Military Technology

Chapter 1462 Not being envied is a mediocrity

Hearing Luo Kai's introduction, Wu Hao shook his head and said: "It's what I said before, we can't make any promises to you until we see a real person for an inspection and evaluation.

This is actually a medical technology. In medicine, no one can guarantee a 100% cure. "

Luo Kai nodded and said: "I understand, so I still have to trouble you to work hard. Even if it doesn't meet the requirements, it's okay. At least there is a result. I believe the old man will accept it."

All right. Seeing what Luo Kai said, Wu Hao agreed. This matter should be helped both emotionally and rationally, and the other party is also an old senior he admires. He is naturally very happy to be able to help, but the other party is too old, so Wu Hao still thinks it is better to make it clear in advance, otherwise it will be very embarrassing in the end.

Seeing Wu Hao's response, Luo Kai also heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. Picking up the tea on the table and taking a sip, he said to Wu Hao, "Okay, we've finished talking about private matters, and now we're going to talk about business matters."

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao also put away his smile and became serious. Generally speaking, people talk about things first before private matters, but this time Luo Kai first talked about personal matters before public affairs, obviously putting the most important things on the back burner.

Then obviously, the period that Luo Kai mentioned is very tricky, only in this way will he break the usual order. So Wu Hao naturally became serious, wanting to hear what Luo Kai said about this official matter.

Luo Kai looked at it for a while, and then said with a smile: "I heard that you are developing robots?"

Hearing Luo Kai's question, Wu Hao felt bad, but still nodded with a smile on his mouth, "Yes, we have been engaged in the research and development of intelligent robots, what's wrong?"

Luo Kai smiled and said, "I'm not referring to the industrial and living robots you make, I'm referring to the military robots you are developing in the northwest, no, it should be military mechas, Gundam."


Hearing Luo Kai's proficient reporting of these names, Wu Hao couldn't help picking out the beauty, thought for a while, but then relaxed.

Yes, there is no secret to keep them from it.

Moreover, what they are doing is not illegal, and it is considered a good thing, and it seems nothing to be concerned by the military.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao showed a helpless smile and said: "This project is a highly confidential project within our company, and not many people even know about it inside the company.

Well, it seems that the secrecy measures we are proud of are like a sieve in front of you. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words,

Luo Kai smiled and said: "You can't think that way, we are also protecting you. In fact, there are many people who are staring at this project, not just us. We also learned about this in the secret confrontation with the enemy.

Even if you hide the entire project team deep in the northwest desert, it will be difficult to avoid each other's attention. "

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao said in frustration, "It was our people who leaked the secret."

Luo Kai shook his head: "Not really, I can only say that your Northwest R\u0026D Center has attracted too much attention. You don't have to worry about this, the relevant departments will deal with it together with your company's security and confidentiality department."

Seeing what Luo Kai said, Wu Hao nodded immediately. Since he is not allowed to participate, then he is too lazy to participate. If you can't participate in this kind of thing, don't participate, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao said to Luo Kai: "We are actually engaged in a research and development project on large-scale mechs in Northwest China. At present, this project has made some progress, but there is still a long way to go before success.

We originally planned to formally introduce it to the military chiefs at the military-civilian technology integration exchange exhibition next spring, but I didn't expect you to have already paid attention to it. "

Hehe, don't underestimate yourself, you are far more important than you think. Luo Kai smiled and comforted: "In fact, we have continued to pay attention to you. After all, it is an enterprise we have supported. How can we not care about it.

We can understand that you have your own considerations and plans, but for such a large-scale project, I think necessary communication is still necessary, and we can also provide you with a lot of necessary help in this regard. "

Wu Hao said with a smile when he heard the words: "Actually, this project is in the research stage, and we can't guarantee that it will be successful. Especially it uses a series of new technologies. To be honest, we are not sure."

"Of course, the development process of no technology is smooth sailing, but all major technologies are developed through a series of hard work and painstaking efforts.

Although we have great expectations of you, we will not be so unreasonable. So don't put so much pressure on this aspect, and trust us. "Luo Kai looked at Wu Hao and said.

Wu Hao nodded silently when he heard Luo Kai's words, Luo Kai immediately said to him when he saw this, "Okay, I'm just talking to you about this matter, you are the one I grew up watching , I also hope that you can develop better.

But you also need to be clear that not everyone is optimistic about you. In fact, there have always been many people who have objections or even concerns about the involvement of private enterprises in the research of military weapons and equipment.

So the more you are at this time, the more you have to show your abilities and fully believe in us. Only in this way can we be united, overcome difficulties, and make progress together. "

Luo Kai's words were relatively reserved. In fact, Wu Hao also knew that their rapid rise, especially in the field of military weapons and equipment, has launched a series of new weapons and equipment that amazed everyone.

While gaining the favor of the military and winning a large number of orders, it also hurt the interests of some people, which is inevitable.

So it will naturally arouse some people's objections, originally this is nothing, the survival of the fittest. However, the other party made a fuss about their identities, but they caught their vitals.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Hao and the others will be extra cautious in various projects related to military weapons and equipment technology, and generally only report and announce when certain results have been achieved. Unexpectedly, such a safe method was still caught by some people to make a fuss.

Thinking of this, he felt helpless and at the same time had a headache, and even had a trace of emotion. Of course, he didn't show it directly.

But who is Luo Kai, Wu Hao's micro expression is naturally seen by him. Of course, he could also understand Wu Hao's thoughts, so he smiled and comforted him: "Okay, man, it's nothing to be wronged.

There is a saying that goes like this, you will be slandered as much as you can stand the praise.

Not being jealous is a mediocrity, just be yourself, why care about what others think. "

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