Military Technology

Chapter 1523 New Manufacturing Industry

last question. Shen Ning, who had been standing next to Wu Hao to preside over the order of the scene, stood up and said at the right time.

Upon hearing Shen Ning's words, the media reporters became more enthusiastic, and Shen Ning immediately gave the last chance to a domestic media reporter.

After getting this opportunity, the media reporter immediately smiled and said: "Thank you for sending me the last question. Hello, Mr. Wu, my question is how do you comment on the TV station released today by Mr. Ma just now?" The lithography machine will open the door to the new domestic manufacturing industry. It will push the domestic new manufacturing industry to a new level, and may even cause discussions about new industrial changes."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words. Such words are indeed in line with Lao Ma's style. He thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "Ma, I think Mr. Ma's words can be interpreted in several parts. First of all, we can see that the successful development of this new 5nm EUV lithography machine will represent As our country breaks the blockade and achieves technological breakthroughs, it also means that the Western attempts to suppress us in this field will be completely bankrupt.

And this, as Mr. Ma said, opened the door all at once. First of all, we have our own new 5nm EUV lithography machine. In the future, there will be 3nm, 2nm, and may even challenge the limit of Moore's Law to 1nm.

As a result, what it can drive is the development of the entire domestic industrial system. As we all know, lithography machine technology is an organic combination of cutting-edge technologies in many technical industries. Its success must be the result of the joint efforts of the entire industrial system. Its success will surely promote the development and progress of the entire domestic industrial body in the field of cutting-edge technology.

From such a perspective, such a lithography machine has indeed driven the rapid development of the entire domestic industrial system.

The rapid development of the entire domestic industrial system will also promote the development of domestic manufacturing and industrial manufacturing technology.

To give a very simple example, the problem of "core shortage" has plagued the world for several years, and this problem is also very serious in the industry, which greatly restricts the rapid development of the entire industry.

For example, in the automotive field, many companies have to cut off many excellent mature car models because of the lack of chips.

In fact, the same is true in the field of industrial manufacturing. Because of the lack of industrial chips, many related factories have also experienced a state of stagnation. Many factories also had to close their production lines.

With the successful development of our new 5nm EUV lithography machine, these problems in China and in the entire industry may be well resolved.

It's not that it's just because of our new 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine, but because of the significance brought by this new 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine. It successfully broke the blockage,

It can be said that it has broken the wall, which also means that some advanced foreign lithography machines and high-end chip technologies will also enter the country, further loosening the industry, thereby releasing the productivity of the manufacturing industry and promoting the big leap forward of the entire industry. before development.

With the upgrading of our domestic industry, more manufacturing companies will start to seek breakthroughs or find a way out. Especially as our domestic human resources are becoming more and more scarce and labor costs are rising year by year, traditional manufacturing companies will find it increasingly difficult to survive.

So for them, there are only two paths before them. Either follow the development law of the manufacturing industry and relocate these manufacturing factories to areas with abundant human resources and low labor costs. For example, many labor-intensive manufacturing factories in the south have been relocated to Southeast Asia because of the low labor costs there.

But this will cause a series of problems, the first must be environmental problems. For all enterprises, if they can stay, who is willing to relocate.

Moreover, it is difficult for overseas countries to have such a stable and good business and production environment as ours. After the relocation of these enterprises, their survival status is actually not ideal.

Then there is another way, that is to carry out industrial upgrading, introduce automated and intelligent equipment, and realize unmanned production.

As you know, we have been promoting and promoting the development and progress of intelligent unmanned manufacturing factories over the years. At present, we have very advanced and mature technologies in the field of intelligent unmanned manufacturing factories. We can realize the whole The unmanned and intelligent operation of the factory means that the whole factory does not need a single person, and it is all undertaken by automation equipment.

And we have realized the automation and intelligence of production equipment maintenance. Intelligent robots are responsible for the maintenance and repair of these production equipment, which really gets rid of manpower.

As our country promotes the strategic policy of keeping the manufacturing industry in the country, more and more manufacturing industries will also call to stay in the country accordingly.

These remaining enterprises either relocated to the west, or began to upgrade and improve. And this will surely bring about a new round of industrial development, thus gradually forming a new type of manufacturing industry.

Such a new type of manufacturing industry, for example, will promote our country's manufacturing industry to a new level. It represents not only the unprecedented liberation of productivity, but also the concepts of resource integration, environmental protection, and sustainable development. It can be said that it will become the future development direction.

As for myself, I am also very much looking forward to the arrival of such a prosperous age, and I am full of confidence in its realization. "

Having said that, Wu Hao smiled and nodded at everyone and waved: "Thank you everyone!"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning stood in front of Wu Hao and began to deal with the media: "My friends from the press, time is of the essence, the interview is over here, please forgive me."

Of course, these media reporters were not happy, but looked at Wu Hao and asked loudly.

As for Wu Hao, he had answered enough questions today, so he ignored the reporters and left the scene surrounded by staff and security personnel.

When he was leaving, he could still see that there were still a few people on the opposite side talking to the few media reporters. Looking at Wu Hao who was surrounded by the crowd and left, these people took a look, and then resumed their smiles and continued talking to the media.

Of course Wu Hao could also see these people, but he didn't bother to pay attention to them. Everyone has their own little calculations, so why would he want to expose these little tricks and make the other party unhappy. As for Wu Hao, he had answered enough questions today, so he ignored the reporters and left the scene surrounded by staff and security personnel.

When he was leaving, he could still see that there were still a few people on the opposite side talking to the few media reporters. Looking at Wu Hao who was surrounded by the crowd and left, these people took a look, and then resumed their smiles and continued talking to the media.

Of course Wu Hao could also see these people, but he didn't bother to pay attention to them. Everyone has their own little calculations, so why would he want to expose these little tricks and make the other party unhappy.


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