Military Technology

Chapter 1566 Responding with results is more convincing [press conference begins]

Let’s talk then, since the initiative is in our hands anyway. Wu Hao said with a smile. Indeed, if their future new drugs and new medical devices want to enter other countries and regions, it will obviously be difficult for them alone. The wisest way is to cooperate with some local snakes and let them carry out lobbying operations, thus opening the door to these countries and regions.

Once you enter and gain a foothold, the subsequent series of follow-up projects won’t be so troublesome.

While everyone was chatting, a staff member came forward to inform: "Mr. Wu, it's almost time."

Oh, Wu Hao looked at the time and nodded, then stood up and smiled at a few people and said, "It's time for me to go on stage, and I'll leave it to you to deal with the rest of the audience."

"Don't worry, leave it to us." Zhang Jun showed him a confident smile, and then said with relief: "Relax, you can make whatever changes you want, this is our territory, we have the final say."

Wu Hao waved his hand, then looked to Lin Wei aside and said softly: "I'll go first."

"I'll wait for you to go home together." Lin Wei helped him straighten his shirt and said softly.

Um. Wu Hao nodded, then glanced at everyone and then strode out.

At this moment, in the event hall on the first floor of the Tianshu Activity Center, all media reporters and guests attending the press conference were already seated. Before the conference started, everyone was whispering to each other about some of the technical achievements that might be released at the conference, as well as interesting industry trends.

Suddenly, the speaker suddenly rang, and amidst the exciting music, a crisp girl began to remind the guests to wear the smart MR glasses that had been prepared long ago.

Under the multilingual reminder from the girl, the guests and media reporters in the audience began to take out the smart MR glasses they had received in advance and started wearing them.

When everyone wears smart MR glasses, the glasses will automatically detect that they have been worn, turn on automatically, and flash a green light. At the same time, the number of wearers and the proportion of wearers will also be displayed on the surrounding large screens.

After everyone had finished wearing them, the lights dimmed and everyone's eyes fell into darkness. After a few seconds, the realization in front of everyone began to slowly brighten.

It was still the same scene, but it was not changed to a virtual scene like the previous press conference. Of course, that's not entirely true. For example, above everyone's heads, there are countless stars forming a splendid galaxy at this moment, slowly rotating, it is very beautiful.

This made many people surprised and slightly disappointed. But it's up to the guest, and they don't know what Haoyu Technology's plans are for this press conference.

Along with a burst of music, a screen was suspended in the air in front of everyone, and relevant promotional videos began to play on the screen.

This promotional video mainly starts from Wu Hao's original smart health bracelet and introduces the related achievements of Haoyu Technology in the field of medical technology over the years. From smart electronic bionic prosthetics, to medical smart mechanical exoskeletons, to new super phage drugs to treat Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, this series of achievements also made the guests nod their heads in praise.

Indeed, in just a few years, Haoyu Technology's achievements in the field of medical technology are obvious to all, and its achievements have been unanimously recognized by everyone. It is precisely because of this that they came to attend this conference and had great expectations.

As the promotional video ended, a solemn voice came from the speaker: "Ladies and gentlemen, please give me a round of applause, Wu Hao, Chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd.!"

Bang bang bang bang...

Following a burst of warm applause, the stars that were originally hanging above everyone's heads suddenly fell down like meteors, and then gathered on a platform not far away, gradually forming a human-shaped luminous body.

Then as a hand stretched out from the luminous body, all the stars fell off. Wu Hao appeared handsomely in a white shirt and black leather shoes, and then walked straight towards the special effects of the halo that spread out. On a round platform in front of everyone.

Arriving on the round platform, he stood still, glanced at the people in the audience, Wu Hao took a breath, then smiled and said: "Hello everyone, welcome to our summer new product \u0026 new technology launch conference this year. Maybe. As you all know, the content and theme of our press conference are mainly around the field of medical technology. At this press conference, we will release a batch of our company's latest scientific research results in the fields of life sciences and medical technology.

Shortly after the establishment of our company, we began to establish a project team for medical technology research. Later in the year, we established our Life Sciences and Biotechnology Research Institute on this basis, which was later upgraded to a Biological and Life Sciences Research Center.

Over the years, we have been continuously exploring the cutting-edge fields of medical technology and have successively released a series of scientific research results. Nowadays, these scientific research results have been widely applied to a series of patients, benefiting countless people.

In this regard, we are not satisfied with this, but continue to conduct exploration and research. With the unremitting efforts of countless scientific researchers, we have today's press conference on the theme of medical technology.

First of all, I will introduce to you a new drug or new medical technology that we released at the end of last year. At the press conference at the end of last year, we released the scientific research results of using super phages to phagocytose Helicobacter pylori in the tail. After the press conference, this result attracted widespread attention in the medical community. While countless people praised our new scientific research ideas, it also ushered in countless people's doubts and even criticisms.

We did not avoid these voices, and of course, we did not reply. In our opinion, the most beneficial reply is not to say it with words, but to respond with real data results, which is more convincing.

Subsequently, we began to cooperate with many hospitals and medical institutions, and then started clinical trials of this new drug.

In the phase I clinical trial, we selected a total of 553 patients from multiple hospitals, all of whom were suffering from gastric Helicobacter pylori infection and resulting severe gastric disease. Many patients suffer from repeated infections. Traditional treatment methods have made them suffer, and long-term use of antibacterial drugs has produced serious sequelae.

Therefore, these patients do not have much resistance to the experiment of this new drug. After some explanation, they all accepted the new drug experimental project. Immediately, we started administering medications to these patients according to their conditions and conducted physical examinations around the clock. "

While Wu Hao was speaking, a series of relevant data information began to float above his head.

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