Military Technology

Chapter 1568 Drugs without Side Effects

Looking at the virtual demonstration animation in the air above Wu Hao's head, the guests sitting at the front of the guest seats couldn't help but communicate with each other.

"Mr. Yun, what do you think?" An old man in his fifties wearing a white shirt smiled and asked an old man next to him with gray hair but still in his seventies who was about seventy years old and in good shape. road.

This gray-haired old man is none other than Academician Yun Zhihong, one of the country's authoritative experts in digestive sciences.

He glanced at the confident and sunny young man standing on the stage and smiled: "It's interesting. Using super phages to devour harmful bacteria is not something we haven't done before. In fact, many countries are also doing it. The kid on the stage was able to produce such results in such a short period of time, which is really impressive. However, the development of new drugs is a very complicated matter. There are many drugs that are very good in phase 1 and 2 clinical trials. In the end But they all failed.”

Don't you think so? The old man in a white shirt asked. He is the leader of gastroenterology in a famous hospital in China and can be regarded as one of the very famous experts. This time I was also invited to Anxi to attend this press conference. For this new drug, their hospital is also one of the clinical trial sites, so they are quite familiar with this new drug.

Yun Zhihong shook his head, then smiled slightly and said: "It's not that I'm not optimistic, but I think this guy is a little too anxious. The development cycle of new drugs is usually relatively long, and the shortest one usually takes four to five years. Six years, this guy was a little too anxious to compress the time into three years.

However, judging from the data and information currently displayed, the prospects of this drug are still very good. Xiao Wang, I remember that your hospital is also the clinical trial unit of this new drug. You should also be involved in the clinical treatment of this new drug.

Based on your personal professional judgment, how do you think this drug performs clinically? "

Facing Yun Zhihong's inquiry, the old man in the white shirt thought for a moment, and then affirmed: "Our hospital has participated in the first and second phase clinical trials of this drug. A total of more than 600 patients have participated in the first and second phase clinical trials. It is undergoing trial treatment. As far as the efficacy of this new drug is concerned, it is very good. It can be said that it cannot be better.

You also know that the current treatment methods for Helicobacter pylori in the stomach basically use triple or quadruple drugs from the international counterparts. Basically, the treatment effect is still very significant. But there are also disadvantages, that is, the treatment cycle is long, ranging from weeks to months. There may even be relapses and repeated infections after discontinuation of medication.

However, triple and quadruple therapy uses a huge amount of drugs, and the toxic and side effects produced will also accumulate in the body and cause harm to the body. Especially for critically ill patients with other conditions, triple-quadruple therapy may not be so suitable.

As for this drug, there are basically no toxic or side effects. What it contains is super phage. This super phage only targets Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. After killing all Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, it will then The superphage bred by division will quickly lose activity because there is no 'food' and eventually die and be eliminated from the body.

Therefore, it can be used in the treatment of critically ill patients and patients with other underlying conditions.

In clinical trials, we have used this drug to cure several patients suffering from other critical illnesses and successfully restored their gastrointestinal functions, which ultimately enabled them to turn around and be discharged from the hospital after being cured.

In addition, its therapeutic effect on Helicobacter pylori in the stomach is also very obvious. Basically, the entire treatment process can be controlled within a week. The effect will be very obvious after one day of taking the medicine. Only the daily data changes are very significant. It takes about three to four days to clear more than 99% of the Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. After intensive treatment in the next two days, the C13 and C14 tests of these patients were completely normal. "

"As for side effects, are there no findings?" Yun Zhihong nodded and then asked.

The old man in the white shirt shook his head: "From our current monitoring, we have not found any side effects. The only two patients with adverse reactions developed diarrhea after taking the medicine. However, these two patients had serious gastrointestinal diseases and were It cannot be shown that their diarrhea is directly related to the new drug.

We have done a lot of clinical trials of this kind of new drugs over the years, and we have very rich experience in this area and a very strict regulatory process. Therefore, if patients have any adverse reactions, we will know it as soon as possible, but judging from the current test results, we have not issued it directly. "

Yun Zhihong nodded, then looked at Wu Hao who was preaching on the stage, and said with a smile: "Super phage itself is a kind of bacteria, so compared with ordinary chemical molecular drugs, it is normal that there are no toxic side effects.

But this does not mean that it is absolutely safe. Since it is a bacterium, it may mutate and may affect or even harm the entire human system.

Especially since this is a superphage that has been artificially cultivated and modified, I am worried that its genetic structure may not be so stable and prone to mutation. Once it mutates into harmful bacteria, according to the characteristics of this super phage, the results will be really terrible. "

Yun Zhihong expressed his concerns. It was not that he was not optimistic about this new drug, but he was worried about the potential risks it caused. Especially regarding this kind of bacterial medicine, we need to be more cautious.

After hearing what Yun Zhihong said, the old man in the white shirt nodded in agreement. Indeed, bacterial drugs should be treated with caution. But after hearing the meaning of Yun Zhihong's words, it seemed like he was going to take action.

"Do you want to..."

Facing the hesitant old man in a white shirt, Yun Zhihong smiled and shook his head: "This is just my personal worry. Judging from the performance of this drug, it is still very good. If it can pass the third phase Clinical trials, as well as the new drug marketing approval process of relevant departments, so why should I intervene.

For those of us with dry digestion, the emergence of such a new drug is definitely a great blessing for our entire discipline. With it, some very difficult diseases in the past can be solved very well.

Moreover, its low or zero side effects can help humans completely remove and eliminate Helicobacter pylori in the stomach and reduce the induction of gastric diseases.

From this aspect, I am very much looking forward to this new drug. "

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