Military Technology

Chapter 1612 Brain-Computer Interaction Data Conversion System

Chapter 1613 Brain-Computer Interaction Data Conversion System

After continuing the discussion, an expert took the opportunity to ask Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, when will the second phase clinical trial of your smart bionic artificial heart be carried out? Can you set up a clinical trial site in our hospital? "

After hearing what this expert said, other experts also mentioned it one after another. No matter which hospital you are in, you don’t want to miss such a grand event. So when they saw someone mention it, they naturally refused to lag behind.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, and looking at everyone with expectant eyes, Wu Hao replied: "Currently, our Phase I clinical trial is still going on, and we really can't say when it will end.

Because everyone knows that we need to evaluate all patients in clinical trials to know whether this intelligent bionic artificial heart meets our relevant requirements, how it performs in all aspects, what disadvantages and defects it has, etc.

Only when these issues are clarified and resolved can we continue to conduct larger-scale phase II clinical trials.

But no one knows for sure when it comes to testing, so we can’t give you an exact time.

Of course, if the first-phase clinical trial goes well and this smart bionic artificial heart performs well, the second-phase clinical trial will be carried out soon, and it should be able to catch up in the first half of next year. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, these experts couldn't help but become excited. When Wu Hao saw this, he added: "The premise is that everything goes well and this smart bionic artificial heart performs well in all aspects. If there is any problem, then it can only be postponed, and the time is uncertain. ”

After everyone heard his words, they nodded immediately. Wu Hao is right. Whether it is a new drug or a new medical device, clinical trials cannot be smooth sailing and are always accompanied by various problems. Some experiments may go unnoticed, so everyone is aware of the risks in this regard.

But everyone is very optimistic about this smart bionic artificial heart. On the one hand, they certainly believe in the technical strength of Haoyu Technology. On the other hand, based on what they have seen and heard in the past two days and their professional knowledge, they think this smart The bionic artificial heart is already very good, so there won’t be any major problems.

It is precisely because of this that they are so actively seeking to join clinical trials. It is definitely too late for the first phase of clinical trials, so everyone is putting their hope in the second phase.

Looking at the eager eyes of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, we are also worried that there are not many clinical trial hospitals. With everyone's participation, I believe we will be able to work together to promote the implementation of this technology as soon as possible. , thereby benefiting more patients and saving more patients’ lives.”

Chenglao appreciated Wu Hao's words very much. He smiled at Wu Hao and everyone and said: "Don't worry, after all, these are the technological achievements developed by our country. We will definitely do our best to support you. Yes. It is not easy to achieve such a leading technological achievement, and we will certainly not stand idly by.

In addition, it is our responsibility as doctors to practice medicine and treat diseases. But in the face of many diseases, there is nothing we can do. Especially those patients with heart disease, and they come too suddenly. One moment they are fine, talking and laughing with you, but when you turn around, they are no longer good. No matter how hard you try, it won't help.

Since becoming a doctor, we have seen too many such things. From the pain and discomfort at the beginning, to the gradual numbness later. It’s not that we are cold-blooded, it’s just that there is nothing we can do about it.

Now that we have this technology, it adds confidence and insurance to our entire extracardiac discipline. It allows us to boldly go ahead and do it, and we no longer have to worry about the patient being unable to get off the operating bed due to surgery. There is no need to worry anymore, the patient died because he could not be rescued. Not to mention the miserable sight of patients lying dying on the hospital bed waiting for a heart transplant.

So no matter what the purpose or the reason, we will do our best to help you. "

After Cheng Lao finished speaking, the other experts all nodded in agreement.

Thank you, thank you all. Wu Hao thanked everyone, and then made a solemn promise: "I also promise everyone that we will fully promote the follow-up clinical trials and research work of this intelligent bionic artificial heart, and strive to make it available on the market as soon as possible, so as to save more patients. life.

At the same time, we also want to assure everyone that we will work hard to optimize the production and manufacturing process of the entire product. On the premise of ensuring product quality, we will compress the production and manufacturing costs as much as possible, and control the price of this smart bionic artificial heart to a A more reasonable range. Only in this way can more people afford it and more people benefit. "

Well, I am very happy to have you say this. All our hard work is worth it. Cheng Lao said with a face filled with joy.

Okay, okay, how long do you want to sensationalize this? Academician Yun Zhihong couldn't stand it, so he joked, and then said eagerly to Wu Hao: "Xiao Wu, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye you have developed. , we have many questions waiting to ask you in this regard."

Seeing Academician Yun Zhihong's eager eyes, Wu Hao immediately nodded and responded: "Don't be anxious, let's talk slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Academician Yun Zhihong was very satisfied with Wu Hao's attitude. He smiled and asked Wu Hao: "Today we met Luo Xiangxiang himself and watched him take off and wear your electronic eyeball at close range. It was really impressive. We were all amazed.

What we don’t quite understand is how you transmit the digital images captured by this electronic prosthetic eye to the brain and the visual center. "

Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Actually, it still relies on the brain-computer interaction chip implanted in the fundus of the eye. It is said to be a chip, but in fact it is the physical interface of a brain-computer interaction system. The real thing responsible for the processing and conversion of image information is still in the eyeball. .

We have implanted a very complex brain-computer interaction data conversion system in this eyeball, and then transmitted it to the brain through a brain-computer interaction chip implanted in the fundus of the eye.

The main function of this very complex brain-computer interaction data conversion system is to convert the digital images captured by the front digital camera into visual signals, which are the relevant visual biological point signals transmitted from the retina of our eyes to the optic nerve.

As a result, the image is transmitted to the visual center of the brain through the brain-computer interaction chip implanted in the fundus of the eye, allowing the image to be seen. "

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