Military Technology

Chapter 1452 Intelligent Air Defense System

The test is still going on, and the next item to be tested is also an important function or capability of this light field area air defense system that is different from other air defense systems.

So when Wu Hao talked about this, everyone present couldn't help but become interested. Up to now, this set of weapons and equipment has shown too many surprises and surprises, so everyone is looking forward to it. Next, we will test the powerful functions of this light field area air defense system.

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Wu Hao said with a smile: "As you know, traditional air defense systems basically track and lock the invading threat targets before launching missile attacks.

Even if the whole process is compressed to a short time and responds quickly, it will take a long time from finding the target to intercepting the target. During this period of time, some accidents are prone to occur. For example, invading fighter jets, helicopters, and drones, after launching missiles, fled before the air defense system responded.

But this time we will break this routine and use the characteristics of the air defense interception drone to launch the air defense interception drone in advance and hover in the relevant area on standby.

After the enemy invades, the air defense interception drones deployed in each area will rush over to intercept the opponent at the fastest speed, without giving the opponent any chance, and this new set of air defense methods, we Named "Intelligent Net Air Defense System". "

A net, a net, a good name! Lu Qingfeng praised.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Yes, this is to use drones to set up a net in the sky. As long as the enemy dares to invade, it will be difficult to fly."

The idea of ​​deploying drones ahead of time and waiting for the enemy to fall into the trap is an interesting one. Cui Changsheng nodded in praise.

Yes, this is equivalent to setting up several webs in the air, like a spider web, waiting for the enemy to hit the web by itself. Of course, compared to spider webs, our drones hovering in the air can be deployed freely, instead of just sitting around and waiting at one point. Wu Hao explained with a smile.

Ha ha ha ha……

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and Luo Kai said at this time: "Compared with missiles, air defense interception drones have a longer time in the air, but how long is this time in the air? A very noteworthy question.

If the time is too short, it will be too cost-effective. Once the power of the drone is exhausted, how to replenish it, how to recycle it, or let these drones self-destruct? "

Hearing Luo Kai's question, everyone present nodded, and then looked at Wu Hao.

As for Wu Hao, after taking a look at Luo Kai, although he complained to Luo Kai in his heart,

But also nodded. This question raised by Luo Kai is indeed a question worthy of attention. Sooner or later, this question will be raised by others, but it can also demonstrate his selfless professionalism when it is raised by Luo Kai, Wu Hao's old friend.

Of course, this is indeed a problem. The air defense interception attack drone on our light field area air defense system uses rocket boosting when launching, and the middle and end are powered by drone batteries. There are two types of batteries on drones, one is a high-performance lithium battery, and the other is a chemical energy battery.

High-performance lithium batteries can support drone flight and cruise, while chemical energy batteries are used for the final attack acceleration stage of drones.

This kind of chemical energy battery can release a large amount of electric energy instantly after it is activated, which is used to increase the power of the motor and increase the flight speed of the drone, thereby launching an attack on the target.

Of course, this kind of chemical energy battery also has a disadvantage, that is, after one point is activated, the chemical reagents in the chemical energy battery will react quickly, so the electric energy it generates is very large, but the duration is not long, and it can only last for a few days. ten seconds.

Also because this chemical energy battery reacts strongly, it will be very unstable during and after the reaction. Once there is a slight collision or rupture, an explosion will occur. The power of the explosion is comparable to black powder.

According to the normal situation, this kind of chemical energy battery is a chicken rib, and it should not be said that it is a chicken butt that everyone will abandon. However, if it is applied to this kind of suicide attack drone, it can work wonders. Even some of its own shortcomings can be seen as advantages on this.

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone immediately nodded in agreement. Indeed, placing such a chemical energy battery on an ordinary digital product is simply a potential threat bomb and is not applicable. But it couldn't be more suitable to put it on this kind of suicide attack drone.

Seeing this, Wu Hao explained again: "The high-performance lithium battery of the air defense interception drone can be freely equipped according to the size of the drone and the tasks it undertakes.

Take the air defense interception attack drone on our light field area air defense system as an example. The high-performance lithium battery on it can support it in the air in cruise mode, and can stay in the air for 40 minutes to an hour.

Compared with missiles of tens of seconds, this stagnation time is long enough, and we can use it to do many things.

Although it is said to be an air defense interception attack drone, it is essentially a suicide attack drone, but the attack target is replaced by an incoming threat.

Therefore, this drone is equipped with ammunition, and therefore, it does not have the ability to recover. In other words, after launching, it will not be able to be recovered. "

So what should these drones do if they cruise in the air for an hour and there are no enemies? An expert asked at the scene.

"Self-destruction, our air defense interception drone has a self-destruction mode. When the cruising time of the drone reaches the limit and the power cannot meet the flight needs of the drone, the drone will start the harmless self-destruction mode and explode in the air Self-destruct, so as to avoid the danger caused by falling to the ground." Wu Hao didn't hide anything, nor was he euphemistic, but answered directly.

Hearing his answer, everyone present couldn't help but start talking. Everyone's opinions are different, and some say it's a tasteless thing, and it's a pity to keep it useless and discard it. Some say that although it only lasts an hour in the air, it can produce miraculous effects if used in the right place.

Even Cui Changsheng and Lu Qingfeng sitting on Wu Hao's left and right had different opinions, but they didn't express it.

When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled and said: "Actually, this is just a system, or a function, which gives the commander a choice. As for whether to use it, when to use it, it all depends on the command. members' judgments and decisions.

Moreover, this intelligent net air defense system can be adapted to other attack drones, that is to say, the cruising time of drones can be increased as needed. "

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