Military Technology

Chapter 1495 The largest rights defense operation in history

In the next few days, as the e-sports carnival was in full swing, more and more players and fans entered the venue to watch the game.

And with the viewing experience of these audiences, they have also spread out through various channels. All of a sudden, there were news about this e-sports carnival, MR mixed reality technology, and competitions, etc., which were full of hot topics in various sectors, and became topics that netizens talked about.

While everyone was amazed, they couldn't help but have a strong interest. As a result, more players and fans came here admiringly, which also led to a sharp increase in the number of tourists pouring into Anxi in the past few days.

The single-day tourist reception of Tang Culture Pedestrian Street Scenic Area has also climbed to a new high in non-holidays, breaking through one million people in a single day.

Faced with such a situation, the management committee of the scenic spot is strengthening the number of staff in the scenic spot, maintaining order and maintaining service quality. On the other side, it is starting to restrict the flow of scenic spots to relieve the pressure in the scenic spots.

The event organizer Fangwei Media Culture Co., Ltd., that is, Lin Wei and the others, also had to issue an announcement to persuade players and fans to travel rationally. And inform the tourists that all the tickets for the Qinglong E-sports Cultural Center in the carnival have been sold out. On the one hand, it reminds tourists to come rationally, on the other hand, it also reminds tourists to beware of being deceived.

Indeed, these cases have appeared now, and some players bought fake tickets in Anxi. Although the police quickly caught the suspect and recovered the losses of the deceived players. But this also reminded Lin Wei and the others that they must strengthen the cleanup of these scalpers and counterfeit tickets.

So at the request of Lin Wei and the others, the management committee of the scenic spot joined forces with the police and the cultural department to carry out joint rectification, and rectified the phenomenon of accepting fake and high-priced scalpers within the scenic area.

Faced with such a grand occasion, Kong Yuansheng naturally reciprocated. On the one hand, he strengthened his support and assistance for the event, based on the greatest degree of support. On the other hand, they also quickly reached a series of follow-up cooperation matters with Lin Wei and the others.

Wu Hao naturally noticed Kong Yuansheng's overtures, but he didn't express his opinion. Some things are better and more appropriate not to express a position than to express one's position.

Lin Wei was also happy. Although she was tired these days, she was happy. Every day when I come back, I drag my tired body to tell him some interesting stories about activities and games.

As the event spread more and more widely, and continued to be popular, it naturally attracted many media reporters. There are also some customers who want to seek cooperation. So in the past few days, in addition to being busy with activities, Lin Wei has mainly come to accept interviews from these media reporters, and to receive and deal with these customers who come to her door.

Compared to this, Wu Hao seemed a little more low-key. Although Haoyu Technology was the one who mentioned the crucial technology this time, they seemed to be very reluctant this time, and declined some interview invitations.

When it was hot, this low-key did not last long, because soon a report from overseas quickly appeared on the hot searches of major media and became the focus of attention of the public and the industry.

"Haoyu Technology launched the largest patent rights protection lawsuit in history, and will sue seven companies in 27 countries involving 1439 patent infringement cases at the same time."

As soon as this news came out, it quickly became the focus of attention of the major media, the industry, and the general public.

The reason why so much attention, as long as there are so few aspects. First of all, the scale is very large. This time, 1,439 patent infringement cases were directly filed against seven companies in 27 countries at the same time, which is very rare in previous related patent infringement litigation cases.

What's more, this is a domestic company, and it has taken the initiative to sue overseas companies, so it has a relatively large impact domestically and even internationally.

In the past, people have stereotyped that domestic companies have always been infringers, and overseas companies are victims of rights defenders, so it is often seen that overseas companies sue domestic companies for infringement.

It seems that domestic companies take the initiative to sue overseas companies for infringement cases. Even if there is, it seems that there are not many reports.

For the domestic attention, this is obviously unbelievable. Everyone is a little surprised how Haoyu Technology made such an impulsive and sudden decision, which is too abnormal.

Or maybe this is the corporate style of Haoyu Technology, or it is a true portrayal of the youthful vigor and competitiveness of Wu Hao and the others.

No, judging from the previous series of performances of Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, they are still very stable. Otherwise, it is impossible to develop a small company into a domestic and even international technology giant in just a few years. And in a series of competitions, they advance and retreat very orderly, not at all like the behavior and handwriting of a hairy child. Therefore, the business leaders in the industry did not despise Wu Hao as a child, but took it very seriously.

In their view, if they don't have a bit of ability, not everyone has the ability to grow a company and tear off a piece of fat in the competition of many giants.

But now, Wu Hao and the others suddenly announced that they would sue seven companies involving 1,439 patent infringement cases in 27 countries at the same time.

In fact, this kind of patent rights litigation is commonplace for basically all technology companies. Whether someone else infringes your patent, or you inadvertently or unavoidably infringe someone else's patent, these are all normal.

In this regard, a set of very mature solutions has basically been formed. Generally speaking, when it comes to the prosecution link, the negotiation has basically collapsed, and it is the last resort.

If the two parties have differences, insist on their own views, and finally the talks collapse, then they can only go through legal prosecution procedures. However, such intellectual property infringement cases are complicated and the trial process is very long. It usually takes several months or even several years of confrontation before there is a result.

Ordinary enterprises can't wait for so many years, and they are not as fast as enterprises. Both companies will conduct periodic evaluations based on the court hearing process to determine the success rate of the lawsuit.

And use this to make relevant and appropriate handling, such as actively seeking reconciliation and so on.

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