Military Technology

Chapter 1005 Shut up all doubters

"What do you think?" Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and asked.

Zhang Jun shook his head and said: "Of course we can't compromise. Although the other party came to reconcile actively, they still came with the idea of ​​spending some money to settle the matter and make peace. We definitely can't let the other party succeed.

This time, if they want to reconcile, they must show sincerity. In addition, this does not conform to our plan. I think we should adjust them first. Of course, you can’t stop it, you still have to keep in touch. Otherwise, once the other party feels that we have no sincerity for peace talks, they may have to put all their eggs in one basket and start preparing for a lawsuit.

This is not good news for us. "

Wu Hao nodded with a smile when he heard the words: "Just follow your ideas."

"No problem." Zhang Jun responded, and then asked Wu Hao, "Then, do you still see the business representatives of these companies?"

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll be gone. You will deal with everything."

Zhang Jun thought for a while and nodded, "That's right, then I'll deal with them myself."

What happened to Tong Juan and the others? Wu Hao immediately changed the subject.

"Tong Juan has already led the team to fly from the Lion City in Southeast Asia to Hair Country yesterday afternoon, where they will meet with the lawyers and legal team who have already arrived, and also meet with several famous law firms in Europe.

In addition to law firms, they will also visit the intellectual property courts in Europe, as well as some important figures such as parliamentarians. And go to the embassy in time to seek relevant help from the embassy. " Zhang Jun introduced to Wu Hao.

Hearing this introduction, Wu Hao nodded and said in thought: "The pressure on Tong Juan's shoulders is not small. Whether this battle can be won or not depends on her side. Europe can be said to be our battle against these companies. The main battlefield, the results there will affect the attitude of courts in other countries on this matter, so we must win."

"If it was just a simple lawsuit, we would definitely win. But you know, there are many other things involved. As reported in the western media, they don't want us to win because it will seriously damage Their interests." Zhang Jun worried.

Wu Hao waved his hands and smiled: "That's why I wrote that I would ask the court to apply for an open trial process. Only in this way can we ensure the fairness of the entire trial process.

In this way, even if someone wants to do something secretly, they have to consider external influences. Of course, we can't just make one-handed preparations. This is no longer a simple patent rights dispute, but a wrestling between the West. "

According to what you said, isn't our situation quite dangerous? Zhang Jun smiled wryly.

Hehe, Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "Even if it's not this time, there will be a next time. Instead of passively accepting it, it's better to take the initiative. If we continue to endure, I'm afraid the market will be eaten away by the other party."

What's more, what we have to do this time is not only to protect our legitimate rights and interests in technology patents, but also to take this opportunity to counterattack and compete for the market that was previously eroded by these companies. Even if we can't fight back, we must slow down their development speed and protect our current overseas markets.

Compared with these two things, which is more important, we must always have a steelyard in our hearts. Even if necessary, the competition for some patented technologies can be abandoned. "


Zhang Jun nodded and said solemnly: "For us, these are two battlefields of a war. We must work together to entangle and fight the enemy in these two battlefields. Based on the overall strategic considerations, the two battlefields Tactics and strategies should be adjusted. For example, two battlefields are attacked at the same time, or one battlefield is attacked and the other battlefield is let go, or the two battlefields rely on each other and cooperate with each other to achieve an overall victory in this war."

If you have a clear understanding, draw up a document according to your understanding and send it to Tong Juan and the others.

Let them understand our strategy, and at the same time, keep it secret. Once our strategic intention is leaked in advance, the other party will definitely be prepared.

Since it has to be kept secret, I think it's better not to post it, and let's hold a remote video recall later, and talk about it directly at the meeting. Zhang Jun suggested.

"Alright." Wu Hao nodded after thinking for a while and said: "Our employees will definitely have some ideas about this incident, and there may be some internal turmoil. Therefore, we also need to come forward to stabilize the morale of the army. In addition to the employees , and our partners and suppliers, they will also have some ideas.

In this way, let me send an internal email to the employees in my name, to appease everyone and stabilize the morale of the army. You are responsible for appeasing our partners and suppliers. "

"no problem."

Zhang Jun immediately responded, then glanced at Wu Hao, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I think at this time, whether it is to stabilize the internal military morale or appease our partners and suppliers overseas, the best way And the way is for us to hold a new product and technology conference.”

"A new product and technology conference?" Wu Hao asked.

Zhang Jun nodded: "Think about it, employees, these partners and suppliers, why do they have ideas, why are they turbulent, to put it bluntly, they lack confidence in us.

This will greatly promote our prosecution and trial of this patent protection case, as well as our counterattack against these companies in the market. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's explanation, Wu Hao nodded after thinking for a while. I have to say that what Zhang Jun said makes sense. Indeed, holding a new product and technology conference at this moment is undoubtedly the best favorable response to all doubts from the outside world.

Didn’t you say that we have no technology and that our technology is stolen? Then we will hold a new product and technology conference to show you our new technology and shut up all those who doubt it.

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