Military Technology

Chapter 1556 A frustrating choice

Obviously, Lao Ma is unwilling to fill in any funds. There are many reasons, mainly two reasons. On the one hand, there must be no money, or there is no extra money to invest in such a risky project. He is a businessman, and businessmen cannot put all their chips into one project. And another reason is that he was more or less affected by this incident and overseas voices.

Of course, compared to Xue Bing and Liu Qixiang, the good thing about Lao Ma is that he did not choose to withdraw his shares, but stated that he would support it to the end. For Wu Hao and the others, this is definitely good news.

The reason why these people either quit or terminate their investment is simply that they have close business ties with overseas, so under the current circumstances, they have to make a choice.

As for Wu Hao and others, not counting him, Xiao Ma Ge, Tao Zhengyang, Li Feihong, Sun Shu and others, their overseas market is limited.

Although Penguin has been working hard to expand overseas in recent years, it has not achieved much results. Its main market is still domestic. So facing threats from overseas, they naturally won't worry too much.

The same goes for Li Feihong and Sun Shu. They are also the same. They are even more dependent on the domestic market and have little overseas market business, so they are naturally not afraid.

As for Tao Zhengyang and others, after being hit one after another, although they still have other interests in overseas markets, the current situation is no longer a choice for them, but the only way to do it is independent innovation.

As for Wu Hao and Tao Zhengyang, they are actually the same. In overseas markets, their interests are no worse than those of corn or even certain companies. But they have their advantages. With advanced technology and excellent products, they are still strong even in overseas markets. In addition, compared to several other companies, they are not a listed company and the company's share structure is relatively simple, so they do not need to face the problems faced by Xue Bing and others.

Of course, for Xue Bing and the others, they would definitely not give up unless they had to. Now that the lithography machine has been developed, we will wait to collect the money later. Giving up at this stage is equivalent to throwing away your money in vain.

Therefore, as long as there is a little hope, they will persevere. After all, no one will be in trouble with their interests. But if the situation becomes critical later, they will give up very decisively to ensure that their main business is not affected.

In business, there is nothing to criticize. Moreover, the shares controlled by these companies are limited and have little influence.

As the case was solved, the impact of this incident gradually calmed down. Shanghaixin Technology Company has resumed normal operations after improving relevant security facilities. For them, time is money. If a photolithography machine is built earlier, there will be more profits. Now many companies have shown strong interest in the 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine they have developed, and have even sent representatives to seek cooperation. Especially for several major domestic wafer factories and chip foundries, in the past, they mainly relied on overseas high-process lithography machines. Even if they spent a lot of money, they might not be able to purchase them.

Now that a new domestic high-process 5nm EUV lithography machine has been released, they are naturally excited. On the one hand, they are happy that in the field of high-process lithography machines, they no longer have to be stuck. On the other hand, in their view, the price of domestic 5-nanometer EUV lithography machines will definitely be much cheaper than overseas prices.

Faced with the strong purchase intention from these manufacturers, Wu Hao and others did not refuse, but they also bluntly stated that the current lithography machines of Core Technology will give priority to meeting their own needs before considering selling them to external parties.

This naturally made these manufacturers a little frustrated, but they did not give up. Some manufacturers have already started to raise prices.

Wu Hao and the others were not in a hurry to agree to this, but wanted to whet their appetites first to see how sincere they could be. They also don't mind cooperating with each other if they are sincere enough.

Compared with the prosperous scene at Shang Haixin Technology, the Shudu Factory seems a bit low-key. Many reporters hoped to enter the factory or even the production workshop for interviews, but were refused. On the one hand, because there is really nothing to promote here in Shudu Factory, there is no need for any advertising in this regard. Because it will not connect with ordinary consumers, there is no need for traffic to catch up, and naturally there is no need for interviews or anything.

On the other hand, it is also for safety. On the one hand, it was for security reasons. After all, they didn't want anyone to find out what happened just a few days ago. Letting these reporters come in and take random pictures is not equivalent to giving directions to the other party.

There are also dust-free requirements in the production workshop. Outsiders are definitely not allowed to enter, let alone on-site interviews.

After the first 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine arrived at the Shudu factory, the installation and debugging work began immediately. This process was more time-consuming, because it was not a matter of tightening a few screws and installing it, but the machine needed to be installed. The equipment can be organically combined with other equipment in the frame to form a complete assembly line.

And what they used this time was Wu Hao's intelligent unmanned chemical factory technology. The normal production and manufacturing process is completely automated, intelligent, and unmanned, so various standards and requirements are higher. Therefore, this early debugging work is naturally very important.

Even if it is completed according to debugging, it cannot be put into production immediately. It is best to conduct several rounds of trial production and make improvements based on the produced products. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoス

Especially the product yield rate, which is the biggest problem in chip production. Therefore, if you want to improve the yield rate, you need to carry out very long and continuous debugging, and finally make it reach an ideal level.

In addition, a series of other supporting industries such as wafer fabs and chip manufacturing must also develop in coordination, and must be able to keep up with the development of photolithography machines.

Because chip production is not just a matter of a photolithography machine, but also involves many processes and techniques, and in this regard, our country is also lacking.

After Wu Hao and others started this photolithography machine development project, they began to support other supporting industry technologies and invested in several key supporting equipment companies.

With the support of Wu Hao and others, these enterprises have also achieved results one after another. But compared to the great success of lithography machines, their progress is still somewhat insufficient. However, as far as itself and even related domestic industries are concerned, this progress is definitely huge.

At present, these companies, including companies in other industries, are intensifying their efforts to create good results as soon as possible, inspired by the successful development of domestic lithography machines.

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