Military Technology

Chapter 1587 Late Night Snack

Chapter 1588 Late Night Snack


After some concluding remarks, the press conference came to an end. The scene immediately burst into warm applause, and both the guests and reporters stood up and applauded.

Tonight's show was indeed wonderful, and it may go down as one of the greatest shows of the year or even this century. Because at this press conference, Wu Hao announced a series of new technology products in the field of human life and health. These new technology products will undoubtedly save countless lives and help countless people return to normal lives. The significance it brings is unmatched by any other press conference.

Wu Hao waved to everyone in the audience, and then walked off the stage amidst everyone's applause.

Returning to the backstage, Wu Hao couldn't help but wipe the towel after receiving it from Lin Wei. Hosting such a huge press conference alone will undoubtedly consume a huge amount of physical and energy for the host.

"Drink some water and take a rest." Lin Wei handed over the water.

Wu Hao took the water and took a sip, then waved his hand and said: "Let's take off your makeup first. There is so much powder on your face, it makes it uncomfortable. I really don't know how you girls spend your summer."

"Haha, so you don't understand girls. We girls can endure anything for the sake of beauty." Lin Wei said with a smile.

Wu Hao shook his head immediately when he saw this, and then motioned to the makeup artist to start removing his makeup. In order to prevent sweat from staining the makeup, makeup artists use a lot of waterproof cosmetics, so it is quite troublesome to remove makeup.

After taking off his makeup and freshening up, Wu Hao walked out refreshed, sat down again, picked up water and continued to drink. After talking so much, my voice was already a little hoarse.

"Drink slowly!" As she said this, Lin Wei patted his back with a distressed look on her face.

Wu Hao drank up a bottle of water and then breathed a sigh of relief: "It's great!"

At this time, Shen Ning walked in from the outside, then stepped forward and reported to Wu Haohui: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang asked me to ask you, there are some experts in the medical field and representatives from pharmaceutical companies who want to meet with you. You, ask if you have time?"

Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei and then shook his head: "Tell Mr. Zhang and let him handle it all. As for us, we are tired today and want to go home early to rest."

Shen Ning glanced at Lin Wei and then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll notify Mr. Zhang right away."

"Yes." Wu Hao nodded and softened his tone: "Tell Zhang Jun that now is not the time to meet them, and you want him to come forward to contact them. In the future, when he matures, he will meet those from the pharmaceutical company.

As for these experts in the medical field, it is too late now. You can arrange for them to go back to the hotel to rest. If they are interested, a seminar on the new technology products at today's launch can be organized tomorrow and they are welcome to attend. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Shen Ning nodded.

"Well, go ahead. You should rest early when you're done. You've worked hard these past few days." Wu Hao asked and then expressed concern. In order to prepare for the press conference, Shen Ning has been running around for the past few days, which has been really hard.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, I'll go and get busy." Shen Ning smiled sweetly and quickly stepped back.

Lin Wei looked at Shen Ning's immediate back, then glanced at Wu Hao and teased: "I don't see that you are considerate enough to your subordinates."

"Why, you're so jealous." Wu Hao reached out and patted Lin Wei's head.

"I hate it, my hair is messed up." Lin Wei rolled her eyes at Wu Hao in shame, then stood up and said, "Let's go home."

Wu Hao stood up and said, "Let's go, but don't go home yet. Let's go have some midnight snacks. I'm a little hungry."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei showed a gentle smile on her face and said, "Okay, where can we eat."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at Lin Wei and said, "Is there anything you want to eat?"

Lin Wei tilted her head and thought for a while, then said to Wu Hao: "In this weather, there is nothing more suitable than barbecue. And today's press conference was a success, we should celebrate and have some drinks!"

"Okay, drink some!" Wu Hao then walked out with Lin Wei in his arms.

The two took a bus to the famous food pedestrian street in Anxi. Although it was already ten o'clock in the evening, the pedestrian street was still brightly lit and people were coming and going, making it very lively.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei wore baseball caps and walked on the pedestrian street, enjoying this rare leisure time. And around them, they were vaguely surrounded by security personnel wearing black T-shirts. Although it is not that tight, it is always clustered around the middle. And these people watched everyone who passed by Wu Hao and Lin Wei vigilantly. If there was a situation, they would take action immediately.

Even when they encounter some suspicious people, these security team members will actively gather around Wu Hao to separate Wu Hao and Lin Wei from the suspicious people.

"This barbecue restaurant is good, let's just call it this one." Wu Hao pointed to a small bamboo stick barbecue food stall next to him.

Lin Wei glanced at the busy diners inside the food stall, then nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, this is the one. I haven't eaten at a food stall for a long time."

Immediately, Wu Hao and Lin Wei walked in, found a seat and sat down. Immediately, a waiter came over to clean up the mess on their table. Lin Wei was a little bit obsessed with germs. She took out a wet wipe from her bag and kept wiping the oil stains on the table that had not been wiped clean.

At this time, a young man came over with a menu and pen and paper and asked them what they wanted to eat. Wu Hao looked at it, and then said to Lin Wei: "The yellow beef here is good, let's order some."

"Listen to you!" Lin Wei maintained.

Wu Hao nodded, then pointed to the menu and said: "A handful of beef, a handful of ribs, and a handful of bones and bones. Give me a plate of edamame peanuts and a plate of roasted leeks."

At this point, Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei and said, "Would you like chicken wings?"

Lin Wei shook her head: "That's enough, no more."

Wu Hao nodded and then said to the young man: "That's all. Give me two bottles of beer. Don't let it be too cold."

"Okay, let's talk to the boss of Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. Would you like to order some beef whip, beef kidneys and roasted eggs, please!" The young man asked with a smile at him.

Wu Hao glanced at Lin Wei, then shook his head and said, "No, I don't need these yet."

Lin Wei, on the other hand, burst out laughing, her face instantly turning rosy.

"Don't you need it?" The young man glanced at Lin Wei, then looked at Wu Hao with an incomprehensible look and left.

As for Lin Wei, she was already smiling like a child, leaning forward and back. Wu Hao showed a helpless expression and said, "Is it that funny?"

Lin Wei nodded, then walked up to Wu Hao, smiled at him and joked: "You are sure you don't want to order some. I think your performance has not been very good recently."

"Ha!" Wu Hao instantly felt a flame in his body and went straight to his forehead. Then he looked at Lin Wei with an aggressive look and said in feint anger: "Whether you performed well or not, you will know when you get home."

"Let's make up for it." Lin Wei smiled at him.

It's against you. Faced with such a provocation, how could Wu Hao endure it? Then he waved to the young man serving at the next table: "Give me two big kidneys and some beef..."

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