something happens to the subordinates.

You have already made a decision on your handling company. In this regard, you should learn lessons, sum up experience, and pay more attention in future work.

Especially in the marketing department you are going to this time, various interests are intertwined and there are too many temptations, so you must pay more attention to this aspect. "

"Don't worry, I will do a good job and will not embarrass you." Zhang Xiaolong promised with red eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Wu Hao was a little helpless, then he took out two tissues and handed them to her, "How old are you, and still crying, is this the beautiful general manager who is the master of Shang Beach?"

Hearing his joke, Zhang Xiaolei blushed even more: "I didn't cry, but the tears fell for some reason, I don't usually do this."

As she spoke, Zhang Xiaolei began to wipe away her tears.

"He said he didn't cry!" Wu Hao pointed her finger, and then asked with a smile: "Don't rush to work, first arrange the home properly.

In addition, your sister-in-law invited you to dinner at home, don't forget. "

"Thank you sister-in-law, thank you. My parents have already cleaned up the house, and I can come to work tomorrow." Zhang Xiaolei said after thanking her.

"Don't be so anxious, rest for a few days first, and the work is not bad for a few days." Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile.

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