Military Technology

Chapter 1456 Be good at finding fault with yourself

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! The trip to the shooting range is basically over here. Everyone has their own itinerary. It is very rare to be able to spare a day to come to the shooting range.

Therefore, after the live-ammunition shooting test was over, it didn't make much sense for everyone to stay here, so they left immediately.

After sending away the two chiefs of the military, Wu Hao did not leave immediately, but still had some things to explain. Similarly, there was a person from the military who stayed behind, and this was Luo Kai. Obviously, he stayed to find Wu Hao and had other things to do.

However, Luo Kai was not in a hurry, but first signaled to let Wu Hao take care of his own affairs.

Although Wu Hao was a little surprised, he still took the time to busy himself with his own affairs. This live ammunition target test has been over for a while, and the whole process was very satisfactory, which won unanimous praise from the military leaders.

Although we have to wait for the reaction from the military, Wu Hao and the others can't wait passively. They must actively fight for what should be actively fought for, and continue to work hard for what should continue to work hard.

So the purpose of his stay is to call Lin Jiaming and his entire project team for a meeting to arrange the next related work.

In the same meeting room, Lin Jiaming and the others were sitting upright, waiting for the meeting to start.

Wu Hao glanced at everyone present, and then smiled and said: "Okay, everyone is not so serious, this live ammunition shooting test has achieved outstanding results, and has been highly praised by the military chief.

The achievements of these two air defense systems today must be inseparable from the hard work and hard work of everyone here. On behalf of the company, I would like to express my condolences to you all. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused and said: "Although our live ammunition shooting test has achieved complete success, it does not mean that our project is successful and complete.

In fact, it is far from there. Everyone should be aware of this.

Although the arrival of the military leaders appreciates it, there are still many processes to go before whether the troops can be equipped in the end. Don't take this lightly. Although we are very close to success, the more we are at this time, the less we can take it lightly.

In the 100-meter race, it is often the last ten meters that determine the outcome. "

After hearing his words, everyone put away their smiles and became serious. Wu Hao looked at Lin Jiaming who was sitting on the side and said: "Although today's test process has achieved complete success, it does not mean that there are no flaws. On the contrary, there are still many flaws in the relevant test items.

Although this does not affect the overall situation, it is a flaw and a hidden danger after all.

After you go back, you should do more research on these flaws, work hard to improve, continue to optimize, and improve the overall performance of these two air defense systems. "

Yes, after we go back, we must sum up our experience, find out the relevant deficiencies in the test process, strive to improve and optimize, and strive to raise the performance of these two air defense systems to a new level. After Lin Jiaming heard his words, he immediately nodded seriously.

Well, Wu Hao nodded and continued: "If we want the military to accept it, then we must show the excellent performance of these two systems when we come out. We also need to accumulate more test and experiment data. Only in this way can we win the military's approval." trust.

Weapons and equipment not only pursue advanced nature, but also strictly control reliability. There are even times when reliability comes first. Especially for this air defense system, reliability is very important. The more critical the moment, the more the reliability of the equipment will be tested. Once there is a problem, it may lead to huge consequences.

This is also what some military experts and leaders are more worried about. It is true that our two air defense systems are very advanced. There is no doubt about this, and it has been unanimously recognized and praised by everyone.

However, many experts and leaders are still worried, because in their opinion, the more advanced weapons and equipment are, the more likely they are to malfunction. The air defense system is an emergency defense system related to the crisis of survival. It must be able to be activated quickly when the enemy comes and counterattack.

If there is a problem at one point and the best interception window is missed, it may be attacked by the enemy, and even the relevant important facilities it defends will be attacked and destroyed, resulting in heavy losses.

So what we have to do is how to make military leaders, including military commanders, and grassroots officers and soldiers trust these two systems. "

"In addition to demonstrating the excellent performance of weapons and equipment, there is also the need to use enough weapon equipment test data to prove ourselves and the reliability of the two systems, so as to gain the trust of the other party. This is the reason why we won the military order. The essential."

Do you mean that we will increase the number of live-fire tests of these two systems in the future? One of the engineers on the team questioned.

Hearing the engineer's question, Wu Hao nodded and shook his head again: "It doesn't have to be the live ammunition shooting test like today, can we also do some test projects of our own, we must learn to make things difficult for ourselves and give ourselves more find fault.

I think in this regard, we can set up a confrontation team and organize a group of engineers to conduct research and find loopholes, so as to improve the comprehensive defense performance of the two systems.

You can set up a reward mechanism, if you find a loophole and succeed once, then the reward is 100,000 or how much money, you can decide on this. Similarly, if you can successfully defend once, you can also get rewards.

In short, one purpose is to polish our equipment and products as well as possible, so as to conquer our customers and win their trust.

And this mechanism of self-finding and confrontation must continue and be normalized.

I don't think it's just you, other scientific research projects, laboratories, and research institutes can also be involved. Not only the scientific research department, but also some departments in our company, such as the marketing department, production, administration, legal affairs, publicity and public relations, can do this.

In this way, while improving our own business capabilities, we can also enhance our ability to control and respond to risks, and can also play a role in large-scale training.

The scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger. Although we have a complete set of intelligent office systems, we still cannot avoid the bloated organization and redundant personnel positions. Some personnel have been in a stable environment for a long time, gradually losing their aggressiveness and combat effectiveness. We want to use such a method to make them move again. In this way, even if the relevant departments of the company encounter any problems in the future, they can calmly deal with them.

When encountering some major events for mobilization, you can also pull out a team with full combat effectiveness at any time. Let them be pulled out at any time, and they can fight immediately after pulling out. A team of elite soldiers who can still win in battle. "

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