Military Technology

Chapter 1405 To send the monkey to the sky

Chapter 1406 To send the monkey to the sky

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words. After all, this is the first unmanned experimental spacecraft. For them, the most important thing is to achieve successful launch, successful flight, successful return, and successful landing. These are the most basic and most important core technologies. In addition, the life support and life support system of the spacecraft are also very important.

Compared with the second time, some other test items are less important, or the priority is lower. After all, you have to eat a little bit of food. You can't eat like a big fat man all at once, which is unrealistic.

That's ok, let's end it. Wu Hao nodded his head.

Yes! Under Wu Hao's instruction, the previous images were restored on the big screen.

After returning to normal, Wu Hao said to Zhou Xiangming: "After the return module of our unmanned experimental spaceship Voyager 1 separates and returns to Earth, the service module will also return to the atmosphere and burn down."

Zhou Xiangming nodded and said: "It's like this. After the return program is started, the direction engine on the service module will start to adjust the direction and angle, and then start the main engine to enter the return orbit. After reaching a certain position, the return module will fall off immediately. , and then return to the earth for landing along the designed orbit.

As for the service module, it will rely on power to continue flying in space for a period of time, and then return to the atmosphere deep in the southwest Pacific Ocean. More than 95% of the matter will remain in the atmosphere for a while, leaving only 5%. residues may fall into the sea. It is not a major route, so passing ships and people will not be harmed. "

After listening to Zhou Xiangming's report, Wu Hao nodded, and then asked him, "Then what about the Xingzhe 2 unmanned experimental spaceship? What's your plan?"

The unmanned experimental spacecraft Walker 2 is the backup of the unmanned experimental spacecraft Walker 1. Wu Hao's manned spaceflight project is also designed in accordance with our national spaceflight development ideas, backup projects. Should the primary project fail, the backup project can be lifted off within a short period of time.

Before the launch, no one would have believed that Wu Hao's new rocket and spacecraft would be able to successfully launch the experiment in one go. You must know that Musk is working on an interstellar spacecraft, but he has set off fireworks several times in a row.

Even the members of the project team don't have much confidence, and many people are even ready to face failure. Unexpectedly, the first incident happened unexpectedly smoothly, which also let everyone put down half of their worries, and the other half had to wait for the spacecraft to return to the capsule to return and land successfully before they could let go.

If it succeeds, what should be done with the backup Walker 2 unmanned experimental spacecraft?

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhou Xiangming answered him seriously: "In this regard, I have also communicated with Mr. Yu (Yu Chengwu) and Mr. Guo Yulong and Mr. Guo. Our opinion is still on the technology of this backup unmanned experimental spaceship. Improvements are made to continue launching and experimenting.

In this way, the relevant development and preparation time can be shortened, and the second is naturally to save money to the greatest extent, which can be used in subsequent experiments.

If the return capsule of the Voyager-1 unmanned experimental spacecraft lands safely, then we plan to launch the second unmanned experimental spacecraft from late July to early August.

If there are no problems with this launch, we will conduct the third unmanned experimental spacecraft launch in winter, around the New Year. And on this unmanned experimental spacecraft, we will consider sending related experimental animals into space. "


There are indeed such experimental cases in the history of aerospace development in various countries, that is, some experimental animals are sent into space before manned, such as orangutans, macaques, puppies, mice and so on.

But now that the testing technology is quite mature and advanced, is it still necessary to conduct such controversial animal experiments? Once disclosed, I am afraid it will attract a lot of criticism.

There is no way, there are too many moral kidnappings, and everyone is a moralist, even big companies must be careful not to give these people some opportunities to use and hype.

Sensing the look on Wu Hao's face, Zhou Xiangming immediately explained: "Next year we will conduct a manned flight, so before that, we must ensure the reliability of the entire life support system and the life support system. This depends on any instrument Equipment testing has certain risks, so it is better to simply send life up and fly around, which is more reliable and safer.

In fact, all manned spacecraft will have such a process before manning, which cannot be omitted.

We have entrusted a certain biological experiment company in Shanghai to help us breed two medical experimental macaques. Introduce, we will pick one, then put it into a special "space suit", and send it to space. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, he didn't have the so-called sexual desire, he just had some concerns. But since it can't be avoided, then he can't control those.

And the fate of these two macaques is much better than that of other experimental macaques. The other experimental macaques could not escape death in the end. As for these two macaques, if the experiment is successful, they will also be well cared for as heroes.

If the experiment fails, then it is also great. It has dedicated its life to the human spaceflight cause, and it can also write a stroke in the history of spaceflight. Compared with those of its kind, it can at least be remembered by future generations.

Now that we have come to this point, Wu Hao couldn't help but looked at Zhou Xiangming and asked, "What do you think about our first manned mission to space?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming smiled and said: "Our company has not trained professional astronauts, ordinary people must not be able to do it.

It is definitely impossible to sell tickets for the first flight, and no one will take the risk to buy them.

So my suggestion is to cooperate with the aerospace department to see if we can win the astronaut rotation program of the space station.

Of course, for the first flight, it may be difficult to win the astronaut transportation rotation project. But it's not impossible, and I think we can go for it. "

Regarding Zhou Xiangming's one, Wu Hao nodded, but he did not express his opinion. Because this project is really difficult, it is definitely not easy to win it.

According to his previous communication with the leaders of the aerospace department, there is no problem in docking with the space station and transporting materials and equipment to the space station, but it may be difficult to obtain the qualification to transport astronauts.

On the one hand, the aerospace department must not have much trust in their technical products, after all, this project is very risky. On the other hand, there are also aerospace technology companies competing there.

So when Wu Hao thought of this, he couldn't help but get a headache. But just as Zhou Xiangming said, we still have to fight for it, otherwise how would we know that it won't succeed.

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