Military Technology

Chapter 1509 Keep some mystery

Wu Hao smiled slightly and said: "The current output of this new type of transparent folding screen is relatively limited. If it is provided to you rashly, it will definitely cause insufficient production capacity and a backlog of orders.

So you want to wait until the third and fourth quarters of next year. "

Hearing what he said, the old horse and the little brother looked at each other and smiled knowingly. As for Tao Zhengyang, he was rather depressed. He understood Wu Hao's words. Obviously, this screen was specially customized for Wu Hao's own products.

If they want it, they can only wait until Wu Hao and his products are on the market. No way, no matter which manufacturer will definitely consider selling it after meeting its own needs. It is impossible for others to give up their own interests for them.

Tao Zhengyang was a little embarrassed and frustrated by the smiles of the old horse and the little brother. Upon seeing this, Wu Hao waved his hand at Tao Zhengyang and said: "Actually, there is nothing we can't say. We need this product to maintain our presence and share in the overseas market and even the domestic market, especially now that we are facing huge challenges overseas. In times of stress, we need this kind of product that can amaze everyone to build confidence for consumers and establish a positive and positive brand image for ourselves.

Based on this consideration, we have to make some trade-offs, not against you. "

I can understand, if it were me, I would do the same. This is what should be done and justified. Tao Zhengyang immediately nodded in response. Wu Hao's words are so straightforward, it is obvious that he treats him as a friend and treats him sincerely, so he is very grateful in his heart.

Ok, let's continue. Lao Ma eased the atmosphere at the right time, changed the subject and said, "Give us an introduction, what new technology achievements are you planning to present at this press conference?"

Uh, Wu Hao couldn't help but hang a black line on his forehead when he heard the words: "It's better to maintain some sense of mystery. Now that I've said that, it won't be interesting for you to watch the press conference."

It's okay, it's okay, just tell us. The old horse looked at the time and said, "Why haven't the few of them arrived yet, they are too unpunctual."

Seeing this, Wu Hao nodded and said, "Then let me tell you one more thing. Do you know the super phage we released before?"

I know, I've paid special attention to it. Tao Zhengyang said with a smile: "As a patient who has suffered from stomach problems for a long time, I am very much looking forward to your new drug."

Oh, is it the special drug for Helicobacter pylori? Brother Xiaoma asked.

Wu Hao nodded: "Yes, that's it.

At present, this special drug has passed the phase II clinical trial, and the trial data is very satisfactory, among which the cure rate for the refractory and recurrent infection of Helicobacter pylori interference cases has reached more than 99%.

We have compiled relevant clinical data and submitted them to relevant departments, and now we are starting to apply for Phase III clinical trials.

If the Phase III clinical trial is passed, we will immediately apply to the relevant department for a new drug marketing authorization. If all goes well, it will be approved for conditional listing in the second and third quarters of next year at the earliest. "

That's really great, it's a good news for patients with Helicobacter pylori infection all over the world. Tao Zhengyang said excitedly.

Compared to Tao Zhengyang, Old Ma and Little Ma seemed a bit calmer. However, I am still a little surprised that this new drug can be launched so quickly.

Even old horses,

They all showed a look of envy: "According to what you said, I am afraid that the market value of this new drug after it is launched can be seen."

Brother Xiao Ma also nodded and said: "The pharmaceutical market is very huge. If this special medicine is really effective, the benefits it will bring will undoubtedly be huge. It should be said that it is very easy to say that it is very easy to spend more than one billion US dollars per year."

That's right, some pharmaceutical companies can make a lot of money just by relying on a special drug, which is simply a money printing machine. Tao Zhengyang said with a smile.

Actually, it's not as exaggerated as you say. Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and explained: "The benefits of new drugs must be very high, but the initial investment costs are huge, and the risks are huge. Including the first, second and third phase clinical trials before listing, they will consume huge financial resources.

Once something goes wrong, the experiment may have to be terminated, and even all the money will be lost in the end. To put it bluntly, the risk of developing this new drug is huge. Every year, tens of thousands of new drugs are put into clinical trials all over the world, but only a few hundred are approved for marketing each year. Of course, except for those placebos under the guise of Chinese patent medicines. "

Hehe, everyone laughed when they heard his words. They all know the meaning of Wu Hao's words, so naturally they don't need to point it out, as long as everyone knows it well.

I read your related reports, is this super phage really so powerful? Little Ma asked curiously.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "The division is huge. To be honest, even now some of our scientists firmly believe that this thing is not an earth creature at all, but an 'alien' from space. It is very aggressive. , and the transmission ability is also very strong.

Our scientists are also continuing to use the characteristics of this super phage to engulf bacteria to continue research, so that it can not only engulf Helicobacter pylori, but also engulf some pneumococci or other pathogenic bacteria.

Our scientists even put forward an idea, whether it is possible to use this super phage as a blueprint to cultivate a super cell capable of phagocytosis.

This super cell is then cultivated to engulf cancer cells, thereby achieving the purpose of curing cancer. When the cancer cells in the patient's body are swallowed up, the super cells will starve to death automatically without food, and will be excreted from the body.

Moreover, it can exist in the body for a long time, inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the patient's body, so as to achieve the curative effect of curing and delaying the patient's condition. "

This idea is very good, has the project been approved? The old horse became interested instantly. For them, nothing is more important than health.

What the super rich like to do most is to sponsor medical institutions and medical project teams for research experiments on some intractable diseases.

In doing so, they are of course doing charity work on the one hand, hoping to promote the development of medical technology in the world. In addition, I am actually investing in an insurance or guarantee for myself. Once I have a problem, I can also rely on this investment in the early stage to enjoy the most advanced and cutting-edge treatment technology in the world.

So not only Lao Ma, but also Xiao Ma and Tao Zhengyang became interested.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "The project has been approved, and a very good research team in biology and life sciences is currently doing research in this area."

Yes, I personally would like to sponsor. The old horse expressed his understanding. Immediately, Brother Xiao Ma spoke up not to be outdone.

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