Military Technology

Chapter 1545 Honest Man

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, several people present nodded. In this case, as long as there are no accidents, there should be no problem.

After relaxing, everyone was in a better mood. Zhang Jun watched Wu Hao roll his eyes and then teased him: "I heard that you were in a car accident a few days ago?"

Um? After hearing Zhang Jun's words, several people nearby also looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao showed a helpless expression when he saw this. He really didn't want to mention this matter. A few days ago, I accompanied Wu Tong to buy a car. When I came back, Wu Hao and Lin Wei were sitting in this girl's car, wanting to experience her driving skills.

I don’t know if this girl was too excited, but the car was driving wildly. With Wu Hao and Lin Wei’s repeated reminders, this girl successfully had close contact with an Audi.

There was nothing wrong with her Wrangler. Because it had a steel bumper, it only had a little bit of paint on it. The Audi was in a terrible situation, with a big hole in the back.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei, who were riding in the back seat of the car, were careless and did not fasten their safety belts, so the sudden inertia of the rear-end collision caused them to hit the back of the front seats. Fortunately, the force was not strong and there were no injuries.

This new car had just driven a few kilometers when it encountered an accident, and no one was there. Now that you have met, let’s accompany you. The other party was also a very cheerful person. After a few words of negotiation, Wu Hao left Wu Hao to deal with the aftermath personally, and then directly drove Wu Tong off, and he got on the horse himself.

As for Wu Tong, he was forced into the driving school again and had people give her extra lessons. Of course the girl was unwilling, but under Wu Hao's coercion and inducement, she had no choice but to go to the driving school obediently.

Wu Hao briefly explained the matter to a few people, which caused several people to burst into laughter.

Zhang Jun gloated at him and said, "Let me tell you, why were you wearing a baseball cap two days ago? It turns out you were hit.

Our sister is really tough. The modified Wrangler she just got is racing on the road. "

Go and stop gloating about others' misfortune. Wu Hao rolled his eyes.

Hey, Zhang Jun smiled and said: "You guys are too stingy. After all, she is my sister. She wants a car and you just buy it now. Otherwise, I will give her a few sports cars. For a girl's family. What kind of off-road vehicle are you driving?"

You're old-fashioned, aren't you? Nowadays it's popular for girls to play with motorcycles and off-road vehicles. Zou Xiaodong said with a smile.

I really don’t understand. What we yearned for at first were all beautiful women with beautiful cars, but now we have changed to hugely profitable motorcycles. Zhang Jun shook his head, and then showed a look of longing: "I really envy them, it would be great if we had a car when we were in college.

If I had a car, I could definitely go to the Department of Foreign Languages ​​next door. "

Moreover, even if you are given a car, you may not be able to do it. That flower girl has a very high vision. He can see you when he is playing among various second generations. Wu Hao didn't give any face and directly mocked.

Hey, I'm just saying it, but it is definitely a very happy thing for a college student to have a car. Speaking of this, Zhang Jun smiled and asked: "Having said that, who knows how this flower is doing now?"

Why, you still want to renew your relationship. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Haha, she wants to continue, but I still refuse. Zhang Jun said with a confident smile.

Zou Xiaodong shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't paid attention to things in the alumni circle for a while."

I do know a little bit. At this time, Yang Fan, who had been acting as a melon-eater on the side, smiled and said.

Um? After hearing his words, Wu Hao, Zhang Jun, and Zou Xiaodong all looked at him.

Wu Hao smiled and joked: "I didn't realize it. The most sultry one among us turns out to be you. What's the matter, is this a show of affection or unrequited love?"

It's not as dirty as you think, I just happened to know a little bit about it. Yang Fan explained with a smile, and then said to several people: "I heard that after graduation, she went to work in a Fortune 500 company for two or three years, and then she resigned and came back home. She took the employee examination in her hometown, and then Someone introduced to my family got married, and now they have children.

What’s interesting is that she worked in this Fortune 500 company for several years, and I heard that she had an affair with a department manager, and was eventually raped by his wife. "

Ha, this melon is not small. Zhang Jun showed a gossipy look.

As for Zou Xiaodong, he sighed and said: "Sure enough, in the end an honest person took over."

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Why are you so sentimental? This is also a good choice for others. With the image, temperament, knowledge and conversation of this flower girl, although she has some past, being able to be with this husband is a good choice for her. For a husband, it’s not a loss.”

That's right. After hearing his words, everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Zhang Jun seemed to have thought of something, and then said to Wu Hao: "By the way, the school seems to be holding some activities, and they have sent us invitations. Do you plan to participate?"

what activity? Zou Xiaodong asked.

Zhang Jun shook his head: "I'm not sure yet. It seems to be a forum on electronic information security that invited some domestic and foreign experts and companies. They invited us and hoped that we could go back and participate."

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard this: "If I'm not interested, I won't participate. Which of you will go and represent you."

Zhang Jun spread his hands: "I don't have time. Which of you two has time to go there? Find Shuyuan"

Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan looked at each other. Faced with Yang Fan's innocent eyes, Zou Xiaodong shook his head helplessly, then raised his hand and said, "I'll go. Among us, I seem to have more time."

If you don't come here, it's the same as us bullying you. Wu Hao said angrily: "Your job will not be easy next. I plan to let you stay at the Shudu factory until they put into production."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Mr. Zou Xiaodong opened his mouth with an expression of surprise, then looked at Wu Hao with a puzzled look and said: "The Shudu factory seems to be operating independently. Is it appropriate for me to go?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "There is nothing inappropriate. A lot of our technology was used in the construction of the Shudu factory, especially in terms of intelligent and unmanned production technology. We have contributed a lot. You happen to be in charge of this aspect." Work, so if I go there for this reason, they won’t have any objections. Even if they have objections, they won’t be able to say anything.”

What was my main job in the past? Zou Xiaodong asked immediately. It was obvious that it was not that simple for Wu Hao to ask him to stay there.

Wu Hao nodded and looked at Zou Xiaodong and said: "There are currently many people who are interested in the Shudu factory, so I need you to go and stay there. On the one hand, you can ensure that this project goes smoothly, and on the other hand, it is also a warning to those people."

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