Military Technology

Chapter 1571 It’s not based on PPT imagination

"This kind of fundus chip implantation surgery is very complicated. If conventional surgery is used, it may take more than ten hours, and it is difficult to guarantee the surgical effect, and it is also a huge consumption for the patient.

If the advanced da Vinci surgical robot is used to perform a multi-person joint collaborative surgery, it will take up to seven or eight hours.

Using our self-developed miniature multi-tentacle intelligent robot to perform surgery can shorten the entire operation time to about two hours, greatly shortening the operation time.

This kind of miniature multi-tentacle intelligent bionic robot is usually composed of multiple mechanical tentacles. Each mechanical tentacle is very slender and is very suitable for such precise microsurgery. In this way, the accuracy of the operation can be ensured, the operation time can be shortened, the surgical risk is greatly reduced, the patient's surgical and postoperative pain is relieved, and the success rate of the operation is greatly improved.

After completing the fundus chip implantation surgery, the patient needs a recovery and adaptation process. This recovery period usually takes about a week.

During this one-week recovery period, we need to constantly test the operating status of the brain-computer connection device implanted under the eye. The implantation of this kind of brain-computer chip is very complicated, so there is a risk of failure of the implantation operation. Therefore, after the operation, depending on the recovery situation, a second or third operation will be performed for repair.

As we all know, each patient’s individual constitution is different, so the recovery situation is also different. Therefore, this recovery period depends on the situation and there is no uniform standard.

But normally, the recovery period for most patients is about a week. After a week, if the patient recovers well and meets relevant standards, he can now wear a smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye. "

Wu Hao introduced the entire operation process to everyone on the stage, which was also something that the guests were very interested in. In fact, this aspect can be briefly introduced through a short video. However, for most guests, including media reporters, they are most interested in the surgical treatment process, so Wu Hao chose to explain it in person and went into some depth about the treatment process. detail.

"Before wearing the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyeballs, we need to test the pair of smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes that the patient will wear. After passing the test, we will then disinfect and sterilize the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, and then Bringing it into the patient's orbit, the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye will be connected to the brain-computer chip implanted in the fundus in advance.

After the connection is successful, the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye will detect the wearer and then activate automatically. "

"Of course, for patients who are wearing them for the first time, they will not be able to regain their sight and see images immediately after wearing this pair of smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes."

Wu Hao changed his tone and said: "Because this is an electronic device after all, patients still need to get used to it.

After wearing it, most patients can immediately feel the light sensation, that is, they can feel the light. As the optic nerve and the visual cortex center of the brain responsible for vision, that is, the occipital lobe, require a process of adaptation and habituation, the patient's ability to perceive light is also constantly strengthening.

As the visual cortex center of the brain gradually adapts to the visual bioelectrical signals transmitted back through the brain-computer chip of the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye, the patient slowly begins to see only light, and then to blurry ground glass vision.

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The so-called frosted glass vision actually means that you can see the picture vaguely, but it is not clear enough. It's a bit like looking through frosted glass. You can see the general outline, but not the details.

After a period of recovery and adaptation, the patient will see more and more clearly and eventually return to the normal vision we expected.

Because each patient has a different constitution, the process of recovery and adaptation is also different. Generally speaking, the entire recovery and adaptation period takes about three months or even more than half a year.

After the patient is fully adapted to the visual images brought by this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye, the patient can return to his normal life.

Theoretically, there is no difference between them and ordinary people. In terms of appearance, there is basically no difference. From a visual point of view, this pair of smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes is not much worse than the naked eye. In some specific environments, it is even more powerful than the naked eye. "

After Wu Hao finished speaking, the relevant introductory short video began to play on the suspended large screen. The entire short video briefly introduced the relevant technology and the related experimental process.

As for Wu Hao, he took the opportunity to take a sip of water and moisten his throat. Then he stood aside and waited quietly for the short film to end.

Following a burst of applause, Wu Hao under the lights smiled and said: "Now that we have introduced it, everyone must be very curious whether we have actually made such a technology, or it is just an imagination based on theory and PPT."

Looking at the expectant expressions in the audience, Wu Hao nodded and responded: "Yes, we have made it and practiced it. We first applied this technology to some experimental animals and achieved very surprising results. Very surprising. Thanks to these experimental animals for their sacrifice, they deserve the gratitude and memory of all humans."

The reason why Wu Hao wants to mention one last thing is that he is mainly afraid of being bullied and attacked, especially by some animal protection organizations and so-called caring people. In fact, some of the modern developments of human beings in recent decades are inseparable from the efforts of these experimental animals. Although it is somewhat unbearable, we humans have no right to criticize, because these drugs developed through animal experiments benefit every human being.

After briefly brushing over these, Wu Hao continued: "After conducting relevant animal experiments, we immediately began to prepare for clinical trials. We hope to recruit some qualified patients and implant this smart phone into them for free. Bionic electronic prosthetic eye.

Of course, this process will definitely not be too rushed, and the relevant scientific research and experiment procedures must be strictly followed. Finally, after layers of screening, we selected a patient who met the relevant experimental requirements.

This is a 24-year-old young male patient. This patient suffered trauma to his entire face due to fireworks and firecrackers at the age of 17, and became blind in both eyes.

Despite timely rescue treatment, the injured face has gradually recovered through plastic surgery. But the eyes that were destroyed by the explosion were still empty, and he could only wear ordinary glass prosthetic eyes to cover up his ugly eyes.

According to our in-depth understanding, the boy's eyeballs were severely exploded and burned due to fireworks and firecrackers at that time. They had lost the value of rescue treatment. In order to save the boy's life, doctors had to remove them.

Normally, relying on traditional treatment methods, this patient has basically no chance of recovery in this life. "

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