Military Technology

Chapter 1468 Large Comprehensive Manufacturing Technology Laboratory

Of course, this new technology and product incubation base is mainly responsible for research and development, especially the experimental manufacturing of some new products. There is a complete production chain here, which can complete the entire production process of products from drawings to finished products.

Before mass production, some customized components and other component products required in all projects, as well as research on related production processes and technical verification will be carried out here.

In fact, Wu Hao and the others already had such technology and product incubation centers before, but they were scattered in various project teams and laboratories. Other laboratories or project teams need to apply and coordinate time if they want to use it. Sometimes in order to compete for a production line or production task, conflicts arise between several project teams and even laboratories.

Later, Wu Hao and the others specially integrated and utilized these resources, although those problems did not arise. But new problems also appeared immediately. That is, as their current projects continue to increase, the use of technology and product incubation has also become more frequent and intensive. Now, according to the current existing facilities, it is almost impossible to meet the research work of various laboratory project teams.

Therefore, Wu Hao and the others decided to allocate more than 2,000 acres of the company's reserve strategic land in the North District to build this large-scale technology and product incubation base.

Compared with the company headquarters, the construction of this technology and product incubation base is relatively simple. In fact, they are all large factory buildings. In this regard, both the designer and the construction party have very rich experience, so there is no need for Wu Hao and the others to worry about this.

What really troubled them was the related instrument production equipment in the technology and product incubation base. Most of the instruments and production test equipment were fine, but some high-end test equipment and production processing equipment still encountered problems. difficulty.

No way, such high-end experimental production equipment has been under strict technical blockade abroad, and it is basically impossible to obtain them.

Therefore, there are only two paths before Wu Hao and the others, either to buy some unblocked or outdated technologies and equipment first. Although the unsealed equipment is one generation behind the current international advanced production equipment, it is barely enough. That being the case, let’s buy it first and then use it. Maybe one day the other party will lift the ban, or we have made breakthroughs in these technologies in China, and thus produced products that are comparable to or even ahead of foreign advanced technology and equipment.

Or, Wu Hao and the others will develop and manufacture these production equipment by themselves. This road is very difficult. We must know that the technical level of these experimental production equipment is very high, and it is difficult to break through. Not to mention that the opponent is injured and still controls a large number of core patents, it is difficult to bypass the breakthrough.

Wu Hao and the others can only achieve results if they invest a lot of money and resources, and have enough patience and time.

But spending so much money on a project like this,

For them, whether it is appropriate, or whether it is valuable, there is no consensus within the company.

Of course, if this path can be passed through, it is undoubtedly the best result. On the one hand, it solves their current situation of being stuck, on the other hand, it can also help the country and domestic enterprises get rid of the shackles of overseas, and can also win a large number of market orders.

These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so the opinions within the company are not unified. However, after several rounds of consultations and in-depth study and evaluation of the two approaches, a seemingly compromised approach was finally reached, or in other words, an approach that took into account the advantages and disadvantages of both.

That is to use the combination of these two methods, and first purchase a small amount of such relatively backward technical production equipment that has been lifted overseas to solve the current problem of whether the company has such experimental production equipment.

Then, based on this, they developed their own new experimental production equipment products.

This is the best way. In fact, many domestic technology companies have come out in this way. However, it is more difficult now than it was a few decades ago. Because it is no longer as it was decades ago, the patent protection is sound, so that they no longer have a fluke mentality, and they must conduct real research on how to bypass technical patents such as pictures and pictures, so as to come up with new technologies with their own intellectual property rights , new equipment comes out.

In fact, everyone disagrees on whether to choose this technology and product incubation base as a backup site to the north of their Linghu headquarters.

Many people believe that with the rapid development of the Linghu business district, the land resources here are becoming more and more tense.

The company's reserve strategic land of more than 4,000 mu is very valuable and will be the foundation and key of the company's next expansion. If it is used now, what should be done when the company expands in the future and needs land.

Therefore, these people feel that since it is a technology and product incubation base, which is relatively independent, it can be farther away. There is still a large amount of industrial land outside the core area of ​​Linghu, so it is no problem to put it there.

On the one hand, there are abundant land resources, so it is easier for Wu Hao and the others to obtain land. And it's only a dozen kilometers away from their Linghu headquarters, which isn't too far away.

Some people think that this kind of technology and product incubation base is actually a kind of manufacturing factory. Since it is a factory, then it is better to put it in Binhe, where there is their intelligent manufacturing factory, so it is more appropriate to put it together.

There may be some truth to what these people say, but they ignore a problem. Although the technology and product incubation base is a kind of manufacturing plant, it is essentially a large-scale comprehensive manufacturing technology laboratory. The relevant technologies of many laboratories and projects need to be verified here, and the experimental parts and components required by these laboratory project teams also need to be produced here.

Therefore, this large-scale comprehensive manufacturing technology laboratory cannot be built far away, so it will be more troublesome to cooperate and coordinate, so it must be put in a little bit. In this case, only their reserve strategic land is more suitable.

In addition, regarding the future development of the headquarters park, in Wu Hao's view, the expansion scale of the park will not be too large.

Although they are all put together and concentrated, this is conducive to making full use of resources. However, if the park is large, there will be related problems.

To put it simply, the infrastructure of the Linghu business district can no longer support more people. Moreover, if so many people are all concentrated in one park, it will be more troublesome to manage, so it is enough to reserve 2,000 acres of reserve strategic land.

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