Military Technology

Chapter 1533 Substitutes for Human Organs

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lao Ma and Xiao Ma were stunned for a moment, and then showed expressions of excitement and curiosity.

As old businessmen who have worked in the mall for decades, they have already heard the huge market value brought by this technological achievement from the name alone.

Haven't artificial hearts existed for a long time? Is there any difference between yours? Little Ma asked curiously.

Facing the curious eyes of the two, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Of course there is a difference. The characteristic of our technology is that it can completely replace the heart and replace the function of the heart.

Simply put, it can perfectly simulate all the functions of the heart and restore patients to health. "

Hearing his words, the excited expressions on the faces of the two became more intense, and then they stared at Wu Hao, hoping that he could introduce more. As for Wu Hao, he just smiled and said nothing, not wanting to say too much in this regard.

This made the two of them a little anxious and even more helpless. After two attempts with no results, Lao Ma could only helplessly say: "Okay, let's wait and see the press conference. Thank you in advance. I will definitely not be polite to you when I really need it."

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "I hope I will never wait until this day."

Hahahaha, your blessing is not very good. Ma Chang laughed and said: "It seems that you should have been engaged in the research of human organ bionics, from the previous bionic prosthetic hands and legs, to the bionic prosthetic eyes, this time you directly engage in bionic research. A bionic heart came out. According to your direction, you want to replace all human organs."

It is an intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis and an intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye. Wu Hao corrected with a smile.

It doesn't matter, what I care about now is how far you have progressed in this regard. Lao Ma became very interested.

As for Xiao Ma, he asked his own question: "Can all the organs in the human body be replaced?"

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "From now on, it is completely possible. For example, we have now developed an extracorporeal membrane lung (ECMO), which can completely replace the patient's lung function. In addition, there is also a dialysis machine for kidney patients. There are also artificial liver instruments for liver patients, etc. Not to mention, artificial hearts that have already entered clinical practice.

What we have to do is to miniaturize these huge and complex instruments and equipment, and be able to put them into the patient's body to completely replace the original organs to maintain related functions.

And we choose the direction of bionic technology, hoping to use these bionic electronic organs to perfectly simulate the original organs, so that they can perfectly replace the functions of the original organs and ensure the quality of life of patients after recovery.

At this press conference, several technical achievements we will release are related to this aspect. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, the curiosity in their hearts was aroused again. The old horse nodded his head and said angrily: "You boy, you are so unhappy. It is not kind to arouse people's curiosity and stimulate everyone's appetite."

Hahahaha... Hearing Lao Ma's frantic look, Xiao Ma and Wu Hao both laughed.

Wu Hao smiled at him and said: "It's not too late, and you will know when the time comes. And I haven't prepared any materials now, and I can't make a general idea just by introducing you with my mouth. After the press conference is over, I will Send you a detailed information, and you will know when the time comes."

That's about the same. The old horse showed a satisfied expression.

There must be a lot of research into this project. Brother Xiao Ma asked Wu Hao, "Xiao Wu, are you short of funds?"

Hehehehe... Wu Hao and Lao Ma looked at each other when they heard the words, and then laughed freely.

If it is missing in the future, I will definitely speak up. Wu Hao replied with a smile, which was a tactful rejection.

But the old horse nodded and scolded him with a smile: "This kid is as cunning as a fox, you don't want to take advantage of him.

How could he be willing to give others a share of such a project of great value.

Forget it, don't even think about investing, but you can get some sponsorship. How about this, I personally spend 20 million to fund the research of this project, even if it is to make a little contribution to human medical technology. "

Hearing what Lao Ma said, although Xiao Ma was a little disappointed, he nodded and said: "Okay, then I will also subsidize 20 million, which is dedicated to research in this field."

Then, on behalf of the scientific research project team, I would like to thank both of you for your generosity. Hearing this, Wu Hao smiled and said, he didn't expect to get 40 million from alms by just mentioning it. This business is worth it.

Seeing this, the old horse waved his hand and said, "Don't thank us, we have bought an insurance for ourselves. If we have any needs at that time, you will be able to help us."

Wu Hao said with a smile when he heard the words: "The research uncertainty of medical technology is too high, and we don't know how far this technology can develop in this project in the future.

We can't guarantee it to you, but if that day really comes, we will definitely do our best. "

OK, it's good to have your words. The old horse nodded slightly in response.

Brother Xiao Ma also nodded, then looked at Wu Hao and said: "You said on the spot today that the computing power of your super photonic computer has completely surpassed the computing power of existing traditional supercomputers. Now there are only three of us, you give us Tell the truth, this matter is true or false, it is still a gimmick that you are pre-heating for the press conference to create news topics."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "There is no need to lie about this matter, and it doesn't mean much to us. We will release some data information later, and everyone will know when the time comes."

Is this photonic computer really that powerful? The old horse was a little surprised.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "It's more than enough than the top, and it's definitely a little bit worse than the quantum computer, but compared to the traditional supercomputer, it's really much faster."

Could this photonic computer technology be used in mainframes or servers? Brother Xiao Ma raised a question he cared about.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "The core of a photonic computer is a photonic chip, which has extremely strong computing power. But a single photonic chip is definitely not enough, and other equipment is needed for assistance.

So at this stage, we can't directly apply it to the server, even for the host, we are still trying. "

After carefully listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Brother Xiao Ma thought for a while, and then said to Wu Hao seriously: "Are you planning to sell this supercomputer?"

What, are you interested? Wu Hao smiled.

Brother Xiao Ma nodded and said, "Of course, as an Internet company, no one would not wish to have computers and servers with powerful performance."

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