Military Technology

Chapter 1428 This is not the motherland after all

Chapter 1429 This is not the motherland after all

【corrected version】

Faced with the current situation, there must be a trade-off, which is the responsibility of the leader. When it comes to weighing the pros and cons to make a choice, one must be decisive and resolute in making the right choice.

This choice is not so easy, often under a lot of pressure. Such a choice or decision may affect tens of billions or hundreds of billions of projects, or even the future of a company, so it is not easy to make a decisive decision. Even more difficult is to make the right decision.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if you want to ensure that the unmanned experimental spacecraft of Voyager 2 catches up with the scheduled launch window from late July to early August, you must weigh the pros and cons and deploy people from other projects to reinforce the manned spacecraft project.

Wu Hao is right, manned spaceflight is the foundation of all spaceflight projects. If the foundation of this project is not solid, then those other projects are nothing but spectacle and cannot be discussed.

When the inspection here was about to end, Yang Xiaoyun, who had been waiting for a long time, finally saw the opportunity, and said to Wu Hao and the others: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Lin, and Mr. Zou, can you take a photo with us?"

Naturally, they would not refuse such a request, so Wu Hao immediately agreed with a smile: "Of course."

After getting Wu Hao's permission, many staff members who had been waiting for a long time came together. Wu Hao and the others stood in front of the return capsule, and these staff gathered on both sides of them. The photographer, who had been prepared long ago, immediately raised his camera and started shooting at the crowd.

Soon, the photo was wirelessly transmitted to the big screen, and everyone applauded after seeing it.

Wu Hao waved to everyone and left immediately. Next they went to the intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle project team.

This intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle will be launched in October in autumn, so Wu Hao is more concerned about the progress of this project.

I have personally asked about the progress of this project many times before, and I will not miss it this time.

Before entering the laboratory of the Intelligent Lunar Patrol and Detection Vehicle project, Wu Hao and the others were required to wear dustproof clothing, shoe covers, and so on.

The entire laboratory hall adopts dust-free standards, so people entering and exiting need to keep tidy to prevent dust from entering some precision equipment.

Entering the laboratory, Wu Hao and the others finally met Dr. Shi Zhaopingshi, the specific deputy chief engineer and actual person in charge of the intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle project.

These people are relatively tall, about 1.8 meters, and relatively strong, which is obviously the result of long-term fitness. He was very well dressed, wearing a shirt and tie under a white lab coat, and he looked like he had received a very elite education.

Shi Zhaoping is 39 years old this year, and he is studying in Qingmu for his undergraduate degree.

Master and Ph.D. students are studying at famous universities in the United States. During his doctoral period, he has been engaged in the research of the space intelligent detection robot project, and has participated in the development of several large-scale space projects of NASA.

Just when his work was flourishing and he was about to settle down in the United States to settle down, he was treated unfairly. The relevant departments of Mi suspected him of stealing secret technology because he was a native of our country and was engaged in the development of core technology for cutting-edge space projects. He was investigated, even detained and monitored. His home and office were also broken into and searched.

What made him sad was that his boss, his mentor, didn't say a word for him, even if it was objective and fair. And throughout the process, he was treated unfairly and even discriminatoryly.

What made him even more unacceptable was that even though the investigation was over and it proved that he did not steal the relevant confidential technology, he was still excluded from the core development team of the relevant project.

Realizing this, Shi Zhaoping knew that in such a country, even if he worked hard, he might not be reused. After all, this is not his motherland.

So after repeated thinking, he made a decision, then persuaded his wife, and resolutely chose to return to China. Although the whole process was not smooth, even if he had left the core project research, it was still difficult for him to return to China.

Finally, with the help of the embassy, ​​they returned home safely.

Originally, according to his work qualifications and knowledge, he should go to work in the aerospace department, at least he can also serve as the person in charge or supervisor of various projects.

But Shi Zhaoping has his own considerations. On the one hand, he can't stand the constraints of the system. Especially for those who have been influenced by Western culture for a long time, it is actually not easy to accept and adapt.

On the other hand, the room for exertion may be relatively small, and the right to make independent decisions is very small, and in many cases it must obey the overall situation.

Finally, in terms of salary, although the salary offered is not bad, compared to other private commercial space agencies, and his previous salary is much lower.

So in the end, after weighing the pros and cons, coupled with Wu Hao's sincere invitation, he declined the invitation of the relevant department, and finally went here to work in the field he is most familiar with, and took charge of the development of the intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle project. . In fact, Zhou Xiangming is in charge of the entire intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle, and Shi Zhaoping, the deputy chief engineer, is responsible for specific project research.

"Dr. Shi, we meet again." Wu Hao stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Shi Zhaoping with a smile.

Seeing this, Shi Zhaoping quickly shook Wu Hao's hand and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Wu, welcome to our project team."

Wu Hao looked at the lunar rover behind Shi Zhaoping and said with a smile: "I've been coming, but I don't have time. This time I finally managed to squeeze out some time. How's it going? How's the progress?"

Hearing his words, Shi Zhaoping immediately led the crowd to the front of the lunar rover, and then introduced to everyone: "Look, everyone, this is our intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle, and this is the sky where we are about to land on the moon." Cranes, that is, aerial cranes."

Following Shi Zhaoping's gaze, everyone couldn't help but look at him.

The intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle in front of us has a very peculiar shape. First of all, it is relatively large, much larger than some other lunar exploration vehicles and Mars rovers.

The next step is the shape, which is different from almost all lunar rovers and Mars rovers. It looks a bit like NASA's Perseverance rover, but it is much larger than the Perseverance rover.

And compared to the Perseverance rover, it completely uses radioisotope batteries. This intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle has its own solar panels, but it is different from ordinary lunar rovers and Mars rovers that spread its wings horizontally.

There is only one solar panel on this intelligent lunar patrol and detection vehicle, and it is erected, a bit like a search radar erected, more like a sail of a sailboat.

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