Military Technology

Chapter 1407 Return Journey

Chapter 1408 Return Journey


Anxi Haoyu Science and Technology Headquarters Park Xinyuehu Garden Comprehensive Aerospace Command and Control Center.

Wu Hao came here early, waiting for the return capsule of the spacecraft to start the return journey. He was not the only one who came early, Zhang Jun, Tong Juan, and Yang Fan also came. Zou Xiaodong went to the battery factory, not in Anxi.

Not only them, but Lin Wei and other interested people also came to watch.

"Ten minutes to prepare!"

Hearing the announcement, Zhang Jun couldn't help complaining: "Damn, why do I feel more nervous than when I launched it?"

Wu Hao laughed and said: "It's useless to be nervous. The entire return process is completely controlled automatically by the system, and manual command control will not be activated unless there is an emergency. So, no matter how much you worry now, it's useless to wait patiently." Bar."

"I know, but I can't help being nervous." Zhang Jun shook his head and stared at the big screen.

Wu Hao shook his head upon hearing this, and then looked at Lin Wei again. I saw her staring at the picture on the big screen in a daze.

Sensing Wu Hao's gaze, Lin Wei smiled at him, then looked at the external camera on the spaceship on the big screen and exclaimed: "It's so beautiful!"

"Hehe, when the technology matures in the future, I'll take you up there to play for a few days." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Go!" Lin Wei rolled his eyes at him, but there was still a longing smile on his face.

"Countdown five minutes, one minute, thirty seconds, ten seconds, five, four, three, two, one, the return module and the service module separate!"

I saw the external camera image of the spacecraft service module on the big screen, shaking for a while, the return module separated, and then slowly moved away.

"The return capsule has successfully separated and is re-entering the atmosphere along the scheduled return trajectory."

clap clap clap...

There was warm applause throughout the command and control hall.

"Adjust the angle of the service module, the target, the South Pacific space graveyard, and prepare for re-entry."

At this point, the task of the service module has been completed, it will adjust the re-entry angle, and then return according to the preset and will soon start the journey of re-entry into the atmosphere.

But it is no better than the return capsule, and it no longer has the function of recycling. So it will decompose and burn in the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean, most of which will be burned clean, and only a very small part will fall in the "space graveyard" area in the South Pacific.

The so-called "space cemetery" refers to an area located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, which is called the Pole of . Refers to the location on the mainland that is farthest from the coastline in any direction and is the most difficult to reach.

This inaccessible point is abbreviated as "POI".

Because it is remote enough, very few people carry out activities in this area, so it naturally becomes an ideal "space cemetery". There are a large number of spacecraft that will choose to disintegrate and fall over this area.

Because it is far away from the mainland, there are very few human activities, so even if the wreckage of a spacecraft falls, it will not harm humans. Of course, there is still a certain probability, but the probability of being hit by this kind of spacecraft debris is far lower than your chance of winning the 5 million lottery.

You must know that there are winners in basically every draw of the lottery, and so far, no one in the world has been hit by such falling spacecraft wreckage or even meteorites.

"The return capsule began to enter the 'black barrier'."

The so-called "black barrier" refers to the shock wave that will be generated when the return capsule of the spacecraft enters the atmosphere at super high speed, making the surface of the return capsule and the surrounding gas molecules viscous and burning, and the temperature is not easy to dissipate, forming a temperature up to several thousand. Celsius high temperature zone.

The gas in the high temperature zone and the molecules of the reentry module surface material are decomposed and ionized to form a plasma zone. Because the plasma can absorb and reflect radio waves, it will attenuate or even interrupt the radio communication between the return capsule and the outside world, so this phenomenon is called black barrier.

So after entering the "black barrier", the command and control center lost contact with the spacecraft's return module, and then the spacecraft flew by itself. Only when it flew out of the black barrier area could it reconnect with the spacecraft.

Of course, it is not that the return capsule cannot be seen at all. Through photoelectric telemetry equipment and radar detection equipment, the return capsule that is descending at a high speed can be seen.

"The measurement and control center of the aerospace landing field in the Mongolian area reported that the return capsule is being tracked, the telemetry signal is normal, and the flight attitude of the return capsule is normal."

"Attention all units. The first landing point will be announced below. It is estimated to be 101 degrees XX minutes XX seconds east longitude and 42 degrees XX minutes XX seconds north latitude."

"Train group No. 1, 2, and 3 are starting to move towards the predetermined area." After hearing the notification, Yu Chengwu, who was sitting in the command and control vehicle, immediately grabbed the radio microphone and gave an order.

"Received by the No. 1 team!"

"Received by the No. 2 team!"

"Received by the No. 3 team!"

Immediately, a search convoy composed of off-road vehicles began to move from various areas to the predicted landing point. Through the on-board camera, you can clearly see the situation of the fleet.

"UAV remote control team, what's the situation now?" Yu Chengwu called.

After a short while, there was a burst of electric current and report from the radio: "The drone remote control team reported that twelve large-scale air security patrol drones have taken off and are currently flying in good condition. The drones are being debugged. , the relevant video footage is being transmitted back.”

"Okay, I saw the picture, keep it up." Yu Chengwu looked at the relevant detection pictures transmitted by some air security patrol drones on the large screen diagonally above, and then nodded and ordered.

"Report, the return capsule has broken through the black barrier and resumed communication."

"Attention all units. The second landing point will be announced below. It is estimated to be 101 degrees XX minutes XX seconds east longitude and 42 degrees XX minutes XX seconds north latitude."

"Team No. 1, 2, and 3 quickly changed direction and rushed to the estimated landing point."

"The landing site reports that the optical telemetry equipment has found the return capsule, the return capsule has a complete shape, and the flight attitude is normal."

"it is good!"

Hearing this report, Yu Chengwu and Guo Yulong couldn't help roaring in low voices.

The next step is to wait for this crucial step, and everyone is holding their breath, waiting for this moment to come.

"The report from the landing site shows that the return module and the parachute set have been thrown out and deployed smoothly. The shape of the umbrella is normal, and the speed of the return module has slowed down."

clap clap clap...

At this moment, the crowd couldn't bear it any longer, and cheered and broke down.

"Attention all units, the third landing point will be announced below. It is estimated to be 101 degrees XX minutes XX seconds east longitude and 42 degrees XX minutes XX seconds north latitude."

"The drone remote control team reports that the return capsule has been found!"

In the picture of one of the drones, above the sky, there is a black spot trembling in the picture! Immediately, the UAV monitoring screen switched to infrared mode, and there was a bright spot in the middle of the screen, which was descending.

Soon, this bright spot appeared in more drone surveillance images, and it became more and more clear.

"Attention all units, the fourth landing point will be announced below. It is estimated to be 101 degrees XX minutes XX seconds east longitude and 42 degrees XX minutes XX seconds north latitude."

It didn't take long for a group of convoys to arrive at the designated location. Through the observation equipment on the convoy's vehicles, they could clearly see the return capsule and parachute group above the sky.

Seeing this, Yu Chengwu heaved a sigh of relief, and then smiled and said: "Let the driver speed up, and we will go there quickly."

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