Military Technology

Chapter 1454 Build an all-round three-dimensional air defense network

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! Although Wu Hao said so, Cui Changsheng's expression did not relax, but showed a slight worry.

Wu Hao knew that Cui Changsheng was a little surprised by the performance of this system, and it was understandable that he couldn't digest it for a while. After all, facing such air defense weapons, it will be very difficult for fighter jets to defend against them.

Because this kind of laser weapon has no warning at all, when it is known, the laser has already irradiated the fighter jet. If it is a missile, in addition to early warning, some missiles that can maneuver to avoid tracking are even used.

But if this kind of laser weapon is used, how to deal with it has become a question that Cui Changsheng and even all the air force personnel present are thinking about.

Of course, Wu Hao's subsequent introduction made Cui Changsheng and the others look a little better. In particular, the reference of this laser weapon on the fighter plane can allow the fighter plane to deal with the enemy's incoming missiles and allow the fighter plane to have a certain self-defense interception capability. The idea of ​​this technology has won their praise.

However, the next test once again made Cui Changsheng's mood fall to the bottom.

The next thing to test is the interception performance of drones in response to suicide attack drone swarm attacks.

This time, Lin Jiaming and the others prepared more than forty small drones. These drones took off more than ten kilometers away, and then formed a cluster array, overwhelmingly attacking the simulated targets around the triangle defense position.

There are so many drones, just on the radar screen, they are densely packed. So when everyone at the scene saw this, they couldn't help but look forward to it.

Soon, the automatic air defense interception system of the light field short-range air defense laser interception system was activated, and the synthetic aperture mirror radar began to lock the target, and then began to attack.

The entire attack interception process is not as "exciting" as everyone imagined, and even a bit "boring".

I saw suicide attack drones flying in the air, as if being called one by one, they all smoked and fell down.

As for the suicide attack drone fleet, they are constantly adjusting their positions and accelerating their approach, but the number of drone fleets is also significantly decreasing. By the time we got close to the target, there were not many of them left.

The light field short-range air defense laser interception system did not stop, but quickly shot down the few remaining suicide attack drones, and the airspace returned to calm.

it is good!

The scene was quiet for a while,

Immediately, I don't know who led it, and everyone started to applaud and applaud.

I see, with this light field short-range air defense laser interception system, there is no need to equip a light field area air defense system. Cui Changsheng spoke in praise.

That's right, Lu Qingfeng on the other side also nodded and said: "I also think that this light field short-range air defense laser interception system can completely replace the light field area air defense system for air defense and interception tasks in the airspace."

Hehe, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile when he heard what the two said: "The two systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it cannot be said that one can replace the other. This light field short-range air defense laser interception system is aimed at some small targets. The interception effect is the best, but when dealing with large targets, it is a bit weak.

And even if it is a laser, its energy decays relatively quickly, and it will not be lethal to a target that is too far away.

Moreover, it destroys the target by burning. Some targets that have been modified, such as the surface covered with heat-insulating materials, are a bit difficult to deal with.

The light field area air defense system can make up for these shortcomings, and can attack longer-distance targets and some large targets.

Therefore, if conditions permit, it is best to use these two systems together, so as to form a three-dimensional air defense network without any dead ends, so as to defend and intercept those invading enemies. "

I see, you kid just want to make more money. Cui Changsheng smiled and joked at him.

Hearing Cui Changsheng's joke, everyone at the scene laughed.

Wu Hao also smiled, and then introduced to Cui Changsheng and everyone else.

"In fact, our two systems can not only be combined and used together by themselves, but also can be combined with other air defense systems to form a complete set of integrated air defense system.

In other words, it can be combined with other air defense missile systems, so that each can learn from each other's strengths and complement each other to form a comprehensive air defense network system, so that the invading enemy will be defeated. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded. This function is not uncommon, nor is it their first creation. In fact, the air defense systems of various countries currently use this complete set of all-round three-dimensional air defense networks. From strategic air defense, to homeland air defense, to regional air defense, medium-range air defense, process air defense and so on.

Each set of air defense systems undertakes their own tasks, and these systems cooperate with each other to form such a three-dimensional air defense network, which intercepts targets layer by layer, making it difficult for intruding targets to be blocked everywhere. In other words, every step forward has to pay the price of the stage.

At this point, the entire test subject is considered to be completely tested, and the curtain has come to a successful conclusion. The people at the scene who watched the entire test session were obviously a little bit unsatisfied. On the one hand, they gave high praise to the two systems, and on the other hand, they wanted to go to the scene to have a look again.

When everyone arrived at the triangular air defense position in a military off-road vehicle, the smell of gunpowder smoke still remained at the scene.

Everything in the entire position is normal, and the two sets of weapons and equipment have not suffered any damage. As for the simulated target next to the triangular air defense position, it was not damaged, but there were various wreckages all over the surrounding area.

Among these wreckages are drones, missiles, and some rocket wreckage.

For the sake of safety, everyone did not go forward to check. Because no one is sure whether there are unexploded drones or warheads of missiles and rockets among the debris. These unexploded wreckage are very dangerous, extremely unstable, and are likely to explode at any time.

Therefore, for everyone's safety, under normal circumstances, after the test is completed, the test site is completely sealed off, and no one is allowed to enter.

Only after the bomb disposal and EOD troops at the shooting range have checked the test range and cleared the danger, personnel are allowed to enter.

The reason why Wu Hao and the others entered this time was because there was a leader there this time, so they received special approval. On the other hand, the test was very smooth. There were no fallen wreckage or unexploded warhead explosives on the triangle defense position, so Wu Hao and the others were able to enter.

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