Military Technology

Chapter 1531 Mainly selling the environment

Immediately, Wu Hao and the others followed the owner of the pool and walked through the corridor beside the pool together, and then entered a very spacious private room on the inside. The private room is very large, except for a small round table, there are some classical decorations, the four treasures of the study, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, everything that one expects to find. On the two rows of ancient bookshelves on the side, there are really many rare ancient books. On the piano stand under the bookshelves, there is a Guqin. Judging from its thick and round pulp, it is also extraordinary.

Next to the qin platform, there is a copper incense burner, inside the incense burner is emitting faint blue smoke, which is very elegant, smells good, and makes people very comfortable.

The window of the private room is facing a patio, and there are lush green banana trees planted in the patio. Small water droplets hit the banana leaves from above, and then fall down.

"When the rain hits the plantain and listens to the rain, there is worry and no worry. It is such an elegant place." Seeing this situation, the old horse couldn't help singing his poems.

Teacher Ma has won the prize. The Chi boss smiled and said modestly when he heard this.

The old horse smiled and shook his head, then pointed to the incense burner over there with the paper fan in his hand and said, "Boss Chi has a heart, the incense in this incense burner is agarwood, and it should be Kalimantan agarwood, the most precious of agarwood One gram of gold is one gram of incense, but incense of this quality should not be bought with one gram of gold."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ma still has research on incense. The pool boss smiled.

The old horse shook his head with a smile, and then said with a sullen expression: "No, I don't understand these things, but my wife understands a little bit. Under her ears and eyes, I just learned a little, so that You are laughing."

It seems that Mrs. Zun should also be an incense appreciator. Boss Chi sighed in admiration, and then continued: "This piece of incense was given to me by a friend of mine in Southeast Asia, and it has been almost twenty years now.

When you come today, I light it specially for your evaluation. This agarwood is known to have the effect of calming the mind and body, calming the mind and calming the mind, and can make people feel happy.

I hope you guys can enjoy your meal here today. Do you have any special requirements for meals? "

special requirements? Wu Hao and the others were taken aback for a moment, and Brother Xiao Ma immediately asked, "Is there no menu?"

The owner of the pool shook his head slightly, and explained with a smile: "We don't have a menu, and we usually change the ingredients of the four seasons in advance. You just need to tell us what dietary restrictions are, and we will arrange the rest."

Oh, this is new. Brother Xiao Ma showed interest, and then the two laughed and said, "I have no taboos, but the taste is a bit mild, and nothing else, just look at you."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "I have no problem, everything is fine."

The old horse looked at it and made people laugh: "I don't have any special requirements. You can look at it. Don't make it too complicated. We still have a schedule for the afternoon."

Alright, Boss Chi nodded, then looked at the few people and said, "Wait a moment, I'll make arrangements."

Saying this, Boss Chi left, and then saw two beautiful girls in Hanfu come in, one of them started to help them make tea and serve tea, and the other sat behind the qin platform and started to play the qin.

interesting. The old horse closed his eyes and listened slightly, then opened his eyes and said to the two of them.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "I now know why this place is well received. It's not because the food here is so good, but because the atmosphere here is good."

That's right, what is sold here is the environment, and what is sold is the service. Brother Xiao Ma hit the nail on the head.

The old horse showed a regretful expression and said: "Time is a little tight, otherwise, we can have a good chat here all afternoon, this is also one of the few interesting things in life."

Hahaha, Wu Hao and Xiao Ma laughed. Brother Xiao Ma looked at the banana leaves being splashed by water droplets outside, and said: "In a busy city like Shanghai, where every inch of land is expensive, there is such an elegant place. I have to say that the boss is very courageous. Such a place, There is not a few hundred million that cannot be taken down."


The old horse nodded and said: "The key is that this alley belongs to the protected area and cannot be demolished, and the reconstruction is very difficult and the procedures are complicated. The owner of such a private restaurant here is very capable."

What Lao Ma said, both of them understood that they could get through various relationships and make this private restaurant run, which would be a lot of tricks.

Brother Xiao Ma nodded, then waved his hand at the beautiful woman in Hanfu making tea, motioning her to go out, and then said to the two of them, "What do you two think of today's meeting?"

Lao Ma and Wu Hao looked at each other, then laughed. The old horse shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it will be more difficult to raise than money in a while."

Wu Hao nodded and said: "It can be seen that everyone has great opinions, but it's just that we didn't quarrel because of the few of us.

And there are already people who want to quit, not just one. "

I can also see that Liu Qi has a small plan in mind for that old fox, I can't be more clear. The old horse said directly: "Look, he will take action in a few days."

You mean, he's going to play tricks. Wu Hao questioned.

The old horse smiled and shook his head: "Small action, you underestimate him. He is very good at speculating, and he belongs to the kind of person who only takes advantage of the advantages and does not suffer losses, so I want him to spend more money for investment, and all at once. It's impossible to pay so much.

I know him too well for him to take the risk. Even if the lithography machine has been developed, he will not venture in until the situation is clear.

The other one, with his current net worth and the market performance of a certain idea, it is unrealistic for you to ask him to spend so much money.

I think in the next step, he might recruit people into the group. "

This is inevitable. Brother Xiao Ma then said: "It is impossible for them to pretend that their shares are diluted, and they will definitely take action. The best way to avoid dilution of shares is to continue to inject capital, but for them, on the one hand, they don't have so much money , On the other hand, he is unwilling to take risks on the other hand.

Then they can only come to bring in some trusted partners, and then form an offensive and defensive alliance to fight against us. "

We have an absolute advantage in terms of investing in shares and equity, so we don't have to worry about this. But I think we still need to be more vigilant to prevent the other party from causing us some trouble and delaying the progress of this project. Wu Hao said.

In addition, although we intend to let some people in, we do not allow everyone to come in. We still have to screen them out, which is conducive to subsequent operations and management.

I agree. The old horse nodded.

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