Military Technology

Chapter 1451 The Gorgeous

The two looked at each other, and instantly understood what they were thinking. It was still Cui Changsheng, and he said seriously to Wu Hao: "Xiao Wu, the concept you proposed and the large cluster array area air defense system you introduced are very valuable.

I believe that you still have a lot to say about this aspect, so, you go back and carefully prepare a detailed report on this technology, these equipment and systems that you will give today. Let's organize experts to study and discuss the concept and the feasibility of the weapon system you proposed.

If it is feasible, then you are a great contributor to our national defense construction. "

The test is continuing, and the three Type 63 107mm light towed rocket launchers are ready, waiting for the order to be issued.

As the order was issued, the three Type 63 107mm light-weight towed rocket launchers immediately began to roar, and the rockets, trailing a taste of fire, came out of the tube in the thick smoke and shot into the distance.

Thirty-six 107mm rockets were all thrown out in about ten seconds. With such intensive firepower, to attack a target, according to normal circumstances, basically the target was destroyed.

The air alert search radar of the light field area air defense system quickly discovered so many targets and quickly issued a warning to the man and machine.

After the human-machine control system did not respond, the intelligent air defense system immediately activated the automatic air defense interception system. Synthetic aperture radar quickly captures, identifies and tracks these rockets coming from the air.

At the same time, the intelligent air defense system judged through the search information that it could not intercept so many incoming rockets by its own capabilities, and then issued a "help" command.

The No. 2 and No. 3 light field area air defense systems of the triangle air defense position were activated from dormancy one after another, and quickly entered the automatic air defense interception system. Three sets of light field area air defense systems were quickly connected to the grid to form a small cluster array area air defense system.

At this moment, the windows and screens on the big screen changed, and the detection range of the air-warning search radar changed from the previous one radar to three radars for joint detection, and the detection range was much larger.

The white light screen of the synthetic aperture mirror radar also changed to three, and began to track and lock these incoming rockets.

Immediately afterwards, the three sets of light field area air defense systems each launched an air defense interception attack drone and began to fly to the target airspace.

Three sets of light field area air defense systems were launched continuously. Such a scene made everyone watching on the scene no longer satisfied with the monitoring screen on the big screen, but looked around in person. Many leaders also picked up binoculars and observed carefully.

And through the first perspective of these air defense interception and attack drones,

You can see very clearly what the entire intercepting drone group is flying in the air, and you can even see other intercepting drones.

The booster rocket pulled out dozens of smoke lines in the air, like brilliant fireworks in the daytime.

But this is not fireworks, this is a contest of life and death. If the interception is successful, the target to be protected and itself will be preserved, and everything will be fine.

But if the interception fails, then the target to be protected, and this triangular air defense position will be engulfed in flames.

Boom, boom, boom...

These air defense interception drones began to explode in the air one after another, like gorgeous fireworks, which was very spectacular.

As for everyone, while watching the "fireworks" in the sky in the distance, they were also staring at the radar screen, carefully watching the changes in the number of rockets and intercepting drones on it.

The three sets of light field area air defense systems are not over, and they continue to launch air defense interception attack drones. The previous interception was obviously a fish that slipped through the net. The following scattered air defense interception attack drones were launched by the system to intercept those rockets that might break through the interception after the system made a judgment.


Even though they were far away, everyone still saw the sound of explosions near the triangular air defense position and the target.

As mentioned before, this cluster array area air defense system will not intercept all targets, which is unnecessary and the cost is too high.

Therefore, the system command intercepts incoming rockets that are a threat to the protected target and its own air defense system, and those rockets that are not a threat are not intercepted.

However, there were only three or four such explosions, and then they disappeared. After dozens of seconds of interception, the air returned to calm again. Except for some smoke that has not dissipated in the sky, there are no rockets and interceptor drones.

Through the monitoring screen and human observation, all the targets to be protected and the triangular air defense position were not damaged by any attack. The few rockets that did not intercept the falling rockets were also scattered in the surrounding area.

It is difficult for ordinary air defense system positions to deal with such air defense tasks as the responder. The performance of this cluster array area air defense system can be said to be quite amazing, which also made everyone on the scene applaud and cheer.

At this moment, they seem to have stood with Wu Hao and the others, and this weapon system, hoping that it can pass all the test subjects.

Xiao Wu, it’s amazing, this test really opened our eyes. To be honest, I have seen so many air defense exercises over the years, and there has never been one as thrilling as today. Lu Qingfeng said with emotion to Wu Hao.

As for Cui Changsheng, he nodded when he heard Lu Qingfeng's words, and then said to Wu Hao: "It's true, to be able to respond quickly in such a short period of time, identify and monitor so many targets, and predict the landing point of these rockets , to track and lock all the rockets that threaten itself and the protection target, and conduct interception attacks autonomously.

The whole process was quick, crisp, decisive, and successful, which fully tested the excellent performance and reliability of this weapon and this system.

I think that this weaponry does not need to be further optimized and improved. It can be directly installed on relevant troops, especially some grassroots and border troops that are facing huge air defense pressure. "

Regarding Cui Changsheng's words, Lu Qingfeng immediately nodded and stood aside: "Yes, they should be deployed to the frontline troops as soon as possible.

Especially some front-line troops facing tremendous pressure, they are always under the possible invasion of the enemy, and the pressure is huge.

With this system, at least part of the tension of the front-line soldiers can be relieved, and it can also protect our front-line troops from being attacked by enemy rockets, missiles, and suicide attack drones.

There are also some cross-border drones that often violate our airspace, come and go without a trace, and are difficult to guard against.

With this system of constant vigilance and monitoring, we can find it in time, and even kill these flies.

I didn't say anything, as long as you dare to enter our volley, kill it! "

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