Military Technology

Chapter 1614 Don’t turn good things into bad things

Chapter 1615 Don’t turn good things into bad things

Yes, yes, can these technologies be used in our hospitals? This will make it easier for us to consult and discuss the condition in the future. A surgical expert present said excitedly to Wu Hao.

People are like this. When they see something good, they always wish they could have it. So after seeing these technologies, everyone couldn't help but think of how great it would be to have such a conference room in their own hospital or medical school.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this: "Of course, we are very mature in these technologies. If you are interested, you can come down and have a detailed discussion with our people.

In addition to these technical products, we also have other technical achievements that are very suitable for use in the medical field. Later, I can arrange for dedicated people to give demonstrations and explanations. If you are interested, you can go and take a look. "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed.

How could Wu Hao hide this idea from them? He just took the opportunity to advertise to them and do some publicity. But no one is disgusted, because these technical products are indeed very good, and everyone here is more or less excited. Therefore, they did not object to Wu Hao's proposal. Just take a look, maybe there are technical products that they want and are suitable for.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wu Hao stretched out his hand, and then took a look at the first set of MRI images displayed on the window glass, and then gently waved his hand. The digital 3D brain displayed on the glass screen The imaging model actually began to rotate slowly.

Under the control of Wu Hao's gestures, multiple cross-sections from multiple angles were displayed. With the addition of brain wave information, everyone can clearly see the details of the brain.

And then Wu Hao opened his hands, passed all the group inspection data screens with his hands, clapped his hands, and then broke away again!

I saw that all the inspection data screens displayed on the glass and the surrounding walls were all synchronized with Wu Hao's operation just now.


The scene couldn't help but recall a burst of exclamations. These experts could no longer sit still. They stood up one by one and began to look around.

Looking at the experts who were watching the digital 3D imaging model information in twos and threes, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Through continuous inspection and follow-up monitoring, Luo Xiangxiang's brain did not find any problems before and after the operation. The imaging information and EEG There is no abnormal display in the picture, and Luo Xiangxiang himself has no relevant adverse reactions.

From this we can conclude that so far, we have not found any impact or harm on the patient’s human health and brain caused by this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye. In other words, this technology is currently safe. . "

After saying this, Wu Hao immediately snapped his fingers and said: "End display."

OK sir!

Following this female voice, the images on the surrounding walls and window glass began to disappear, the window glass became transparent again, and the conference room became bright again.

When the experts saw this, they all smiled and sat down again.

Academician Yun Zhihong nodded with a satisfied look: "In this way, this technology is really worthy of large-scale promotion. As we all know, the number of people with myopia in our country is gradually increasing. According to statistics, more than half of the people in the country are now suffering from myopia. Myopia problem.

The number of blind people caused by myopia is gradually increasing, except for some patients who can return to normal after receiving timely and appropriate treatment. Even if most patients receive timely and appropriate treatment, they can only recover part of their strength, and the eye damage caused by the disease is usually irreversible.

Among these irreversible patients, a considerable number of patients eventually become blind. For these patients, conventional surgery is no longer possible. Then there is only one result waiting for them, eternal blindness. Unless ophthalmic technology develops rapidly in the future, there will be cures for these diseases.

However, judging from the current development of ophthalmic medical technology, it may take a long time to realize this ideal.

The successful development of your smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye will undoubtedly give these patients new hope. Blind patients are the most miserable of all disabled patients. Their lives are very inconvenient because they cannot see.

So your smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye technology is undoubtedly their savior. From this aspect, you, Xiao Wu, have made great contributions. "

You're flattered, this is what we should do. And it’s a win-win situation for us, and we benefit a lot from it. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

No matter what, you and your company will be a benefactor in the hearts of all blind patients. Academician Yun Zhihong shook his head and said something, and then said seriously to Wu Haoyu: "I am worried about one thing now. Logically speaking, your development of this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye is a big deal for these blind patients. Good thing, they will definitely be grateful to you.

However, if your smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is too expensive, not all blind patients will be able to afford this part of the cost.

The economic income of the blind group is generally not high, and they do not have much ability to afford a high cost of surgical treatment. So for these people, there is such an opportunity, but they cannot get it, which will be the greatest torture to them.

And these people, because they don't get such opportunities, will change their minds, and may even have some extreme thoughts and hold grudges, blaming all the reasons for this on the hospital, society, and you. As the developer and manufacturer of this product, you will also be their primary target for venting. "

This is the so-called promotion of rice and enmity, and fighting against rice and hatred. Wu Hao joked with a smile. They have thought about this situation for a long time, and they will definitely encounter many in the future. But it is impossible for them to give up their ideals and ambitions because of the complaints and grudges of these people. As for what these people think, Wu Hao doesn't care at all.

Therefore, you must be cautious about this price. I know that your investment in developing such an artificial eye must be astronomical, but you should also consider the actual situation and not set the price too high. Academician Yun Zhihong persuaded Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this: "Don't worry about this, we are not the kind of cold-blooded capitalists who blindly pursue profits and eat human blood steamed buns.

Regarding the price, we will definitely consider it carefully. "

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