Military Technology

Chapter 1583 Change of Heart

"Of course, because the first smart bionic artificial heart was successful, many people found us. But this little girl is special. On the one hand, she is the youngest among all our clinical trial volunteers. Fresh life may be lost at any time, and we naturally cannot bear to see it. On the other hand, all the conditions of this little girl meet our relevant experimental standards.

Therefore, after repeated discussions between the medical expert group and the scientific research and technical team, it was decided to perform an intelligent bionic artificial heart transplant for this little girl. "

"Compared to the previous middle-aged male patient, this little girl's surgery was very difficult. Because she suffered from congenital heart disease since she was a child, she underwent three surgeries. Therefore, although the little girl is 14 years old, her development is delayed and her body is Very thin.

This also resulted in a very narrow chest cavity. Coupled with several previous surgeries, the patient's left lower chest cavity was slightly deformed where the heart was located.

Therefore, this makes the operation very difficult. For this reason, we have also changed the relevant surgical methods this time and adopted our latest intelligent multi-tentacle surgical robot to perform heart transplant surgery in the future.

With the assistance of the intelligent multi-tentacle surgical robot, the entire operation went very smoothly. It took us less than three hours to complete the entire operation.

The patient's postoperative recovery was very smooth and he was able to get out of bed a week later. One month after the heart transplant, the patient's physical and physiological indicators have gradually returned to normal. The body that was originally thin due to heart disease has also undergone significant changes. The patient has not only grown two centimeters taller, but also gained five kilograms in weight.

However, because the patient was still relatively thin, she stayed in the hospital for two months. After a thorough examination, the medical expert team believed that the patient's conditions had met the discharge standards, so the little girl was discharged from the hospital and went home to rest. Judging from the latest review results, the little girl's physical recovery is still very good.

The little girl has recovered and now hopes to go back to school. The congenital heart disease she had been suffering from before, coupled with three consecutive surgeries, made this little girl's schooling intermittent. After her illness became serious at the age of twelve, she said goodbye to school directly.

Now that she has recovered, she hopes to return to school as soon as possible and make up for the homework and time she missed. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao showed a warm smile: "We were very pleased after receiving the news and felt sincerely happy for this little girl.

So we decided to give this little girl a gift. Everyone loves beauty, let alone a little girl who is in adolescence. Several previous surgeries left many long marks and scars on her body.

So we decided to provide this little girl with free medical plastic surgery to help her eliminate the scars and marks on her body caused by previous surgeries.

In this way, she can wear beautiful swimsuits like normal people and no longer have to worry about other people's strange looks. We also hope that she can grow up happily like ordinary children. Although she has a special heart, she is no different from children of the same age. She can still do what children her age can do. "

Bang bang bang bang...

Heat broke out at the scene--\u003e\u003e

Strong applause, everyone was moved by such a story. Although the little girl's facial information in the photo is very blurry, everyone can still feel the changes in the little girl before and after the surgery. As for why the identity should be concealed, it is also a kind of protection for the little girl, and she does not want her to receive strange looks from others.

After waiting for the applause to end, Wu Hao continued: "Before the press conference, we had thought about inviting these two patients to the press conference so that they could personally talk about their heart transplant process.

But in the end, I rejected it. Because I think that since the operation has been successful, there is no need for us to disturb them anymore, especially this little girl. We hope that she can grow up normally and happily like ordinary people of the same age, without needing too much attention from the outside. This is not a good thing for her.

As for the first male patient, he readily agreed to be interviewed and told about his happy journey. Here, I thank him for his support. If you are interested, you can see this patient tomorrow and see with your own eyes the intelligent bionic artificial heart beating in his body under X-rays.

As the saying goes, seeing is worth hearing a hundred times. Instead of letting him come to the press conference to talk in vain, it would be better for everyone to see the reality with their own eyes. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed the subject and said.

"The first-phase clinical trial of this smart bionic artificial heart is still ongoing, and we will continue to recruit relevant domestic and even foreign patients who meet the requirements to participate in relevant clinical trials.

We plan to complete phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials within five years and strive to have this smart bionic artificial heart approved for sale as soon as possible to help all patients in need.

We hope that with the help of this intelligent bionic artificial heart, all patients who are troubled and threatened by traditional heart disease can turn around and return to normal lives. "

“As for the technology related to this intelligent bionic artificial heart, we are still in the process of continuous research and exploration. We hope that it can be perfect enough under our polishing to be truly comparable to a real healthy heart.

At the same time, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com We also want to explore the secrets of the heart that most people don’t know about. For example, the impact of the heart on a person's personality. Many heart transplant patients have undergone great changes in personality subsequently, and there are even similarities in the personality of some of the original owners of the heart.

For example, a male patient had a female heart implanted, and his behavior and personality completely changed. He used to be sloppy, but suddenly he loves to be clean, and even has a mild mysophobia. He also becomes interested in clothing and makeup, and even behaves in a feminine way. "

"Our smart bionic artificial heart is an artificial product and will not leave any residual marks. But we are not sure whether the patient's personality and behavior will change after implanting such a smart bionic artificial heart. There are some changes that we cannot predict at this time.

Therefore, we still need to conduct long-term monitoring of patients who have completed intelligent bionic artificial heart implantation to verify changes in this area.

In addition, we will continue to conduct research on materials and strive to develop better materials, thereby extending the service life of the intelligent bionic artificial heart and truly eliminating the need for replacement throughout life. "

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